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File metadata and controls

87 lines (63 loc) · 3.69 KB



This is a Kotlin API with a robust foundation on basic config, database (Postgres), logging, CORS and security setup. Optional integration with New Relic for performance monitoring and SMTP service for emailing. Database tables for api_log (saves all incoming requests) and smtp_log (saves all emails sent).

Backend (API)


  • MVC with the following layers: Controller -> Service -> Repository
  • Objects: DTO (API requests/responses), Model (Repository), ApiException (custom exceptions),
  • Base directory (./base/) with classes that should be transparent for the API developer (config, interceptors, annotations, logger, api-context)

Base configs and interceptors

  • CORS: allowed origins can be set at application.yml/boilerplate-env.server.allowed-origins
  • Security: password with BCrypt; api-session token is a string of 72 randomized upper, lower or digits using lib
  • API-monitoring with New Relic
  • API logging: incoming API calls (requests/responses) are logged to SYS_CALL_LOG table (to-do: create another table for outcoming requests)
  • Annotations: SecuredRole (UserRole: CUSTOMER, ADMIN), SecuredPermission (NONE, RESET_PASSWORD from token sent to email)
  • Email: SMTP configs in application.yml; currently using maildev locally (npm install -g maildev)
  • Logger with SLF4J

Postman collection


  • Where to add a new ApiError? -> class ApiErrorModule


The database is based on Postgres and have the following tables (columns may be outdated, check ddl file)

  • ADMIN: admin_id, name, email, password_hash + soft delete
  • CUSTOMER: customer_id, name, email, password_hash, status_cd, last_access_dt, last_access_ip, phone, document_id, address, address_complement + soft delete
  • SYS_API_LOG: api_log_id, src_ip, request_endpoint, request_url, request_headers, request_body, response_http_status, response_body
  • SYS_ERROR_LOG: error_log_id, api_log_id, error_backtrace, error_message
  • SYS_SMTP_LOG: smtp_log_id, api_log_id, from_addr, to_addr, subject, body, sent_status_cd
  • Audit columns: created_dt, created_by, updated_dt, updated_by
  • Soft-delete columns: deleted_status, deleted_dt, deleted_by

DDL at: ./database/ddl.sql


Database setup

  • Install PostgreSLQ
  • Run the ddl file at database/ddl.sql

SMTP setup

  • Local: ./scripts/cheatsheets/
  • External server: set SMTP server variables in application.yml

Code setup

  • Set database, SMTP and API Monitor and you should have everything that this project uses


API features

  • Client API: login, sign-up, forgot_password, upload_profile_picture
  • Admin API: login, sign-up, get users, edit users, delete users
  • Security: Encrypted password and API Session Token
  • Exception handling: All app exceptions are configured in one class (ApiExceptionModule)
  • Automatic enum conversion to API and Database (DbEnumConverter)
  • Forgot password: Basic email sending and SMTP integration
  • Monitoring (APM & Logging): using New Relic free tier
  • Postman collection
  • Logs

DB features

  • API Session table: Keeps tokens and permissions for users logged in
  • API call-log table: Any incoming request and response is saved to database (SYS_CALL_LOG)
  • Email log table: Every sent email is saved to database (SYS_EMAIL_LOG)
  • Error log table: Any incoming request that results in an exception as response is saved to database with exception class, description and stack-trace (SYS_ERROR_LOG)


  • Unit Tests
  • Pager Duty: Triggers email and calls phone when detects API failure
  • Docker e container
  • Documentation with SpringDocs