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Ian Karanja edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 12 revisions

Building Tool Development Guide

A basic understanding of Github, Git and blender python API is required.

The source code for building tool is laid out in an obvious manner.



The main addon folder is named btools.

At the root of the btools folder can be found which serves as the addon initialization. You can expect to find:

  • The addon bl_info used by Blender's Python API for addon meta data.
  • UI definition for the addon's main panels.
  • register and unregister functions.

Also in the btools folder is a utils folder. This contains a collection of useful, reusable modules and functions. Great effort has been taken to keep related functionality in common files.

Finally, the guts of the addon are in the folders building and road. These folders contain collections of modules alongside some python files. The files include:

  • - contains all properties that are used by more than one module.

The modules include:

  • window
  • door
  • roof
  • floorplan
  • floors
  • balcony
  • stairs
  • road

with more to be added.

Each of these modules contains at least 5 python files:

  • - contains a class to build geometry and validate the blender context.
  • - contains operators required by the module
  • - contains properties required by the module.
  • - contains helper functions used by the module operator.

where mod is the name of the module.

The root of the project also contains a tests folder.

The tests folder contains per-module test files e.g tests for the floors module will be found in the test module called

Also in the tests folder is a file that should be run from within blender python in order to run the tests. A command to run the test can look as follows:

blender --window-geometry 0 0 1 1 --no-window-focus -P tests/

This command will run the tests in an unfocussed blender window. Tests must be run from within blender to provide the proper context and extra modules such as bpy.

To start contributing to the development of Building Tool you need to have the appropriate environment setup. Developing blender addons can be somewhat tricky especially when using an external editor. I will provide a short overview of my setup for developing Building Tool.

  1. You will need to get ScriptWatcher.

A very handy blender addon I stumbled across that watches your project files in blender and runs your addon when you make changes.

  1. Once ScriptWatcher is installed in blender, locate the ScriptWacher panel which should be in the Properties editor under the Scene tab.

  2. Point ScriptWacher to the file at the root of your local Building Tool development sources. Click Watch Script to run Building Tool in the current blender workspace.

To avoid having to repeat these steps every time, you can save the current blender workspace as a file, say building_tool_dev.blend. Then in the SciptWatcher settings, enable the Watch on startup checkbox. Now every time you open the .blend file, everything will already be setup.

At this point, making changes to the building tools source code should not be a scary endeavour. You should be able to fix issues, add new features and refactor appropriately.

It is advisable of course to take the time to understand the portions of code you would like to change. Be sure to maintain a style consistent with the rest of the source code. I personally use black to handle python style, but occasionally prefer the freedom of deciding on my own.

Unfortunately, there are no tests available to prevent blunders during development. This means that it's up to the developer to ensure that changes do what is intended.

In general, the following hints apply:-

  • Run Blender from a terminal. This allows you to watch all output from the addon including errors when testing functionality.

  • Make small changes and test often.

  • If adding/removing new classes, ensure you register/unregister them. Errors relating to this issue are usually vague and not helpful.

  • When adding new properties, caution should be taken when defining update functions. Blenders documentation warns users about Infinite Recursion, but errors relating to this issue can be vague and seem unrelated to recursion.

  • If you feel that a piece of code is used often or that it could be useful in other areas of the addon, consider adding it in the utils module.

  • As part of a consistent style, I have made great effort to keep the length of functions reasonable. Less than 40 lines is preferred.

Once you are happy with the changes you have made, push them to your fork and create a pull request.

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