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Initial draft for convert_to_sqrt_iswap (#2528)
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* Initial draft for convert_to_sqrt_iswap

- Optimizer to decompile to ISWAP ** -0.5 gates.
- Ported from cirq_internal
- Modified to accept symbol input as well.
  • Loading branch information
dstrain115 committed Nov 19, 2019
1 parent d2f6344 commit 837c4e4
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280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions cirq/google/optimizers/
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# Copyright 2019 The Cirq Developers
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np

import cirq
import sympy

SQRT_ISWAP = cirq.ISWAP**0.5

# TODO: Combine this with the equivalent functions in google/
# Or better yet, write a proper gate set so we don't need this in two places
def _near_mod_n(e, t, n, atol=1e-8):
return abs((e - t + 1) % n - 1) <= atol

def _near_mod_2pi(e, t, atol=1e-8):
return _near_mod_n(e, t, 2 * np.pi, atol=atol)

class ConvertToSqrtIswapGates(cirq.PointOptimizer):
"""Attempts to convert gates into ISWAP**-0.5 gates.
Since we have Z rotations and arbitrary XY rotations, we
can rely on cirq decomposition for one qubit gates and
need to only specify special decompositions for two qubit gates.
Currently natively specified gates are CZPowGate, ISwapPowGate,
and FSimGate. This will also support gates that decompose into
the above gates.

def __init__(self, ignore_failures=False) -> None:
ignore_failures: If set, gates that fail to convert are forwarded
unchanged. If not set, conversion failures raise a TypeError.
self.ignore_failures = ignore_failures

def _convert_one(self, op: cirq.Operation) -> cirq.OP_TREE:
Decomposer intercept: Let cirq decompose one-qubit gates,
intercept on 2-qubit gates if they are known gates.
if isinstance(op, cirq.GlobalPhaseOperation):
return []

gate = op.gate

if len(op.qubits) != 2:
return NotImplemented

q0, q1 = op.qubits

if isinstance(gate, cirq.CZPowGate):
if isinstance(gate.exponent, sympy.Basic):
return cphase_symbols_to_sqrt_iswap(q0, q1, gate.exponent)
return cphase_to_sqrt_iswap(q0, q1, gate.exponent)
if isinstance(gate, cirq.SwapPowGate):
return swap_to_sqrt_iswap(q0, q1, gate.exponent)
if isinstance(gate, cirq.ISwapPowGate):
return iswap_to_sqrt_iswap(q0, q1, gate.exponent)
if isinstance(gate, cirq.FSimGate):
return fsim_gate(q0, q1, gate.theta, gate.phi)

return NotImplemented

def _on_stuck_raise(self, bad):
return TypeError(f"Don't know how to work with {bad}. "
"It isn't a native sqrt ISWAP operation, "
"a 1 or 2 qubit gate with a known unitary, "
"or composite.")

def convert(self, op: cirq.Operation) -> List[cirq.Operation]:

a = cirq.decompose(op,
on_stuck_raise=(None if self.ignore_failures else
return a

def optimization_at(self, circuit, index, op):
converted = self.convert(op)
if len(converted) == 1 and converted[0] is op:
return None

return cirq.PointOptimizationSummary(clear_span=1,

def is_sqrt_iswap_compatible(op: cirq.Operation) -> bool:
"""Check if the given operation is compatible with the sqrt_iswap gateset
gate set.
op: Input operation.
True if the operation is native to the gate set, false otherwise.
return is_basic_gate(op.gate) or is_sqrt_iswap(op.gate)

def is_sqrt_iswap(gate: Optional[cirq.Gate]) -> bool:
"""Checks if this is a ± sqrt(iSWAP) gate specified using either
ISwapPowGate or with the equivalent FSimGate.
if (isinstance(gate, cirq.FSimGate) and
not isinstance(gate.theta, sympy.Basic) and
_near_mod_2pi(abs(gate.theta), np.pi / 4) and
_near_mod_2pi(gate.phi, 0)):
return True
return (isinstance(gate, cirq.ISwapPowGate) and
not isinstance(gate.exponent, sympy.Basic) and
_near_mod_n(abs(gate.exponent), 0.5, 4))

def is_basic_gate(gate: Optional[cirq.Gate]) -> bool:
"""Check if a gate is a basic supported one-qubit gate.
gate: Input gate.
True if the gate is native to the gate set, false otherwise.
return isinstance(gate, (cirq.MeasurementGate, cirq.PhasedXPowGate,
cirq.XPowGate, cirq.YPowGate, cirq.ZPowGate))

