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[XEB] Optimize/characterize by pair (#3795)
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Add a new method to perform optimization of angles (aka characterization) by pair. This is essential for "parallel" XEB. At it's heart, this is simply a "groupby" operation on the dataframe before calling the characterize function. There are additional code changes:

 - Lots of boilerplate for making a "closure class" so we can optimize by pair in parallel. This is an embarrassingly parallel operation, and it's important when doing very "wide" (i.e. lots of pairs) calibrations.
 - The least-squares estimation of individual (one pair, one cycle depth) fidelities involved using pandas `apply`, which turned out to be very slow! I profiled the `benchmark` function on a test workflow. It was taking 7.87 seconds, of which 5.3s were cumulative inside the apply function. The rest of it involved simulating the many circuits. `benchmark_...` is called during the optimization's objective function so it's performance critical. With the change, the call was a total of 2.5s and the least-squares estimation no longer appeared in the top many cumulative-time profiling calls.
 - Bug fix if you tried to do parallel XEB on a device that couldn't do all four layers. With added test.
 - The result of the `characterize_..` function has been beefed up to be a dataclass with more fields. Not only do you get the optimization results, but a nicer dictionary of angles and a dataframe of the refit fidelities. This simplifies one of the older notebooks. This data is also per-pair so you can do parallel xeb effectively
 - An exponential decay fitting function, taken from `experiments.cross_entropy_benchmarking`, which will be deprecated, #3775 
 - Some helpful pandas magic wrapped with nice function names to simplify plotting
  • Loading branch information
mpharrigan committed Feb 18, 2021
1 parent e3c673f commit 9ab0f6d
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Showing 9 changed files with 685 additions and 72 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions cirq/experiments/
Expand Up @@ -344,6 +344,9 @@ def get_random_combinations_for_device(
combinations_by_layer = []
for layer in pattern:
pairs = sorted(_get_active_pairs(device_graph, layer))
if len(pairs) == 0:

combinations = rs.randint(0, n_library_circuits, size=(n_combinations, len(pairs)))
CircuitLibraryCombination(layer=layer, combinations=combinations, pairs=pairs)
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions cirq/experiments/
Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,18 @@ def test_get_random_combinations_for_device():
assert cirq.experiments.HALF_GRID_STAGGERED_PATTERN[i] == comb.layer

def test_get_random_combinations_for_small_device():
graph = _gridqubits_to_graph_device(cirq.GridQubit.rect(3, 1))
n_combinations = 4
combinations = get_random_combinations_for_device(
assert len(combinations) == 2 # 3x1 device only fits two layers

def _cz_with_adjacent_z_rotations(
a: cirq.GridQubit, b: cirq.GridQubit, prng: np.random.RandomState
Expand Down
272 changes: 252 additions & 20 deletions cirq/experiments/
Expand Up @@ -20,11 +20,13 @@

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.stats
import sympy

from cirq import ops
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,20 +73,16 @@ def benchmark_2q_xeb_fidelities(
df = sampled_df.join(simulated_df)

def _summary_stats(row):
D = 4 # Two qubits
row['e_u'] = np.sum(row['pure_probs'] ** 2)
row['u_u'] = np.sum(row['pure_probs']) / D
row['m_u'] = np.sum(row['pure_probs'] * row['sampled_probs'])

row['y'] = row['m_u'] - row['u_u']
row['x'] = row['e_u'] - row['u_u']

row['numerator'] = row['x'] * row['y']
row['denominator'] = row['x'] ** 2
return row

df = df.apply(_summary_stats, axis=1)
D = 4 # two qubits
pure_probs = np.array(df['pure_probs'].to_list())
sampled_probs = np.array(df['sampled_probs'].to_list())
df['e_u'] = np.sum(pure_probs ** 2, axis=1)
df['u_u'] = np.sum(pure_probs, axis=1) / D
df['m_u'] = np.sum(pure_probs * sampled_probs, axis=1)
df['y'] = df['m_u'] - df['u_u']
df['x'] = df['e_u'] - df['u_u']
df['numerator'] = df['x'] * df['y']
df['denominator'] = df['x'] ** 2

def per_cycle_depth(df):
"""This function is applied per cycle_depth in the following groupby aggregation."""
Expand All @@ -105,9 +103,7 @@ def _try_keep(k):
f"values for {k} were grouped together: {vals}"

return pd.Series(ret)

if 'pair_i' in df.columns:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +234,26 @@ def parameterize_phased_fsim_circuit(

