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Fuzzy Search

r0ah edited this page Mar 5, 2019 · 1 revision

There are many use for the fuzzy search but its main purpose is for searching for unknown values. These unknown values are typically HP or MP gauge bars and are usually in floating point values.

I will only cover the unknown search type because the remaining search types are self-explanatory.

To use fuzzy search launch the VitaCheat menu and go to Go Search menu then press the psvita-r to switch to fuzzy search mode.


Hard, because you'll have to manually read each results (see requirements).


Must be experienced with the Finding Values: Normal Search and know how to search for the following values:

  • Normal Values (Decimal)

  • HEX Values

  • Floating Point Values

Must know how to utilize bit types (8bit/16bit/32bit) and most importantly range.

Search Types

  • <: Less than X

  • >: Greater than X

  • <=: Less than or Equal to X

  • >=: Greater than or Equal to X

  • <>: Unequal to X

  • ==: Equal to X

  • between: Between X and X

After the initial search you'll have to use either one of these search types.

Searching for Unknown Values

A good example of unknown values is the God Eater 2 Rage Burst's Burst Gauge.

Before we start we have to devour enemy to fill our Burst Gauge. Do a long devour because we need the gauge full. Not necessary full as that is impossible because the gauge is continuously deflated but we need it to be around at least 80-90 percent.

Note: If you're searching for HP or MP gauge then most likely it's already full so skip this step if you're searching for those values.

Step 1: Initial Search

Now that the Burst Gauge is filled let's do a fuzzy search. Set the following values:

Name Values
Value initial
Search Type unknown
Value Type 32bit
Range 0x81000000 - 0x89000000

Press the First search and wait for the results.

We got 33409024 results which is a lot.

Step 2: Latest Search

What we're going to do is to reduce the Burst Gauge value. Return to the game and let the Burst Gauge decrease.

Once done launch VitaCheat and do a fuzzy search again but this time we have different values to input:

Name Values
Value latest
Search Type <
Value Type 32bit
Range 0x81000000 - 0x89000000

Since our Burst Gauge is continuously being deflated we have to use < (which translate to: the latest value is less than initial value) as the search type (see Finding Values: Fuzzy Search - Search Types).

Press the Search again and wait for the results.

We got 44223 results which is less than the previous results but is still quite a lot.

Step 3: Eliminating Useless Results

What we're going to do at this point is to repeat the Step 2 to eliminate useless results. Do the Finding Values: Fuzzy Search - Step 2: Search Again. Do latest search, return to the game and decrease gauge then do latest search. Repeat this process until you get less results.

See the images below, notice that in every image my Burst Gauge is less and less and there are fewer results.

And after multiple latest search we now have only 12 results which is great!

Press the psvita-triangle to see the records and manually read each results. Do a test for the suspected address if needed.

Note: Unknown values are usually in floating point values.

And we have the address for our Burst Gauge!

Note: The address is dynamic so you won't get the same address like I did in this tutorial.


We add the cheat to the cheat list.

Fix the value to 1000 floating point which is 0x447A0000.

And we now have infinite Burst Gauge!

Hope this helps you.

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