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Add cirq.GateFamily and cirq.Gateset (#4491)
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* Add GateFamily and Gatesets

* Make Gateset containment O(1) for the vanilla case and address other nits.

* Use op.circuit instead of op.mapped_circuit for CircuitOperations

* Move validate params to gateset constructor and address comments

* Made gatesets validate and contains consistent and added lots of comments

* Add tests to verify consistency between __contains__ and validate

* Improve comments and make gate family predicate protected member to avoid exposing confusing APIs
  • Loading branch information
tanujkhattar committed Sep 17, 2021
1 parent 464ef04 commit 0041657
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Showing 5 changed files with 699 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cirq-core/cirq/
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cirq-core/cirq/ops/
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from cirq.ops.gateset import GateFamily, Gateset

from cirq.ops.identity import (
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379 changes: 379 additions & 0 deletions cirq-core/cirq/ops/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
# Copyright 2021 The Cirq Developers
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Functionality for grouping and validating Cirq Gates"""

from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, FrozenSet, List, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
from cirq.ops import global_phase_op, op_tree, raw_types
from cirq import protocols, value

import cirq

class GateFamily:
"""Wrapper around gate instances/types describing a set of accepted gates.
GateFamily supports initialization via
a) Non-parameterized instances of `cirq.Gate` (Instance Family).
b) Python types inheriting from `cirq.Gate` (Type Family).
By default, the containment checks depend on the initialization type:
a) Instance Family: Containment check is done by object equality.
b) Type Family: Containment check is done by type comparison.
For example:
a) Instance Family:
>>> gate_family = cirq.GateFamily(cirq.X)
>>> assert cirq.X in gate_family
>>> assert cirq.X ** sympy.Symbol("theta") not in gate_family
b) Type Family:
>>> gate_family = cirq.GateFamily(cirq.XPowGate)
>>> assert cirq.X in gate_family
>>> assert cirq.X ** sympy.Symbol("theta") in gate_family
In order to create gate families with constraints on parameters of a gate
type, users should derive from the `cirq.GateFamily` class and override the
`_predicate` method used to check for gate containment.

def __init__(
gate: Union[Type[raw_types.Gate], raw_types.Gate],
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Init GateFamily.
gate: A python `type` inheriting from `cirq.Gate` for type based membership checks, or
a non-parameterized instance of a `cirq.Gate` for equality based membership checks.
name: The name of the gate family.
description: Human readable description of the gate family.
ValueError: if `gate` is not a `cirq.Gate` instance or subclass.
ValueError: if `gate` is a parameterized instance of `cirq.Gate`.
if not (
isinstance(gate, raw_types.Gate)
or (isinstance(gate, type) and issubclass(gate, raw_types.Gate))
raise ValueError(f'Gate {gate} must be an instance or subclass of `cirq.Gate`.')
if isinstance(gate, raw_types.Gate) and protocols.is_parameterized(gate):
raise ValueError(f'Gate {gate} must be a non-parameterized instance of `cirq.Gate`.')

self._gate = gate
self._name = name if name else self._default_name()
self._description = description if description else self._default_description()

def _gate_str(self, gettr: Callable[[Any], str] = str) -> str:
return (
if isinstance(self.gate, raw_types.Gate)
else f'{self.gate.__module__}.{self.gate.__name__}'

def _default_name(self) -> str:
family_type = 'Instance' if isinstance(self.gate, raw_types.Gate) else 'Type'
return f'{family_type} GateFamily: {self._gate_str()}'

def _default_description(self) -> str:
check_type = r'g == {}' if isinstance(self.gate, raw_types.Gate) else r'isinstance(g, {})'
return f'Accepts `cirq.Gate` instances `g` s.t. `{check_type.format(self._gate_str())}`'

def gate(self) -> Union[Type[raw_types.Gate], raw_types.Gate]:
return self._gate

def name(self) -> str:
return self._name

def description(self) -> str:
return self._description

def _predicate(self, gate: raw_types.Gate) -> bool:
"""Checks whether `cirq.Gate` instance `gate` belongs to this GateFamily.
The default predicate depends on the gate family initialization type:
a) Instance Family: `gate == self.gate`.
b) Type Family: `isinstance(gate, self.gate)`.
gate: `cirq.Gate` instance which should be checked for containment.
return (
gate == self.gate
if isinstance(self.gate, raw_types.Gate)
else isinstance(gate, self.gate)

def __contains__(self, item: Union[raw_types.Gate, raw_types.Operation]) -> bool:
if isinstance(item, raw_types.Operation):
if item.gate is None:
return False
item = item.gate
return self._predicate(item)

def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{}\n{self.description}'