QPair_T = Tuple['cirq.Qid', 'cirq.Qid']

class XEBCharacterizationResult:
"""The result of `characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb`.
optimization_results: A mapping from qubit pair to the raw scipy OptimizeResult object
final_params: A mapping from qubit pair to a dictionary of (angle_name, angle_value)
key-value pairs
fidelities_df: A dataframe containing per-cycle_depth and per-pair fidelities after
fitting the characterization.

optimization_results: Dict[QPair_T, scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult]
final_params: Dict[QPair_T, Dict[str, float]]
fidelities_df: pd.DataFrame

def characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb(
sampled_df: pd.DataFrame,
parameterized_circuits: List['cirq.Circuit'],
Expand All @@ -248,7 +264,7 @@ def characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb(
fatol: float = 1e-3,
verbose: bool = True,
pool: Optional['multiprocessing.pool.Pool'] = None,
) -> XEBCharacterizationResult:
"""Run a classical optimization to fit phased fsim parameters to experimental data, and
thereby characterize PhasedFSim-like gates.
Expand All @@ -268,6 +284,7 @@ def characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb(
verbose: Whether to print progress updates.
pool: An optional multiprocessing pool to execute circuit simulations in parallel.
(pair,) = sampled_df['pair'].unique()
initial_simplex, names = phased_fsim_options.get_initial_simplex_and_names(
Expand All @@ -289,10 +306,225 @@ def _mean_infidelity(angles):
print("Loss: {:7.3g}".format(loss), flush=True)
return loss

res = scipy.optimize.minimize(
optimization_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
options={'initial_simplex': initial_simplex, 'xatol': xatol, 'fatol': fatol},
return res

final_params = dict(zip(names, optimization_result.x))
fidelities_df = benchmark_2q_xeb_fidelities(
sampled_df, parameterized_circuits, cycle_depths, param_resolver=final_params
return XEBCharacterizationResult(
optimization_results={pair: optimization_result},
final_params={pair: final_params},

class _CharacterizePhasedFsimParametersWithXebClosure:
"""A closure object to wrap `characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb` for use in

parameterized_circuits: List['cirq.Circuit']
cycle_depths: Sequence[int]
phased_fsim_options: XEBPhasedFSimCharacterizationOptions
initial_simplex_step_size: float = 0.1
xatol: float = 1e-3
fatol: float = 1e-3

def __call__(self, sampled_df) -> XEBCharacterizationResult:
return characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb(

def characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb_by_pair(
sampled_df: pd.DataFrame,
parameterized_circuits: List['cirq.Circuit'],
cycle_depths: Sequence[int],
phased_fsim_options: XEBPhasedFSimCharacterizationOptions,
initial_simplex_step_size: float = 0.1,
xatol: float = 1e-3,
fatol: float = 1e-3,
pool: Optional['multiprocessing.pool.Pool'] = None,
) -> XEBCharacterizationResult:
"""Run a classical optimization to fit phased fsim parameters to experimental data, and
thereby characterize PhasedFSim-like gates grouped by pairs.
This is appropriate if you have run parallel XEB on multiple pairs of qubits.
sampled_df: The DataFrame of sampled two-qubit probability distributions returned
from `sample_2q_xeb_circuits`.
parameterized_circuits: The circuits corresponding to those sampled in `sampled_df`,
but with some gates parameterized, likely by using `parameterize_phased_fsim_circuit`.
cycle_depths: The depths at which circuits were truncated.
phased_fsim_options: A set of options that controls the classical optimization loop
for characterizing the parameterized gates.
initial_simplex_step_size: Set the size of the initial simplex for Nelder-Mead.
xatol: The `xatol` argument for Nelder-Mead. This is the absolute error for convergence
in the parameters.
fatol: The `fatol` argument for Nelder-Mead. This is the absolute error for convergence
in the function evaluation.
pool: An optional multiprocessing pool to execute pair optimization in parallel. Each
optimization (and the simulations therein) runs serially.
pairs = sampled_df['pair'].unique()
closure = _CharacterizePhasedFsimParametersWithXebClosure(
subselected_dfs = [sampled_df[sampled_df['pair'] == pair] for pair in pairs]
if pool is not None:
results =, subselected_dfs)
results = [closure(df) for df in subselected_dfs]

