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Extract generic MatrixGate, deprecate SingleQubit/TwoQubitMatrixGate (#…
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Strilanc authored and CirqBot committed Nov 1, 2019
1 parent 93a9312 commit 190c41f
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from cirq.ops.matrix_gates import (
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208 changes: 106 additions & 102 deletions cirq/ops/
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"""Quantum gates defined by a matrix."""

from typing import cast, Any, Tuple, List
from typing import cast, Any, Tuple, Optional, Iterable

import numpy as np

from cirq import linalg, protocols
from cirq._compat import proper_repr
from cirq.ops import gate_features
from cirq._compat import proper_repr, deprecated
from cirq.ops import gate_features, raw_types

def _phase_matrix(turns: float) -> np.ndarray:
return np.diag([1, np.exp(2j * np.pi * turns)])

class SingleQubitMatrixGate(gate_features.SingleQubitGate):
"""A 1-qubit or qudit gate defined by its matrix.
More general than specialized classes like `ZPowGate`, but more expensive
and more float-error sensitive to work with (due to using

def __init__(self, matrix: np.ndarray) -> None:
Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.
class MatrixGate(raw_types.Gate):
"""A unitary qubit or qudit gate defined entirely by its matrix."""

def __init__(self,
matrix: np.ndarray,
qid_shape: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None) -> None:
"""Initializes a matrix gate.
matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
qid_shape: The shape of state tensor that the matrix applies to.
If not specified, this value is inferred by assuming that the
matrix is supposed to apply to qubits.
if (len(matrix.shape) != 2 or matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1] or
not linalg.is_unitary(matrix)):
raise ValueError(
'Not a 2x2 (or d x d) unitary matrix: {}'.format(matrix))
if len(matrix.shape) != 2 or matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('`matrix` must be a square 2d numpy array.')

if qid_shape is None:
n = int(np.round(np.log2(matrix.shape[0] or 1)))
if 2**n != matrix.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Matrix width is not a power of 2 and '
'qid_shape is not specified.')
qid_shape = (2,) * n

self._matrix = matrix
self._qid_shape = tuple(qid_shape)
m = int(
if self._matrix.shape != (m, m):
raise ValueError('Wrong matrix shape for qid_shape.\n'
f'Matrix shape: {self._matrix.shape}\n'
f'qid_shape: {self._qid_shape}\n')

if not linalg.is_unitary(matrix):
raise ValueError(f'Not a unitary matrix: {self._matrix}')

def _json_dict_(self):
return {
'cirq_type': self.__class__.__name__,
'matrix': self._matrix.tolist(),
'qid_shape': self._qid_shape,

def _qid_shape_(self) -> Tuple[int]:
return (self._matrix.shape[0],)
def _from_json_dict_(cls, matrix, qid_shape, **kwargs):
return cls(matrix=np.array(matrix), qid_shape=qid_shape)

def validate_args(self, qubits):
if len(qubits) != 1:
raise ValueError(
'Single-qubit gate applied to multiple qubits: {}({})'.format(
self, qubits))
def _qid_shape_(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
return self._qid_shape

def __pow__(self, exponent: Any) -> 'SingleQubitMatrixGate':
def __pow__(self, exponent: Any) -> 'MatrixGate':
if not isinstance(exponent, (int, float)):
return NotImplemented
e = cast(float, exponent)
new_mat = linalg.map_eigenvalues(self._matrix, lambda b: b**e)
return SingleQubitMatrixGate(new_mat)
return MatrixGate(new_mat)

def _phase_by_(self, phase_turns: float,
qubit_index: int) -> 'SingleQubitMatrixGate':
def _phase_by_(self, phase_turns: float, qubit_index: int) -> 'MatrixGate':
if not isinstance(phase_turns, (int, float)):
return NotImplemented
z = _phase_matrix(phase_turns)
phased_matrix =
return SingleQubitMatrixGate(phased_matrix)
if self._qid_shape[qubit_index] != 2:
return NotImplemented
result = np.copy(self._matrix).reshape(self._qid_shape * 2)

