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Learn pytorch in 10 days - Day 3: Change an LSTM Tagger to LSTM classifier (with ~5 lines of code)

The main goal of day 3 is to modify an LSTM tagger to an LSTM classifier. This will contribute to our ultimate goal of the week, which is to train a state-of-the-art binary sequence classifier for IMDB sentiment analysis.

This modification provides us with an intuitive understanding of transfer learning: If we had already trained a robust seq2seq model based on what we learned on day 1 and day 2, we could potentially reuse the same model architecture (and even trained weights) as a starting point for a sequence classification task, with just some minor changes in the output layer. Second, this exercise provides us with a deeper understanding of the LSTM architecture and how to manipulate the output.

In order to transform an LSTM tagger into an LSTM classifier, you only need changes in just 5 lines of code.

Change No 1: Change the output size

As we are training a binary classifier instead of a seq2seq model, the output size will be modified from the size of the sequence (tag_size) to 1 to accommodate a single probabilistic output:

# Before
model = LSTMClassifier(EMBEDDING_DIM, HIDDEN_DIM, len(word_to_ix), tag_size) 

# After 
model = LSTMClassifier(EMBEDDING_DIM, HIDDEN_DIM, len(word_to_ix), 1) 

Change No 2: Change the loss function

We will change our loss function from the multiclass CrossEntropyLoss to the binary BCEWithLogitsLoss:

# Before 
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# After
loss_fn = nn.BCEWithlogitsLoss()

Please note that there are a couple of minor differences in the input requirement of CrossEntropyLoss vs BCEWithLogitsLoss: i. The input dimensions are a little different now; the dimensions for BCEWithLogitsLoss requires inputs and targets to have the same dimensions, while CrossEntropyLoss inputs take (N,C) and target takes (N). As our target shape is (n_samples, ), we use torch.squeeze to transform tag_scores from (n_samples, 1) to (n_samples, ):

    # Before  
    tag_scores = self.hidden2tag(lstm_out.view(batch_size* seq_len, -1))

    # After 
    tag_scores = self.hidden2tag(lstm_out_forward)
    tag_scores_flat = torch.squeeze(tag_scores, 1)

ii. BCEWithLogitsLoss requires data format as float instead of long:

    # Before 
    loss = loss_fn(ypred_batch, y_batch)
    # After 
    loss = loss_fn(ypred_batch.float(), y_batch.float())
  • So Why do we choose nn.BCEWithlogitloss(), instead of sticking to nn.CrossEntropyLoss()) and apply it to the binary class, since they are theoretical equivalent?*

The rationale is based on the difference in optimization process, even though they are mathematically equivalent. An intuitive argument is provided in this thread from nn.BCELossWithLogits results in a single output and requires sigmoid activation, whereas nn.CrossEntropyLoss results in two outputs and requires softmax activation:

nn.BCELossWithLogits activation:

nn.BCECrossEntropyLoss activation:

Therefore the latter requires twice as many parameters as the former in the activation layer, making the calculations more complex than necessary. For a more in-depth understanding and related derivations, you can check an excellent blog post provided by Lei Mao here.

Change No. 3: Change the output transformation

Since we changed the loss function, we change the output transformation from softmax to sigmoid accordingly:

# Before: 
tag_prob = torch.softmax(tag_scores) 

# After: 
tag_prob = torch.sigmoid(tag_scores)

Change No. 4: Change the input to the linear layer

We need to change the input to the linear layer, from including all the hidden state (batch_size, padded_seq_len, hidden_dim) to just the last non-padding hidden states (batch_size, hidden_dim). ((This is really important, if we just take the last element we will end up with the padding hidden state, which might distort the model))

# Before: 
lstm_out, _ = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(lstm_out, batch_first=True, total_length=seq_len)

# After: 
lstm_out, _ = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(lstm_out, batch_first=True, total_length=seq_len)
lstm_out_forward = lstm_out[torch.arange(batch_size), X_lengths - 1]

Change No. 5: Remove code associated with target embedding.

Target embedding was required for the seq2seq model, but not for binary sentiment classification:

# Before: 
word_to_ix, tag_to_ix = seqs_to_dictionary(training_data)

# After: 
word_to_ix = seqs_to_dictionary_v2(training_data)