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Releases: reanahub/reana-workflow-controller

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.9.3

04 Mar 16:07
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0.9.3 (2024-03-04)


  • docker: non-editable submodules in "latest" mode (#551) (af74d0b)
  • python: bump all required packages as of 2024-03-04 (#574) (1373f4c)
  • python: bump shared REANA packages as of 2024-03-04 (#574) (e31d903)


  • manager: call shutdown endpoint before workflow stop (#559) (719fa37)
  • manager: increase termination period of run-batch pods (#572) (f05096a)
  • manager: pass custom env variables to job controller (#571) (646f071)
  • manager: pass custom env variables to workflow engines (#571) (cb9369b)

Bug fixes

  • manager: graceful shutdown of job-controller (#559) (817b019)
  • manager: use valid group name when calling groupadd (#566) (73a9929), closes #561
  • stop: store engine logs of stopped workflow (#563) (199c163), closes #560

Code refactoring

Code style

Continuous integration

  • commitlint: addition of commit message linter (#555) (b9df20a)
  • commitlint: allow release commit style (#575) (b013d49)
  • commitlint: check for the presence of concrete PR number (#562) (4b8f539)
  • pytest: move to PostgreSQL 14.10 (#568) (9b6bfa0)
  • release-please: initial configuration (#555) (672083d)
  • release-please: update version in Dockerfile/OpenAPI specs (#558) (4be8086)
  • shellcheck: fix exit code propagation (#562) (c5d4982)


  • authors: complete list of contributors (#570) (08ab9a3)

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.9.2

12 Dec 16:13
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  • Adds automated multi-platform container image building for amd64 and arm64 architectures.
  • Adds metadata labels to Dockerfile.
  • Changes CVMFS support to allow users to automatically mount any available repository.
  • Changes how pagination is performed in order to avoid counting twice the total number of records.
  • Changes the workflow deletion endpoint to return a different and more appropriate message when deleting all the runs of a workflow.
  • Fixes job status consumer exception while attempting to fetch workflow engine logs for workflows that were not successfully scheduled.
  • Fixes runtime uWSGI warning by rebuilding uWSGI with the PCRE support.

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.9.1

27 Sep 08:40
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  • Adds the timestamp of when the workflow was stopped (run_stopped_at) to the workflow list and the workflow status endpoints.
  • Adds PDF files to the list of file types that can be previewed from the web interface.
  • Changes the deletion of a workflow to automatically delete an open interactive session attached to its workspace.
  • Changes the k8s specification for interactive session pods to include labels for improved subset selection of objects.
  • Changes the k8s specification for interactive session ingress resource to include annotations.
  • Changes uWSGI configuration to increase buffer size, add vacuum option, etc.
  • Fixes job status inconsistency when stopping a workflow by setting the job statuses to stopped for any running jobs.
  • Fixes job status consumer to correctly rollback the database transaction when an error occurs.
  • Fixes uWSGI memory consumption on systems with very high allowed number of open files.
  • Fixes uWSGI and consume-job-queue command to gracefully stop when being terminated.
  • Fixes container image names to be Podman-compatible.

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.9.0

19 Jan 10:28
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  • Adds the remote origin of workflows submitted via Launch-on-REANA (launcher_url) to the workflow list endpoint.
  • Adds support for Kerberos authentication for workflow orchestration.
  • Adds the REANA_WORKSPACE environment variable to jupyter notebooks and terminals.
  • Adds option to sort workflows by most disk and cpu quota usage to the workflow list endpoint.
  • Adds support for specifying and listing workspace file retention rules.
  • Changes workflow list endpoint to add the possibility to filter by workflow ID.
  • Changes the deployment of interactive sessions to use networking/v1 Kubernetes API.
  • Changes default consumer prefetch count to handle 10 messages instead of 200 in order to reduce the probability of 406 PRECONDITION errors on message acknowledgement.
  • Changes to Flask v2.
  • Changes job status consumer to improve logging for not-alive workflows.
  • Changes the deletion of a workflow to also update the user disk quota usage if the workspace is deleted.
  • Changes the CWD of jupyter's terminals to the directory of the workflow's workspace.
  • Changes the k8s specification of interactive sessions' pods to remove the environment variables used for service discovery.
  • Changes GitLab integration to use reana as pipeline name instead of default when setting status of a commit.
  • Changes the deletion of a workflow to always remove the workflow's workspace and to fail if the request is asking not to delete the workspace.
  • Changes the move_files endpoint to allow moving files while a workflow is running.
  • Changes the deployment of interactive sessions to improve security by not automounting the Kubernetes service account token.
  • Changes workspace file management commands to use common utility functions present in reana-commons.
  • Changes to PostgreSQL 12.13.
  • Changes the deployment of job-controller to avoid unnecessarily mounting the database's directory.
  • Changes the base image of the component to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and reduces final Docker image size by removing build-time dependencies.
  • Fixes the download of files by changing the default MIME type to application/octet-stream.
  • Fixes the workflow list endpoint to correctly parse the boolean parameters include_progress, include_workspace_size and include_retention_rules.
  • Fixes Kerberos authentication for long-running workflows by renewing the Kerberos ticket periodically.
  • Fixes job status consumer by discarding invalid job IDs.

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.8.2

06 Oct 13:52
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  • Fixes delete --include-all-runs functionality to delete only workflow owner's past runs.

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.8.1

07 Feb 15:35
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  • Adds configuration environment variable to set default timeout for user's jobs for the Kubernetes compute backend (REANA_KUBERNETES_JOBS_TIMEOUT_LIMIT).
  • Adds configuration environment variable to set maximum custom timeout limit that users can assign to their jobs for the Kubernetes compute backend (REANA_KUBERNETES_JOBS_MAX_USER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT).

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.8.0

22 Nov 14:22
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  • Adds users quota accounting.
  • Adds new job properties started_at and finished_at to the /logs endpoint.
  • Adds configuration environment variable to limit the number of messages received in the job status consumer (prefetch_count).
  • Adds file search capabilities to the workflow workspace endpoint.
  • Adds Snakemake workflow engine support.
  • Adds support for custom workflow workspace path.
  • Changes to PostgreSQL 12.8
  • Changes workflow run manager to query the specific workflow engine during pod deletion.
  • Fixes workflow list endpoint query logic to improve optimization.

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.7.5

05 Jul 17:10
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  • Changes internal dependencies.

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.7.3

28 Apr 14:04
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  • Adds configuration environment variable to set job memory limits for the Kubernetes compute backend (REANA_KUBERNETES_JOBS_MEMORY_LIMIT).
  • Adds configuration environment variable to set maximum custom memory limits that users can assign to their job containers for the Kubernetes compute backend (REANA_KUBERNETES_JOBS_MAX_USER_MEMORY_LIMIT).
  • Adds support for listing files using glob patterns.
  • Adds support for glob patterns and directory downloads, packaging files into a zip.

REANA-Workflow-Controller 0.7.2

24 Mar 09:56
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  • Adds new configuration to toggle Kubernetes user jobs clean up.
  • Fixes job-status-consumer exception detection for better resilience.