A dynamic setter-getter library for PHP 5.4+.
You can use methods like setFoo('bar')
and getFoo()
, which you DON'T have to create (in your class).
GetSetTrait will make these methods work for you automatically as long as you have a $foo
property in your class.
It makes use of Traits, so using
it is super simple, you don't have to extend any class, as you can extend a single class only, we don't force you to use ours.
You can restrict to only getter only or you can specify a Type for property using annotations.
GetSetTrait uses Composer to make hassles Go.
Learn to use composer and add this to require (in your composer.json):
"rakshazi/get-set-trait": "@stable"
Library on Packagist.
Just add this in your classes:
use Rakshazi\GetSetTrait;
class Dummy
//Add ability to use dynamic getters and setters
use \Rakshazi\GetSetTrait;
//Init dummy class
$dummy = new Dummy;
//Set new var 'message_for_world' with value
//Will return "Hello\n"
echo $dummy->getMessageForWorld()."\n";
//Will return the same text
echo $dummy->getData('message_for_world')."\n";
//Set new message for our world!
$dummy->setData('message_for_world', 'Bye-bye!');
//Will return "Bye-bye!\n"
echo $dummy->getData('message_for_world')."\n";
//Will set new var 'new_message'
$dummy->setNewMessage('Use me now!');
//Will return true, value exists
//Will return false
//Will show all object data
That's basically it.
If you want save all data in $object->someProperty
array instead of saving each property as object's property ($object->property_name
you can use setDataProperty('data')
function, example:
class Dummy
//Add ability to use dynamic getters and setters
use \Rakshazi\GetSetTrait;
public function __construct()
//Init dummy class
$dummy = new Dummy;
//Set new var 'message_for_world' with value
//Will return "Hello\n"
echo $dummy->getMessageForWorld()."\n";
//Will return the same text
echo $dummy->getData('message_for_world')."\n";
//Set new message for our world!
$dummy->setData('message_for_world', 'Bye-bye!');
//Will return "Bye-bye!\n"
echo $dummy->getData('message_for_world')."\n";
//Will set new var 'new_message'
$dummy->setNewMessage('Use me now!');
//Will return all properties in an array
//Will show all object data
Result (all data saved in data
object(Dummy)#1 (2) {
string(4) "data"
array(2) {
string(8) "Bye-bye!"
string(11) "Use me now!"