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f'name="{}", '

def _value_equality_values_(self) -> Any:
# `isinstance` is used to ensure the a gate type and gate instance is not compared.
return isinstance(self.gate, raw_types.Gate), self.gate,, self.description

class Gateset:
"""Gatesets represent a collection of `cirq.GateFamily` objects.
Gatesets are useful for
a) Describing the set of allowed gates in a human readable format
b) Validating a given gate / optree against the set of allowed gates
Gatesets rely on the underlying `cirq.GateFamily` for both description and
validation purposes.

def __init__(
*gates: Union[Type[raw_types.Gate], raw_types.Gate, GateFamily],
name: Optional[str] = None,
unroll_circuit_op: bool = True,
accept_global_phase: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Init Gateset.
Accepts a list of gates, each of which should be either
a) `cirq.Gate` subclass
b) `cirq.Gate` instance
c) `cirq.GateFamily` instance
`cirq.Gate` subclasses and instances are converted to the default
`cirq.GateFamily(gate=g)` instance and thus a default name and
description is populated.
*gates: A list of `cirq.Gate` subclasses / `cirq.Gate` instances /
`cirq.GateFamily` instances to initialize the Gateset.
name: (Optional) Name for the Gateset. Useful for description.
unroll_circuit_op: If True, `cirq.CircuitOperation` is recursively
validated by validating the underlying `cirq.Circuit`.
accept_global_phase: If True, `cirq.GlobalPhaseOperation` is accepted.
self._name = name
self._gates = frozenset(
g if isinstance(g, GateFamily) else GateFamily(gate=g) for g in gates
self._unroll_circuit_op = unroll_circuit_op
self._accept_global_phase = accept_global_phase
self._instance_gate_families: Dict[raw_types.Gate, GateFamily] = {}
self._type_gate_families: Dict[Type[raw_types.Gate], GateFamily] = {}
self._custom_gate_families: List[GateFamily] = []
for g in self._gates:
if type(g) == GateFamily:
if isinstance(g.gate, raw_types.Gate):
self._instance_gate_families[g.gate] = g
self._type_gate_families[g.gate] = g

def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._name

def gates(self) -> FrozenSet[GateFamily]:
return self._gates

def with_params(
name: Optional[str] = None,
unroll_circuit_op: Optional[bool] = None,
accept_global_phase: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> 'Gateset':
"""Returns a copy of this Gateset with identical gates and new values for named arguments.
If a named argument is None then corresponding value of this Gateset is used instead.
name: New name for the Gateset.
unroll_circuit_op: If True, new Gateset will recursively validate
`cirq.CircuitOperation` by validating the underlying `cirq.Circuit`.
accept_global_phase: If True, new Gateset will accept `cirq.GlobalPhaseOperation`.
`self` if all new values are None or identical to the values of current Gateset.
else a new Gateset with identical gates and new values for named arguments.

def val_if_none(var: Any, val: Any) -> Any:
return var if var is not None else val

name = val_if_none(name, self._name)
unroll_circuit_op = val_if_none(unroll_circuit_op, self._unroll_circuit_op)
accept_global_phase = val_if_none(accept_global_phase, self._accept_global_phase)
if (
name == self._name
and unroll_circuit_op == self._unroll_circuit_op
and accept_global_phase == self._accept_global_phase
return self
return Gateset(
unroll_circuit_op=cast(bool, unroll_circuit_op),
accept_global_phase=cast(bool, accept_global_phase),

