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Starting template WP Theme with Gulp4

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Starting template theme for WordPress

  1. git clone

  2. Rename:

    env to .env

    composer-prod.json to composer.json

    package-prod.json to package.json

  3. composer require cmb2/cmb2 vlucas/phpdotenv ifsnop/mysqldump-php

  4. Install devDependencies

    npm i @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader gulp gulp-autoprefixer@8 gulp-babel gulp-clean-css gulp-concat gulp-include gulp-livereload gulp-load-plugins gulp-notify gulp-rename gulp-sourcemaps gulp-stylus gulp-svg-sprite gulp-svgmin gulp-uglify rollup @rollup/plugin-commonjs @rollup/plugin-node-resolve -D
  5. Install dependencies

    npm i modern-css-reset svg4everybody formbouncerjs
  6. gulp build


thumbnail - 150 [crop]
medium - 1024
medium_large - 1440
large - 2048

--- From theme: ---
thumblarge - 500 [crop]
small - 768