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Creating a New Module

DustinBorn edited this page Sep 21, 2019 · 9 revisions


Adding New Modules

Modules have to follow certain rules in order to successfully work with AVAIN. The data format for a module's results is shown above. New modules have to be placed into the src/modules subdirectory. All modules have to be prefixed with the word avain to be distinguishable from other files / scripts. Have a look at the current module structure to see some examples. As modules have to be written in Python, their file extension has to be .py. Also, modules are required to have a run(results: list) function. To share its results with AVAIN's core, a module has to append them to the list results list. For this, every result has to be appended to the list as a tuple of (TYPE, RESULT), where TYPE is a key or string contained in the enum defined in core/ and RESULT can either be the filepath to a JSON file or the result itself as a Python dictionary. All non-essential / intermediate results of a module can be returned separately. Every such result needs to be stored in a separate file. To return all of these files, the module has to store the filepaths in a global CREATED_FILES list. Also, it is important to mention that AVAIN switches into the directory of a module when calling it, so that every module can run within its own environment.

Module Parameters

There are two ways a module can receive parameters from the core: configuration files (see further below) and global variables within the module. E.g. if a module has defined the global variable NETWORKS, the core assigns that variable its corresponding value. Currently available module parameters are: * VERBOSE – Specifies whether AVAIN should be verbose * CONFIG – The part of the config file relevant to this module * CORE_CONFIG – The part of the config file relevant for all modules * NETWORKS – A list of network (expressions) to scan, possibly containing wildcards and prefixes * OMIT_NETWORKS – &nbsp A list of network (expressions) not to scan, possibly containing wildcards and prefixes * PORTS – A list of ports to scan, possibly containing the prefix "T" for TCP or "U" for UDP as well a range of ports to scan * HOSTS – A list of all (pure) host addresses to scan, not containing any wildcards or prefixes

Furthermore, to retrieve any of the intermediate / shared results, modules have to define which kind of results they want to retrieve as well as a variable to store them in. This can be done by defining the global dict INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS and putting into it the requested types of intermediate results as keys. The available results types are defined in core/ as enum. Example:

INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS = {ResultType.SCAN: None}  # get the current SCAN result

Alternatively to the enum keys, their values can be put into the dict of intermediate results. Example:

INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS = {"SCAN": None}  # get the current SCAN result


Every module has the ability to log events. First a logger needs to be setup. This can be done simply with:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Once set up, the logger can be used like this:"Starting the Nmap scan")
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