def __contains__(self, item: Union[raw_types.Gate, raw_types.Operation]) -> bool:
"""Check for containment of a given Gate/Operation in this Gateset.
Containment checks are handled as follows:
a) For Gates or Operations that have an underlying gate (i.e. op.gate is not None):
- Forwards the containment check to the underlying GateFamily's
- Examples of such operations include `cirq.GateOperations` and their controlled
and tagged variants (i.e. instances of `cirq.TaggedOperation`,
`cirq.ControlledOperation` where `op.gate` is not None) etc.
b) For Operations that do not have an underlying gate:
- Forwards the containment check to `self._validate_operation(item)`.
- Examples of such operations include `cirq.CircuitOperations` and their controlled
and tagged variants (i.e. instances of `cirq.TaggedOperation`,
`cirq.ControlledOperation` where `op.gate` is None) etc.
The complexity of the method is:
a) O(1) for checking containment in the default `cirq.GateFamily` instances.
b) O(n) for checking containment in custom GateFamily instances.
item: The `cirq.Gate` or `cirq.Operation` instance to check containment for.
if isinstance(item, raw_types.Operation) and item.gate is None:
return self._validate_operation(item)

g = item if isinstance(item, raw_types.Gate) else item.gate
assert g is not None, f'`item`: {item} must be a gate or have a valid `item.gate`'

if g in self._instance_gate_families:
assert item in self._instance_gate_families[g], (
f"{item} instance matches {self._instance_gate_families[g]} but "
f"is not accepted by it."
return True

for gate_mro_type in type(g).mro():
if gate_mro_type in self._type_gate_families:
assert item in self._type_gate_families[gate_mro_type], (
f"{g} type {gate_mro_type} matches Type GateFamily:"
f"{self._type_gate_families[gate_mro_type]} but is not accepted by it."
return True

return any(item in gate_family for gate_family in self._custom_gate_families)

def validate(
circuit_or_optree: Union['cirq.AbstractCircuit', op_tree.OP_TREE],
) -> bool:
"""Validates gates forming `circuit_or_optree` should be contained in Gateset.
circuit_or_optree: The `cirq.Circuit` or `cirq.OP_TREE` to validate.
# To avoid circular import.
from cirq.circuits import circuit

optree = circuit_or_optree
if isinstance(circuit_or_optree, circuit.AbstractCircuit):
optree = circuit_or_optree.all_operations()
return all(self._validate_operation(op) for op in op_tree.flatten_to_ops(optree))

def _validate_operation(self, op: raw_types.Operation) -> bool:
"""Validates whether the given `cirq.Operation` is contained in this Gateset.
The containment checks are handled as follows:
a) For any operation which has an underlying gate (i.e. `op.gate` is not None):
- Containment is checked via `self.__contains__` which further checks for containment
in any of the underlying gate families.
b) For all other types of operations (eg: `cirq.CircuitOperation`,
`cirq.GlobalPhaseOperation` etc):
- The behavior is controlled via flags passed to the constructor.
Users should override this method to define custom behavior for operations that do not
have an underlying `cirq.Gate`.
op: The `cirq.Operation` instance to check containment for.

# To avoid circular import.
from cirq.circuits import circuit_operation

if op.gate is not None:
return op in self

if isinstance(op, raw_types.TaggedOperation):
return self._validate_operation(op.sub_operation)
elif isinstance(op, circuit_operation.CircuitOperation) and self._unroll_circuit_op:
op_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(
op.circuit.unfreeze(), op.param_resolver, recursive=False
op_circuit = op_circuit.transform_qubits(
lambda q: cast(circuit_operation.CircuitOperation, op).qubit_map.get(q, q)
return self.validate(op_circuit)
elif isinstance(op, global_phase_op.GlobalPhaseOperation):
return self._accept_global_phase
return False

def _value_equality_values_(self) -> Any:
return (

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f'{",".join([repr(g) for g in self.gates])},'
f'name = "{}",'
f'unroll_circuit_op = {self._unroll_circuit_op},'
f'accept_global_phase = {self._accept_global_phase})'

def __str__(self) -> str:
header = 'Gateset: '
header +=
return f'{header}\n' + "\n\n".join([str(g) for g in self.gates])

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