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Deprecate inconsistent behavior that merging conditions on the same c…
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Related to #39250 and #39236.

The purpose of the change here is to unify inconsistent behavior on the

For now, mergee side condition is replaced by merger side condition only
if both arel nodes are Equality or In clauses.

In other words, if mergee side condition is not Equality or In clauses
(e.g. `between`, `or`, `gt`, `lt`, etc), those conditions will be kept
even on the same column.

This behavior is harder to predict unless people are familiar with the
merging behavior.

Originally I suppose this behavior is just an implementation issue
rather than an intended one, since `unscope` and `rewhere`, which were
introduced later than `merge`, works more consistently.

Since most of the conditions are usually Equality and In clauses, I
don't suppose most people have encountered this merging issue, but I'd
like to deprecate the inconsistent behavior and will completely unify
that to improve a future UX.

# Rails 6.1 (IN clause is replaced by merger side equality condition)
Author.where(id: [,]).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]

# Rails 6.1 (both conflict conditions exists, deprecated)
Author.where(id: bob)) # => []

# Rails 6.1 with rewhere to migrate to Rails 6.2's behavior
Author.where(id: bob), rewhere: true) # => [bob]

# Rails 6.2 (same behavior with IN clause, mergee side condition is consistently replaced)
Author.where(id: [,]).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]
Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]
  • Loading branch information
kamipo committed Jun 6, 2020
1 parent 95af87f commit 930bfb9
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Showing 3 changed files with 113 additions and 26 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions activerecord/
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
* Merging conditions on the same column no longer maintain both conditions,
and will be consistently replaced by the latter condition in Rails 6.2.
To migrate to Rails 6.2's behavior, use `relation.merge(other, rewhere: true)`.

# Rails 6.1 (IN clause is replaced by merger side equality condition)
Author.where(id: [,]).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]

# Rails 6.1 (both conflict conditions exists, deprecated)
Author.where(id: bob)) # => []

# Rails 6.1 with rewhere to migrate to Rails 6.2's behavior
Author.where(id: bob), rewhere: true) # => [bob]

# Rails 6.2 (same behavior with IN clause, mergee side condition is consistently replaced)
Author.where(id: [,]).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]
Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]

*Ryuta Kamizono*

* Do not mark Postgresql MAC address and UUID attributes as changed when the assigned value only varies by case.

*Peter Fry*
Expand Down
34 changes: 28 additions & 6 deletions activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/where_clause.rb
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def invert(as = :nand)

def self.empty
@empty ||= new([]).tap(&:referenced_columns).freeze
@empty ||= new([]).freeze

def contradiction?
Expand All @@ -113,9 +113,12 @@ def extract_attributes
attr_reader :predicates

def referenced_columns
@referenced_columns ||= begin
equality_nodes = { |n| equality_node?(n) }, &:left)
predicates.each_with_object({}) do |node, hash|
attr = extract_attribute(node) || begin
node.left if equality_node?(node) && node.left.is_a?(Arel::Predications)

hash[attr] = node if attr

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,8 +147,27 @@ def equalities(predicates)

def predicates_unreferenced_by(other)
predicates.reject do |n|
equality_node?(n) && other.referenced_columns.include?(n.left)
referenced_columns = other.referenced_columns

predicates.reject do |node|
attr = extract_attribute(node) || begin
node.left if equality_node?(node) && node.left.is_a?(Arel::Predications)
next false unless attr

ref = referenced_columns[attr]
next false unless ref

if equality_node?(node) && equality_node?(ref) || node == ref
Merging (#{node.to_sql}) and (#{ref.to_sql}) no longer maintain
both conditions, and will be replaced by the latter in Rails 6.2.
To migrate to Rails 6.2's behavior, use `relation.merge(other, rewhere: true)`.

