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Design of OpenMP-based statically scheduled Barrier-free Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.


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Design of OpenMP-based statically scheduled Barrier-free Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.

Unordered PageRank is the standard approach of PageRank computation (as described in the original paper by Larry Page et al. (1)), where two different rank vectors are maintained; one representing the current ranks of vertices, and the other representing the previous ranks. On the other hand, ordered PageRank uses a single rank vector, representing the current ranks of vertices (2). This is similar to barrierless non-blocking implementations of the PageRank algorithm by Hemalatha Eedi et al. (3). As ranks are updated in the same vector (with each iteration), the order in which vertices are processed affects the final result (hence the adjective ordered). However, as PageRank is an iteratively converging algorithm, results obtained with either approach are mostly the same. Barrier-free PageRank is an ordered PageRank where each thread processes a subset of vertices in the graph independently, without waiting (with a barrier) for other threads to complete an iteration. This minimizes unnecessary waits and allows each thread to be on a different iteration number (which may or may not be beneficial for convergence) (3). Monolithic PageRank is the standard PageRank computation where vertices are grouped by strongly connected components (SCCs). This improves locality of memory accesses and thus improves performance (4). Levelwise PageRank is a decomposed form of PageRank computation, where each SCC is processed by topological order in the block-graph (all components in a level are processed together until convergence, after which we proceed to the next level). This decomposition allows for distributed computation without per-iteration communication. However, it does not work on a graph which includes dead ends (vertices with no outgoing edges, also called dangling nodes) (5).

Dynamic graphs, which change with time, have many applications. Computing ranks of vertices from scratch on every update (static PageRank) may not be good enough for an interactive system. In such cases, we only want to process ranks of vertices which are likely to have changed. To handle any new vertices added/removed, we first adjust the previous ranks (before the graph update/batch) with a scaled 1/N-fill approach (5). Then, with naive dynamic approach we simply run the PageRank algorithm with the initial ranks set to the adjusted ranks. Alternatively, with the (fully) dynamic approach we first obtain a subset of vertices in the graph which are likely to be affected by the update (using BFS/DFS from changed vertices), and then perform PageRank computation on only this subset of vertices.

Comparing with Monolithic approach

In this experiment (approach-monolithic), we compare the performance of static, naive dynamic, and (fully) barrier-free iterations in dynamic OpenMP-based ordered PageRank (along with similar unordered/ordered OpenMP-based approaches). We take temporal graphs as input, and add edges to our in-memory graph in batches of size 10^2 to 10^6. However we do not perform this on every point on the temporal graph, but only on 5 time samples of the graph (5 samples are good enough to obtain an average). At each time sample we load B edges (where B is the batch size), and perform static, naive dynamic, and dynamic PageRank. At each time sample, each approach is performed 5 times to obtain an average time for that sample. We perform two different approaches of barrier-free iterations of OpenMP-based ordered PageRank; one in which each thread detects convergence by measuring the difference between the previous and the current ranks of all the vertices (full), and the other in which the difference is measured between the previous and current ranks of only the subset of vertices being processed by each thread (part). A schedule of dynamic, 2048 is used for OpenMP-based PageRank as obtained in (6). We use the follwing PageRank parameters: damping factor α = 0.85, tolerance τ = 10^-6, and limit the maximum number of iterations to L = 500. The error between the current and the previous iteration is obtained with L∞-norm, and is used to detect convergence. Dead ends in the graph are handled by adding self-loops to all vertices in the graph (loopall approach (7)). Error in ranks obtained for each approach is measured relative to the sequential static approach using L1-norm.

From the results we observe the following. Monolithic approaches are faster than default approaches. With the default approach, dynamic and naive dynamic approaches have similar performance. However, with the monolithic approach, dynamic approach is definitely faster than naive dynamic. Monolithic OpenMP-based unordered dynamic PageRank is the fastest among all the other approaches in terms of time. Monolithic barrier-free dynamic PageRank with partial error measurement is the fastest among all the other approaches in terms of iterations.

Comparing with Levelwise approach

In this experiment (approach-levelwise), we compare the performance of static, naive dynamic, and (fully) barrier-free iterations in dynamic OpenMP-based ordered PageRank (along with similar unordered/ordered OpenMP-based approaches). We take temporal graphs as input, and add edges to our in-memory graph in batches of size 10^2 to 10^6. However we do not perform this on every point on the temporal graph, but only on 5 time samples of the graph (5 samples are good enough to obtain an average). At each time sample we load B edges (where B is the batch size), and perform static, naive dynamic, and dynamic PageRank. At each time sample, each approach is performed 5 times to obtain an average time for that sample. We perform two different approaches of barrier-free iterations of OpenMP-based ordered PageRank; one in which each thread detects convergence by measuring the difference between the previous and the current ranks of all the vertices (full), and the other in which the difference is measured between the previous and current ranks of only the subset of vertices being processed by each thread (part). We also compare the default, monolithic, and levelwise approaches. A schedule of dynamic, 2048 is used for OpenMP-based PageRank as obtained in (1). We use the follwing PageRank parameters: damping factor α = 0.85, tolerance τ = 10^-6, and limit the maximum number of iterations to L = 500. The error between the current and the previous iteration is obtained with L∞-norm, and is used to detect convergence. Dead ends in the graph are handled by adding self-loops to all vertices in the graph (loopall approach (2)). Error in ranks obtained for each approach is measured relative to the sequential static approach using L1-norm.

From the results, we make the following observations. Dynamic and naive dynamic PageRank have similar performance, except for barrier-free approaches (full/partial error measurement). Dynamic/naive dynamic levelwise approaches are usually the fastest. Levelwise barrier-free approach with partial error measurement is the fastest among naive dynamic approaches. OpenMP-based unordered monolithic/levelwise approaches are the fastest among dynamic approaches (time). With respect to the number of iterations, levelwise dynamic approches are usually the fastest, expect for barrier-free partial approach where naive dynamic is faster. Among naive dynamic approaches, barrier-free partial approach is the fastest (iterations). Among dynamic approaches, OpenMP-based ordered levelwise approach is the fastest (iterations). Error is usually the highest for dynamic monolithic/levelwise approaches, except for barrier-free partial approach. Among naive dynamic approaches, barrier-free partial levelwise approach has the highest error. Among dynamic approaches, barrier-free partial monolithic/levelwise approaches have the highest error. When performing PageRank computation in a distributed setting, we expect levelwise based approaches to provide a good advantage, thanks to its reduced communication requirement.




Design of OpenMP-based statically scheduled Barrier-free Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.