p = np.exp(2j * np.pi * phase_turns)
i = qubit_index
j = qubit_index + len(self._qid_shape)
result[linalg.slice_for_qubits_equal_to([i], 1)] *= p
result[linalg.slice_for_qubits_equal_to([j], 1)] *= np.conj(p)
return MatrixGate(matrix=result.reshape(self._matrix.shape),

def _has_unitary_(self) -> bool:
return True

def _unitary_(self) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array(self._matrix)
return np.copy(self._matrix)

def _circuit_diagram_info_(self, args: 'protocols.CircuitDiagramInfoArgs'
) -> 'protocols.CircuitDiagramInfo':
return protocols.CircuitDiagramInfo(
wire_symbols=(_matrix_to_diagram_symbol(self._matrix, args),))
main = _matrix_to_diagram_symbol(self._matrix, args)
rest = [f'#{i+1}' for i in range(1, len(self._qid_shape))]
return protocols.CircuitDiagramInfo(wire_symbols=[main, *rest])

def __hash__(self):
vals = tuple(v for _, v in np.ndenumerate(self._matrix))
return hash((SingleQubitMatrixGate, vals))
return hash((MatrixGate, vals))

def _approx_eq_(self, other: Any, atol) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
Expand All @@ -96,94 +118,73 @@ def _approx_eq_(self, other: Any, atol) -> bool:
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
return NotImplemented
return np.array_equal(self._matrix, other._matrix)
return (self._qid_shape == other._qid_shape and
np.array_equal(self._matrix, other._matrix))

def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other

def __repr__(self):
return 'cirq.SingleQubitMatrixGate({})'.format(
return 'cirq.MatrixGate({})'.format(proper_repr(self._matrix))

def __str__(self):
return str(self._matrix.round(3))

class TwoQubitMatrixGate(gate_features.TwoQubitGate):
"""A 2-qubit gate defined only by its matrix.
class SingleQubitMatrixGate(MatrixGate, gate_features.SingleQubitGate):
"""A 1-qubit or qudit gate defined by its matrix.
More general than specialized classes like `CZPowGate`, but more expensive
More general than specialized classes like `ZPowGate`, but more expensive
and more float-error sensitive to work with (due to using

fix='Use `cirq.MatrixGate` instead.',
def __init__(self, matrix: np.ndarray) -> None:
Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.
Initializes the single qubit matrix gate.
matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
super().__init__(matrix, qid_shape=(matrix.shape[0],))

if matrix.shape != (4, 4) or not linalg.is_unitary(matrix):
raise ValueError('Not a 4x4 unitary matrix: {}'.format(matrix))
self._matrix = matrix

def validate_args(self, qubits):
if len(qubits) != 2:
raise ValueError(
'Two-qubit gate not applied to two qubits: {}({})'.format(
self, qubits))

def __pow__(self, exponent: Any) -> 'TwoQubitMatrixGate':
if not isinstance(exponent, (int, float)):
return NotImplemented
e = cast(float, exponent)
new_mat = linalg.map_eigenvalues(self._matrix, lambda b: b**e)
return TwoQubitMatrixGate(new_mat)

def _phase_by_(self, phase_turns: float,
qubit_index: int) -> 'TwoQubitMatrixGate':
if not isinstance(phase_turns, (int, float)):
return NotImplemented
i = np.eye(2)
z = _phase_matrix(phase_turns)
z2 = np.kron(i, z) if qubit_index else np.kron(z, i)
phased_matrix =
return TwoQubitMatrixGate(phased_matrix)

def _approx_eq_(self, other: Any, atol) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
return NotImplemented
return np.allclose(self._matrix, other._matrix, rtol=0, atol=atol)
def __repr__(self):
return 'cirq.SingleQubitMatrixGate({})'.format(proper_repr(

def _unitary_(self) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array(self._matrix)
def _json_dict_(self):
return {
'cirq_type': self.__class__.__name__,
'matrix': self._matrix,

def _circuit_diagram_info_(self, args: 'protocols.CircuitDiagramInfoArgs'
) -> 'protocols.CircuitDiagramInfo':
return protocols.CircuitDiagramInfo(
wire_symbols=(_matrix_to_diagram_symbol(self._matrix, args), '#2'))
def _from_json_dict_(cls, matrix, **kwargs):
return cls(matrix=np.array(matrix))