Expand Down
84 changes: 64 additions & 20 deletions activerecord/test/cases/relation/merging_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -23,18 +23,20 @@ def test_merge_in_clause
assert_equal [mary, bob], mary_and_bob

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob))

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: mary))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: bob))

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary), rewhere: true)

assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: bob))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob), rewhere: true)

assert_equal [mary, bob], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [david, mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary)
assert_equal [david, bob], mary_and_bob.merge(Author.where(id: [david, bob]))
assert_equal [david, bob], mary_and_bob.merge(Author.where(id: [david, bob]), rewhere: true)

assert_equal [mary, bob], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [mary, bob], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob, rewhere: true)

assert_equal [david, mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary)
assert_equal [david, mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary, rewhere: true)

david_and_bob = Author.where(id: david).or(Author.where(name: "Bob"))
Expand All @@ -52,19 +54,36 @@ def test_merge_between_clause
assert_equal [david, mary], david_and_mary
assert_equal [mary, bob], mary_and_bob

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary))
assert_equal [], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob))
author_id = Regexp.escape(Author.connection.quote_table_name(""))
message = %r/Merging \(#{author_id} BETWEEN (\?|\W?\w?\d) AND \g<1>\) and \(#{author_id} (?:= \g<1>|IN \(\g<1>, \g<1>\))\) no longer maintain both conditions, and will be replaced by the latter in Rails 6\.2\./

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary))
assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: mary))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: bob))

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary), rewhere: true)

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: bob))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob), rewhere: true)

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary)
assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [bob], mary_and_bob.merge(Author.where(id: [david, bob]))
assert_equal [david, bob], mary_and_bob.merge(Author.where(id: [david, bob]), rewhere: true)

message = %r/Merging \(#{author_id} BETWEEN (\?|\W?\w?\d) AND \g<1>\) and \(#{author_id} BETWEEN \g<1> AND \g<1>\) no longer maintain both conditions, and will be replaced by the latter in Rails 6\.2\./

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [mary, bob], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob, rewhere: true)

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary)
assert_equal [david, mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary, rewhere: true)

david_and_bob = Author.where(id: david).or(Author.where(name: "Bob"))
Expand All @@ -82,19 +101,36 @@ def test_merge_or_clause
assert_equal [david, mary], david_and_mary
assert_equal [mary, bob], mary_and_bob

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary))
assert_equal [], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob))
author_id = Regexp.escape(Author.connection.quote_table_name(""))
message = %r/Merging \(\(#{author_id} = (\?|\W?\w?\d) OR #{author_id} = \g<1>\)\) and \(#{author_id} (?:= \g<1>|IN \(\g<1>, \g<1>\))\) no longer maintain both conditions, and will be replaced by the latter in Rails 6\.2\./

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary))
assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: mary))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: bob))

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: mary), rewhere: true)

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: bob))
assert_equal [bob], david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob), rewhere: true)

assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary)
assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [bob], mary_and_bob.merge(Author.where(id: [david, bob]))
assert_equal [david, bob], mary_and_bob.merge(Author.where(id: [david, bob]), rewhere: true)

message = %r/Merging \(\(#{author_id} = (\?|\W?\w?\d) OR #{author_id} = \g<1>\)\) and \(\(#{author_id} = \g<1> OR #{author_id} = \g<1>\)\) no longer maintain both conditions, and will be replaced by the latter in Rails 6\.2\./

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [mary], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [mary, bob], david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob, rewhere: true)

assert_deprecated(message) do
assert_equal [mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary)
assert_equal [david, mary], mary_and_bob.merge(david_and_mary, rewhere: true)

david_and_bob = Author.where(id: david).or(Author.where(name: "Bob"))
Expand All @@ -109,8 +145,16 @@ def test_merge_not_in_clause
non_mary_and_bob = Author.where.not(id: [mary, bob])

assert_equal [david], non_mary_and_bob
assert_equal [david], Author.where(id: david).merge(non_mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [], Author.where(id: mary).merge(non_mary_and_bob)

assert_deprecated do
assert_equal [david], Author.where(id: david).merge(non_mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [david], Author.where(id: david).merge(non_mary_and_bob, rewhere: true)

assert_deprecated do
assert_equal [], Author.where(id: mary).merge(non_mary_and_bob)
assert_equal [david], Author.where(id: mary).merge(non_mary_and_bob, rewhere: true)

def test_merge_doesnt_duplicate_same_clauses
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