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Eureka Actuator Spring Cloud Example

Deployment flow

Actuator endpoint : http://localhost:9001/actuator/health

curl GET http://localhost:9000/service-instances/a-bootiful-client

Spring Eureka

Eureka Service endpoint : http://localhost:8761/

Spring Boot Admin

Boot Admin Service Endpoint : http://localhost:8080/

Spring Cloud Config

curl GET http://localhost:9122/a-bootiful-client/default

To be sure cloud config properly loaded to application service
make curl GET http://localhost:9000/config/message which should return you message : 'Hello from cloud config'

To Push Docker Image to docker hub

  1. cd into service directory (cd config-server)
  2. Make sure you have login docker
  3. Run mvn dockerfile:build
  4. Run mvn dockerfile:push

As i am using github CI/CD github workflow will automatically track master branch changes and deploy new images to

To run kubernetes deployment locally

Make sure you have setup kubectl, minikube, docker, virtual Box on your machine after setting up environment :

  1. cd deploy
  2. kubectl apply -f kubernetes-deployment.yaml
  3. minikube service boot-app-service --url

As soon as services are ready you can check click on urls and browse for services

Enjoy :)