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Webform Validate

A validation library for web form input.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Links
  5. Patches
  6. License


This library attempts to comply with the standards and MDN documentation for HTML and HTML5 web form input. It leverages other standards-compliant libraries to perform email and url validation. It includes a comprehensive test suite.

The intended use case is for server-side validation of untrusted input strings. Right now, the validation is merely of syntax - the library does not provide validation for things like email deliverability, and so forth. Eventually, this sort of thing may be added.


Webform Validate is available on Ultralisp and is easy to install using Quicklisp.

Add the Ultralisp repository:

CL-USER> (ql-dist:install-dist "")

Install Webform Validate:

CL-USER> (ql:quickload :webform-validate)


The library provides a suite of functions, each of which corresponds to a type of HTML input:

Or HTML5 input:

These functions always accept at least one input string parameter, and may include keyword parameters relevant to the type of input.

When a function fails to validate the input string, it will return at least one nil.

When a function successfully validates the input string, it will return the input string and, depending on the type of input, additional parsed values that may be convenient for the calling code. For example, the html-date function will return the year, month, and day as strings.




html-checkbox str &key required => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML checkbox input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid and return nil.


Function HTML-DATE


html-date str &key required min max => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

min---a string designator

max---a string designator

result---str year month day or nil nil nil nil


Validates an HTML date input value STR. When STR is a valid date, returns STR and the components of the date: year, month, day. Otherwise returns nil, nil, nil, nil.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN or MAX are specified, will reject any date STR that, chronologically, is not at least MIN or at most MAX.


Function HTML-FILE


html-file str &key required accept multiple => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

accept---a string designator

multiple---a boolean

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML file input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid and return nil.

For now, ignores the ACCEPT and MULTIPLE parameters.




html-hidden str => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML hidden input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.




html-password str &key required pattern-matcher min-length max-length => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

pattern-matcher---a predicate of one string argument

min-length---an integer

max-length---an integer

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML password input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid and return nil.

When MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH are specified, will reject any STR with a length that is not at least MIN-LENGTH and at most MAX-LENGTH. When REQUIRED is not specified, will not test MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH against an empty string STR.

A PATTERN-MATCHER is a predicate of one string argument that will be matched against STR during validation; when its result is nil, STR is rejected as invalid and nil is returned. When REQUIRED is not specified, will treat an empty STR as a successful match.




html-radio str &key required => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML ratio input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid and return nil.


Function HTML-TEXT


html-text str &key required pattern-matcher min-length max-length => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

pattern-matcher---a predicate of one string argument

min-length---an integer

max-length---an integer

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML text input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid and return nil.

When MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH are specified, will reject any STR with a length that is not at least MIN-LENGTH and at most MAX-LENGTH. When REQUIRED is not specified, will not test MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH against an empty string STR.

A PATTERN-MATCHER is a predicate of one string argument that will be matched against STR during validation; when its result is nil, STR is rejected as invalid and nil is returned. When REQUIRED is not specified, will treat an empty STR as a successful match.


Function HTML5-EMAIL


html5-email str &key required pattern-matcher min-length max-length multiple => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

pattern-matcher---a predicate of one string argument

min-length---an integer

max-length---an integer

multiple---a boolean

result---str local-part domain or (str local-part domain)* or nil


Validates an HTML5 email input value STR. When STR is a valid email address will return STR as well as the local-part and domain. Otherwise returns nil, nil, nil.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH are specified, will reject any STR with a length that is not at least MIN-LENGTH and at most MAX-LENGTH. When REQUIRED is not specified, will not test MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH against an empty string STR.

A PATTERN-MATCHER is a predicate of one string argument that will be matched against STR during validation; when its result is nil, STR is rejected as invalid. When REQUIRED is not specified, will treat an empty STR as a successful match.

When MULTIPLE is t, expects STR to be a comma-separated list of email addresses. Will validate each, sequentially, and return a list of lists. Each list within the list is either nil when an email address fails validation, or contains the email address, its local part, and its domain. Validation of each email address is subject to the other specified parameters. When MULTIPLE is either nil or not specified, any STR containing multiple email addresses will not pass validation.




html5-search str &key required pattern-matcher min-length max-length => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

pattern-matcher---a predicate of one string argument

min-length---an integer

max-length---an integer

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML5 search input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid and return nil.

When MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH are specified, will reject any STR with a length that is not at least MIN-LENGTH and at most MAX-LENGTH. When REQUIRED is not specified, will not test MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH against an empty string STR.

A PATTERN-MATCHER is a predicate of one string argument that will be matched against STR during validation; when its result is nil, STR is rejected as invalid and nil is returned. When REQUIRED is not specified, will treat an empty STR as a successful match.


Function HTML5-TEL


html5-tel str &key required pattern-matcher min-length max-length => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

pattern-matcher---a predicate of one string argument

min-length---an integer

max-length---an integer

result---str or nil


Validates an HTML5 tel input value STR. Returns either STR or nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid and return nil.

When MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH are specified, will reject any STR with a length that is not at least MIN-LENGTH and at most MAX-LENGTH. When REQUIRED is not specified, will not test MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH against an empty string STR.

A PATTERN-MATCHER is a predicate of one string argument that will be matched against STR during validation; when its result is nil, STR is rejected as invalid and nil is returned. When REQUIRED is not specified, will treat an empty STR as a successful match.


Function HTML5-URL


html5-url str &key required pattern-matcher min-length max-length => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

pattern-matcher---a predicate of one string argument

min-length---an integer

max-length---an integer

result---str scheme userinfo host port path query fragment or nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil


Validates an HTML5 url input value STR. When STR is a valid url, returns STR, as well as its scheme, userinfo, host, port, path, query, and fragment. Otherwise returns nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH are specified, will reject any STR with a length that is not at least MIN-LENGTH and at most MAX-LENGTH. When REQUIRED is not specified, will not test MIN-LENGTH or MAX-LENGTH against an empty string STR.

A PATTERN-MATCHER is a predicate of one string argument that will be matched against STR during validation; when its result is nil, STR is rejected as invalid. When REQUIRED is not specified, will treat an empty STR as a successful match.




html5-number str &key required min max => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

min---an integer or a float

max---an integer or a float

result---str str-numerical-value or nil nil


Validates an HTML5 number input value STR. Returns either STR and its numerical value or nil nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN or MAX are specified, will reject any STR with a numerical value that is not at least MIN and at most MAX.


Function HTML5-RANGE


html5-range str &key min max => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

min---an integer or a float

max---an integer or a float

result---str str-numerical-value or nil nil


Validates an HTML5 range input value STR. Returns either STR and its numerical value or nil nil depending on whether STR is valid.

When MIN or MAX are specified, will reject any STR with a numerical value that is not at least MIN and at most MAX.




html5-datetime-local str &key required min max => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

min---a string

max---a string

result---str year month day hour minute seconds or nil nil nil nil nil nil nil


Validates an HTML5 datetime-local input value STR. Returns either STR, year, month, day, hour, minute, (optionally) seconds or nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN or MAX are specified, will reject any STR with a datetime-local value that, chronologically, is not at least MIN and at most MAX.


Function HTML5-MONTH


html5-month str &key required min max => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

min---a string

max---a string

result---str year month or nil nil nil


Validates an HTML5 month input value STR. Returns either STR, year, month or nil, nil, nil.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN or MAX are specified, will reject any STR with a month value that, chronologically, is not at least MIN and at most MAX.


Function HTML5-WEEK


html5-week str &key required min max => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

min---a string

max---a string

result---str year week or nil nil nil


Validates an HTML5 week input value STR. Returns either STR, year, week or nil, nil, nil.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN or MAX are specified, will reject any STR with a week value that, chronologically, is not at least MIN and at most MAX.


Function HTML5-TIME


html5-time str &key required min max => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

required---a boolean

min---a string

max---a string

result---str hour minute (optional) seconds or nil nil nil nil


Validates an HTML5 time input value STR. Returns either STR, hours, minutes, (optional) seconds or nil, nil, nil, nil.

When REQUIRED is specified, will reject an empty STR as invalid.

When MIN or MAX are specified, will reject any STR with a time value that, chronologically, is not at least MIN and at most MAX.


Function HTML5-COLOR


html5-color str => result

Arguments and Values:

str---a string designator

result---str hex red green blue or nil nil nil nil nil


Validates an HTML5 color input value STR. Returns either STR, STR's hexadecimal value without the leading '#', red value, green value, blue value or nil, nil, nil, nil, nil.



Patches are welcome.


Webform Validate is licensed under the two-clause BSD license.