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Keboola Writer for FTP/FTPS

A FTP/FTPS Keboola Connect Writer component that handles data writing from KBC storage to a remote location via FTP/FTPS protocol. Written in Node.js with utilization of Babel/ES6/ES7 functionality.


Configuration is very straightforward. One has to select input files from Keboola Storage, put credentials and you are all set. The possible options are described below.

Table selection

A Keboola helper for Table Input Mapping selection is enabled. It's a GUI component that simplify the input table selection and enabled some advanced functionality like columns specification. Feel free to experiment with this.

FTP/FTPS settings

The configuration structure for the FTP/FTPS Writer is very straightforward and there is a GUI helper that helps you to prepare the configuration. Check out the summary in the list below.

  • Remote host - FTP/FTPS hostname.
  • Username - FTP/FTPS username.
  • Password - FTP/FTPS password. Will be encrypted.
  • Protocol - ftp/ftps. Default value set to ftp. There is also an option for ftps_debug. By default, FTPS is implemented with a different library than FTP. There was recently an update in FTP implementation and a new library was used. But there is also a support for FTPS. Ideally it will be nice to use the same library for both FTP and FTPS, but due to compatibility reasons, the original FTPS uploading implementation was left without any modification. However, if you would like to use the new library for both, you can select ftps_debug which does the job.
  • Remote path - path within FTP/FTPS. Default value set to '/'.
  • Port - port of the remote host. Default value set to 21.
  • Append datetime - true/false. A flag for making a datetime the part of the name. Default value set to false.
  • Datetime format - standard ISO 8601 symbols for specifying the datetime (if append datetime set to true).
  • Placeholder - This is relevant to output filename. See the details below.
  • Connection retries - a number of possible retries if something goes wrong. Default value set to 5.
  • Verbose - FTP client offers to show a detail logs of the uploading process. In case you need detailed logs (e.g. for debugging purposes), set this option to true. Default option is false.
  • Timeout - FTP client offers to setup a timeout. Default value is set to 10000.
  • Upload directory - FTP client offers a new functionality. To upload the whole directory at once, without explicity setting a stream for a file. Parameters append datetime/datetime format are not applied for this option.


The required parameters are Remote host, Username, Password and Protocol. There must be a non-empty value for each of these parameter in the input configuration. If not, the execution will failed.

Datetime configuration

You can append a datetime suffix at the end of the filename. Just set Append datetime parameter in the configuration to true. The default format of datetime suffix is YYYYMMDD_HHmmss, but you can simply updating it by changing Datetime format parameter.


If you set the append datetime parameter to true, you can specify how the final file name will look like. The placeholder must contains %%table%% and %%datetime%% strings and you can basically mix the output in any way you want. (e.g.: %%table%%_%%datetime%%). If string is empty or specified incorrectly, a default format is applied.


A FTP/FTPS writer for Keboola Connection







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