def __hash__(self):
vals = tuple(v for _, v in np.ndenumerate(self._matrix))
return hash((SingleQubitMatrixGate, vals))

def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
return NotImplemented
return np.alltrue(self._matrix == other._matrix)
class TwoQubitMatrixGate(MatrixGate, gate_features.TwoQubitGate):
"""A 2-qubit gate defined only by its matrix.
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
More general than specialized classes like `CZPowGate`, but more expensive
and more float-error sensitive to work with (due to using

def __repr__(self):
return 'cirq.TwoQubitMatrixGate({})'.format(
fix='Use `cirq.MatrixGate` instead.',
def __init__(self, matrix: np.ndarray) -> None:
Initializes the 2-qubit matrix gate.
def __str__(self):
return str(self._matrix.round(3))
matrix: The matrix that defines the gate.
super().__init__(matrix, qid_shape=(2, 2))

def _json_dict_(self):
return {
Expand All @@ -192,8 +193,11 @@ def _json_dict_(self):

def _from_json_dict_(cls, matrix: List, **kwargs):
return cls(np.asarray(matrix))
def _from_json_dict_(cls, matrix, **kwargs):
return cls(matrix=np.array(matrix))

def __repr__(self):
return 'cirq.TwoQubitMatrixGate({})'.format(proper_repr(self._matrix))

def _matrix_to_diagram_symbol(matrix: np.ndarray,
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63 changes: 60 additions & 3 deletions cirq/ops/
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Expand Up @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ def test_single_qubit_init():

with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Not a .*unitary matrix'):
cirq.SingleQubitMatrixGate(np.zeros((2, 2)))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Not a .*unitary matrix'):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be a square 2d numpy array'):
cirq.SingleQubitMatrixGate(cirq.eye_tensor((2, 2), dtype=float))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Not a .*unitary matrix'):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be a square 2d numpy array'):
cirq.SingleQubitMatrixGate(np.ones((3, 4)))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Not a .*unitary matrix'):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be a square 2d numpy array'):
cirq.SingleQubitMatrixGate(np.ones((2, 2, 2)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,3 +244,60 @@ def test_single_qubit_matrix_gate():
u = cirq.testing.random_unitary(2)
g = cirq.SingleQubitMatrixGate(u)

def test_matrix_gate_init_validation():
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='square 2d numpy array'):
_ = cirq.MatrixGate(np.ones(shape=(1, 1, 1)))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='square 2d numpy array'):
_ = cirq.MatrixGate(np.ones(shape=(2, 1)))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='not a power of 2'):
_ = cirq.MatrixGate(np.ones(shape=(0, 0)))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='not a power of 2'):
_ = cirq.MatrixGate(np.eye(3))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='matrix shape for qid_shape'):
_ = cirq.MatrixGate(np.eye(3), qid_shape=(4,))

def test_matrix_gate_eq():
eq = cirq.testing.EqualsTester()
cirq.MatrixGate(np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1]), qid_shape=(2, 3)))
cirq.MatrixGate(np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1]), qid_shape=(3, 2)))

def test_matrix_gate_pow():
t = sympy.Symbol('t')
assert cirq.pow(cirq.MatrixGate(1j * np.eye(1)), t, default=None) is None
assert cirq.pow(cirq.MatrixGate(1j * np.eye(1)),
2) == cirq.MatrixGate(-np.eye(1))

def test_phase_by():
# Single qubit case.
x = cirq.MatrixGate(cirq.unitary(cirq.X))
y = cirq.phase_by(x, 0.25, 0)

# Two qubit case. Commutes with control.
cx = cirq.MatrixGate(cirq.unitary(cirq.X.controlled(1)))
cx2 = cirq.phase_by(cx, 0.25, 0)

# Two qubit case. Doesn't commute with target.
cy = cirq.phase_by(cx, 0.25, 1)

m = cirq.MatrixGate(np.eye(3), qid_shape=[3])
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='returned NotImplemented'):
_ = cirq.phase_by(m, 0.25, 0)

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