def cphase_to_sqrt_iswap(a, b, turns):
"""Implement a C-Phase gate using two sqrt ISWAP gates and single-qubit
operations. The circuit is equivalent to cirq.CZPowGate(exponent=turns).
Output unitary:
[1 0 0 0],
[0 1 0 0],
[0 0 1 0],
[0 0 0 e^{i turns pi}].
a: the first qubit
b: the second qubit
turns: Exponent specifying the evolution time in number of rotations.
theta = (turns % 2) * np.pi
if 0 <= theta <= np.pi:
sign = 1.
theta_prime = theta
elif np.pi < theta < 2 * np.pi:
sign = -1.
theta_prime = 2 * np.pi - theta

if np.isclose(theta, np.pi):
# If we are close to pi, just set values manually to avoid possible
# numerical errors with arcsin of greater than 1.0 (Ahem, Windows).
phi = np.pi / 2
xi = np.pi / 2
phi = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(2) * np.sin(theta_prime / 4))
xi = np.arctan(np.tan(phi) / np.sqrt(2))

yield cirq.Rz(sign * 0.5 * theta_prime).on(a)
yield cirq.Rz(sign * 0.5 * theta_prime).on(b)
yield cirq.Rx(xi).on(a)
yield cirq.X(b)**(-sign * 0.5)
yield SQRT_ISWAP_INV(a, b)
yield cirq.Rx(-2 * phi).on(a)
yield SQRT_ISWAP(a, b)

yield cirq.Rx(xi).on(a)
yield cirq.X(b)**(sign * 0.5)
# Corrects global phase
yield cirq.GlobalPhaseOperation(np.exp(sign * theta_prime * 0.25j))

def cphase_symbols_to_sqrt_iswap(a, b, turns):
"""Version of cphase_to_sqrt_iswap that works with symbols.
Note that the formulae contained below will need to be flattened
into a sweep before serializing.
theta = sympy.Mod(turns, 2.0) * sympy.pi

# -1 if theta > pi. Adds a hacky fudge factor so theta=pi is not 0
sign = sympy.sign(sympy.pi - theta + 1e-9)

# For sign = 1: theta. For sign = -1, 2pi-theta
theta_prime = (sympy.pi - sign * sympy.pi) + sign * theta

phi = sympy.asin(np.sqrt(2) * sympy.sin(theta_prime / 4))
xi = sympy.atan(sympy.tan(phi) / np.sqrt(2))

yield cirq.Rz(sign * 0.5 * theta_prime).on(a)
yield cirq.Rz(sign * 0.5 * theta_prime).on(b)
yield cirq.Rx(xi).on(a)
yield cirq.X(b)**(-sign * 0.5)
yield SQRT_ISWAP_INV(a, b)
yield cirq.Rx(-2 * phi).on(a)
yield SQRT_ISWAP(a, b)
yield cirq.Rx(xi).on(a)
yield cirq.X(b)**(sign * 0.5)

def iswap_to_sqrt_iswap(a, b, turns):
"""Implement the evolution of the hopping term using two sqrt_iswap gates
and single-qubit operations. Output unitary:
[1 0 0 0],
[0 c is 0],
[0 is c 0],
[0 0 0 1],
where c = cos(t * np.pi / 2) and s = sin(t * np.pi / 2).
a: the first qubit
b: the second qubit
t: Exponent that specifies the evolution time in number of rotations.
yield cirq.Z(a)**0.75
yield cirq.Z(b)**0.25
yield SQRT_ISWAP_INV(a, b)
yield cirq.Z(a)**(-turns / 2 + 1)
yield cirq.Z(b)**(turns / 2)
yield SQRT_ISWAP_INV(a, b)
yield cirq.Z(a)**0.25
yield cirq.Z(b)**-0.25

def swap_to_sqrt_iswap(a, b, turns):
"""Implement the evolution of the hopping term using two sqrt_iswap gates
and single-qubit operations. Output unitary:
[[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, g·c, -i·g·s, 0],
[0, -i·g·s, g·c, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]]
where c = cos(theta) and s = sin(theta).
a: the first qubit
b: the second qubit
theta: The rotational angle that specifies the gate, where
c = cos(π·t/2), s = sin(π·t/2), g = exp(i·π·t/2).
yield cirq.Z(a)**1.25
yield cirq.Z(b)**-0.25
yield cirq.ISWAP(a, b)**-0.5
yield cirq.Z(a)**(-turns / 2 + 1)
yield cirq.Z(b)**(turns / 2)
yield cirq.ISWAP(a, b)**-0.5
yield cirq.Z(a)**(turns / 2 - 0.25)
yield cirq.Z(b)**(turns / 2 + 0.25)
yield cirq.CZ.on(a, b)**(-turns)

def fsim_gate(a, b, theta, phi):
"""FSimGate has a default decomposition in cirq to XXPowGate and YYPowGate,
which is an awkward decomposition for this gate set.
Decompose into ISWAP and CZ instead."""
if theta != 0.0:
yield cirq.ISWAP(a, b)**(-2 * theta / np.pi)
if phi != 0.0:
yield cirq.CZPowGate(exponent=-phi / np.pi)(a, b)

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