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Move testdir to legacypath plugin
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bluetech committed Oct 28, 2021
1 parent c2ece58 commit 1df28a4
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Showing 7 changed files with 284 additions and 260 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions doc/en/
Expand Up @@ -446,3 +446,7 @@ def patched_is_final(self, decorators: List[ast.expr]) -> bool:

sphinx.pycode.parser.VariableCommentPicker.is_final = patched_is_final

# monkey-patches pytest.Testdir in. Import the file so
# that autodoc can discover references to it.
import _pytest.legacypath # noqa: F401
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions src/_pytest/
@@ -1 +1,254 @@
"""Add backward compatibility support for the legacy py path type."""
import subprocess
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Union

from iniconfig import SectionWrapper

import pytest
from _pytest.compat import final
from _pytest.compat import LEGACY_PATH
from _pytest.compat import legacy_path
from _pytest.deprecated import check_ispytest

from typing_extensions import Final

import pexpect

class Testdir:
Similar to :class:`Pytester`, but this class works with legacy legacy_path objects instead.
All methods just forward to an internal :class:`Pytester` instance, converting results
to `legacy_path` objects as necessary.

__test__ = False

CLOSE_STDIN: "Final" = pytest.Pytester.CLOSE_STDIN
TimeoutExpired: "Final" = pytest.Pytester.TimeoutExpired

def __init__(self, pytester: pytest.Pytester, *, _ispytest: bool = False) -> None:
self._pytester = pytester

def tmpdir(self) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""Temporary directory where tests are executed."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.path)

def test_tmproot(self) -> LEGACY_PATH:
return legacy_path(self._pytester._test_tmproot)

def request(self):
return self._pytester._request

def plugins(self):
return self._pytester.plugins

def plugins(self, plugins):
self._pytester.plugins = plugins

def monkeypatch(self) -> pytest.MonkeyPatch:
return self._pytester._monkeypatch

def make_hook_recorder(self, pluginmanager) -> pytest.HookRecorder:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.make_hook_recorder`."""
return self._pytester.make_hook_recorder(pluginmanager)

def chdir(self) -> None:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.chdir`."""
return self._pytester.chdir()

def finalize(self) -> None:
"""See :meth:`Pytester._finalize`."""
return self._pytester._finalize()

def makefile(self, ext, *args, **kwargs) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.makefile`."""
if ext and not ext.startswith("."):
# pytester.makefile is going to throw a ValueError in a way that
# testdir.makefile did not, because
# pathlib.Path is stricter suffixes than py.path
# This ext arguments is likely user error, but since testdir has
# allowed this, we will prepend "." as a workaround to avoid breaking
# testdir usage that worked before
ext = "." + ext
return legacy_path(self._pytester.makefile(ext, *args, **kwargs))

def makeconftest(self, source) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.makeconftest`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.makeconftest(source))

def makeini(self, source) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.makeini`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.makeini(source))

def getinicfg(self, source: str) -> SectionWrapper:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.getinicfg`."""
return self._pytester.getinicfg(source)

def makepyprojecttoml(self, source) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.makepyprojecttoml`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.makepyprojecttoml(source))

def makepyfile(self, *args, **kwargs) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.makepyfile`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.makepyfile(*args, **kwargs))

def maketxtfile(self, *args, **kwargs) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.maketxtfile`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.maketxtfile(*args, **kwargs))

def syspathinsert(self, path=None) -> None:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.syspathinsert`."""
return self._pytester.syspathinsert(path)

def mkdir(self, name) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.mkdir`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.mkdir(name))

def mkpydir(self, name) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.mkpydir`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.mkpydir(name))

def copy_example(self, name=None) -> LEGACY_PATH:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.copy_example`."""
return legacy_path(self._pytester.copy_example(name))

def getnode(
self, config: pytest.Config, arg
) -> Optional[Union[pytest.Item, pytest.Collector]]:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.getnode`."""
return self._pytester.getnode(config, arg)

def getpathnode(self, path):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.getpathnode`."""
return self._pytester.getpathnode(path)

def genitems(
self, colitems: List[Union[pytest.Item, pytest.Collector]]
) -> List[pytest.Item]:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.genitems`."""
return self._pytester.genitems(colitems)

def runitem(self, source):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.runitem`."""
return self._pytester.runitem(source)

def inline_runsource(self, source, *cmdlineargs):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.inline_runsource`."""
return self._pytester.inline_runsource(source, *cmdlineargs)

def inline_genitems(self, *args):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.inline_genitems`."""
return self._pytester.inline_genitems(*args)

def inline_run(self, *args, plugins=(), no_reraise_ctrlc: bool = False):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.inline_run`."""
return self._pytester.inline_run(
*args, plugins=plugins, no_reraise_ctrlc=no_reraise_ctrlc

def runpytest_inprocess(self, *args, **kwargs) -> pytest.RunResult:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.runpytest_inprocess`."""
return self._pytester.runpytest_inprocess(*args, **kwargs)

def runpytest(self, *args, **kwargs) -> pytest.RunResult:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.runpytest`."""
return self._pytester.runpytest(*args, **kwargs)

def parseconfig(self, *args) -> pytest.Config:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.parseconfig`."""
return self._pytester.parseconfig(*args)

def parseconfigure(self, *args) -> pytest.Config:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.parseconfigure`."""
return self._pytester.parseconfigure(*args)

def getitem(self, source, funcname="test_func"):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.getitem`."""
return self._pytester.getitem(source, funcname)

def getitems(self, source):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.getitems`."""
return self._pytester.getitems(source)

def getmodulecol(self, source, configargs=(), withinit=False):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.getmodulecol`."""
return self._pytester.getmodulecol(
source, configargs=configargs, withinit=withinit

def collect_by_name(
self, modcol: pytest.Collector, name: str
) -> Optional[Union[pytest.Item, pytest.Collector]]:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.collect_by_name`."""
return self._pytester.collect_by_name(modcol, name)

def popen(
"""See :meth:`Pytester.popen`."""
return self._pytester.popen(cmdargs, stdout, stderr, stdin, **kw)

def run(self, *cmdargs, timeout=None, stdin=CLOSE_STDIN) -> pytest.RunResult:
"""See :meth:``."""
return*cmdargs, timeout=timeout, stdin=stdin)

def runpython(self, script) -> pytest.RunResult:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.runpython`."""
return self._pytester.runpython(script)

def runpython_c(self, command):
"""See :meth:`Pytester.runpython_c`."""
return self._pytester.runpython_c(command)

def runpytest_subprocess(self, *args, timeout=None) -> pytest.RunResult:
"""See :meth:`Pytester.runpytest_subprocess`."""
return self._pytester.runpytest_subprocess(*args, timeout=timeout)

def spawn_pytest(
self, string: str, expect_timeout: float = 10.0
) -> "pexpect.spawn":
"""See :meth:`Pytester.spawn_pytest`."""
return self._pytester.spawn_pytest(string, expect_timeout=expect_timeout)

def spawn(self, cmd: str, expect_timeout: float = 10.0) -> "pexpect.spawn":
"""See :meth:`Pytester.spawn`."""
return self._pytester.spawn(cmd, expect_timeout=expect_timeout)

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Testdir {self.tmpdir!r}>"

def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.tmpdir)

pytest.Testdir = Testdir # type: ignore[attr-defined]

def testdir(pytester: pytest.Pytester) -> Testdir:
Identical to :fixture:`pytester`, and provides an instance whose methods return
legacy ``LEGACY_PATH`` objects instead when applicable.
New code should avoid using :fixture:`testdir` in favor of :fixture:`pytester`.
return Testdir(pytester, _ispytest=True)

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