EskyLib is a container for setting up a THREE.js scene, controls, and setup/draw/logic functions in a quick and convenient way.
See the demo in /demo for an example of how to use EskyLib.
- Source:
- Twitter: @adamjohnburns
- jQuery (or Zepto), THREE.js, and the included RequestAnimFrame.js
- A modern browser that supports THREE.js rendering
To use, create a new Eskylib() object with the below required variables in object form. Once initialized, the logic/drawing loop will run using the the browsers RequestAnimFrame function, or the provided shim as a fallback.
- Get the latest version of THREE.js
- Make sure Three.js is included in your project
- Setup the following: ** A container div with an ID ** A Javascript function for your logic loop ** A Javascript function for your rendering loop
- On project startup, call var eskyLib = new EskyLib({ container: '#container', drawLoopFunction: drawFuncion, logicLoopFunction: logicFunction }); ** There are other optional arguments, as listed below
Required constructor arguments:
- container, string, jQuery selector of container DOM object to use for drawing
- drawFunction, function, External drawing function, called each game loop
- logicFunction, function, External logic function, called each game loop
Optional constructor arguments:
- setupFunction, function, Runs once at startup to initialize the scene
- canvasWidth, integer, Width of area to render, in pixels
- canvasHeight, integer, Height of area to render, in pixels
- clearColour, string, Colour to use to clear the drawing area each frame in the hex format 0x000000
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.