optimization_results = {}
all_final_params = {}
fid_dfs = []
for result in results:

return XEBCharacterizationResult(

def exponential_decay(cycle_depths: np.ndarray, a: float, layer_fid: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""An exponential decay for fitting.
This computes `a * layer_fid**cycle_depths`
cycle_depths: The various depths at which fidelity was estimated. This is the independent
variable in the exponential function.
a: A scale parameter in the exponential function.
layer_fid: The base of the exponent in the exponential function.
return a * layer_fid ** cycle_depths

def _fit_exponential_decay(cycle_depths: np.ndarray, fidelities: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Fit an exponential model fidelity = a * layer_fid**x using nonlinear least squares.
This uses `exponential_decay` as the function to fit with parameters `a` and `layer_fid`.
cycle_depths: The various depths at which fidelity was estimated. Each element is `x`
in the fit expression.
fidelities: The estimated fidelities for each cycle depth. Each element is `fidelity`
in the fit expression.
a: The first fit parameter that scales the exponential function, perhaps accounting for
state prep and measurement (SPAM) error.
layer_fid: The second fit parameters which serves as the base of the exponential.
cycle_depths = np.asarray(cycle_depths)
fidelities = np.asarray(fidelities)

# Get initial guess by linear least squares with logarithm of model
positives = fidelities > 0
cycle_depths_pos = cycle_depths[positives]
log_fidelities = np.log(fidelities[positives])
slope, intercept, _, _, _ = scipy.stats.linregress(cycle_depths_pos, log_fidelities)
layer_fid_0 = np.clip(np.exp(slope), 0, 1)
a_0 = np.clip(np.exp(intercept), 0, 1)

(a, layer_fid), _ = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(
exponential_decay, cycle_depths, fidelities, p0=(a_0, layer_fid_0), bounds=((0, 0), (1, 1))
return a, layer_fid

def _one_unique(df, name, default):
"""Helper function to assert that there's one unique value in a column and return it."""
if name not in df.columns:
return default
vals = df[name].unique()
assert len(vals) == 1, name
return vals[0]

def fit_exponential_decays(fidelities_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Fit exponential decay curves to a fidelities DataFrame.
fidelities_df: A DataFrame that is the result of `benchmark_2q_xeb_fidelities`. It
may contain results for multiple pairs of qubits identified by the "pair" column.
Each pair will be fit separately. At minimum, this dataframe must contain
"cycle_depth", "fidelity", and "pair" columns.
A new, aggregated dataframe with index given by (pair, layer_i, pair_i); columns
for the fit parameters "a" and "layer_fid"; and nested "cycles_depths" and "fidelities"
lists (now grouped by pair).
records = []
for pair in fidelities_df['pair'].unique():
f1 = fidelities_df[fidelities_df['pair'] == pair]
a, layer_fid = _fit_exponential_decay(f1['cycle_depth'], f1['fidelity'])
record = {
'pair': pair,
'a': a,
'layer_fid': layer_fid,
'cycle_depths': f1['cycle_depth'].values,
'fidelities': f1['fidelity'].values,
'layer_i': _one_unique(f1, 'layer_i', default=0),
'pair_i': _one_unique(f1, 'pair_i', default=0),
return pd.DataFrame(records).set_index(['pair', 'layer_i', 'pair_i'])

def before_and_after_characterization(
fidelities_df_0: pd.DataFrame, characterization_result: XEBCharacterizationResult
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A convenience function for horizontally stacking results pre- and post- characterization
fidelities_df_0: A dataframe (before fitting), likely resulting from
characterization_result: The result of running a characterization. This contains the
second fidelities dataframe as well as the new parameters.
A joined dataframe with original column names suffixed by "_0" and characterized
column names suffixed by "_c".
fit_decay_df_0 = fit_exponential_decays(fidelities_df_0)
fit_decay_df_c = fit_exponential_decays(characterization_result.fidelities_df)

joined_df = fit_decay_df_0.join(fit_decay_df_c, how='outer', lsuffix='_0', rsuffix='_c')
joined_df['characterized_angles'] = [
characterization_result.final_params[pair] for pair, _, _ in joined_df.index
# Take any `final_params` (for any pair). We just need the angle names.
fp, *_ = characterization_result.final_params.values()
for angle_name in fp.keys():
joined_df[angle_name] = [
characterization_result.final_params[pair][angle_name] for pair, _, _ in joined_df.index
return joined_df

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