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Releases: reefgenomics/SymPortal_framework


09 Oct 15:15
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update yml to include openpyxl


08 Oct 12:52
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disable species annotations
fix Clade F assignment issue
improve datasheet QC checks
update test datasets
update user objects to integrate with
add Study and Submission objects to db
add cron jobs
modify User to interact with submission logic and
update conda requirements
check for UIDs in analyse_next


01 Sep 10:47
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Improve lat lon format checking
Remove '-' from local refSeqDB.fa


10 May 15:21
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  • Associate file sha256 and filenames for both seq files for every sample
  • Fix a bug where MED does not complete decomposition when seq complexity very low
  • Ensure minimum overlap in seq QC


22 Jan 16:00
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Fix a bug that was being caused by a rogue unused import statement.
Thanks to Bry Wilson for pointing this out.


07 Sep 03:04
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This release primarily addresses infrastructure relevant to the remote version of SymPortal.
However, some improvements and fixes are relevant to the local version too.

  • Associate User and Study Objects to DataSet object
  • Automatically remove greek characters from sample names
  • Print Study ID after analysis
  • Set data_explorer and display_online to True for Study
  • --display_studies option for remote user
  • Fix bug in display of AnalysisType names
  • Creation of auto update of citations code
  • Catch tree rooting errors
  • Implement logging
  • Multi thread the pre-MED sequence matching
  • Add utility script
  • Increase char length of AnalysisType fields
  • Rescale distance matrices before input to PCoA
  • Check and catch error in eigen values summing to 0


24 Jun 11:56
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  • Upgrade to mothur==1.43
  • Upgrade to python 3.8
  • Implement environment setup through conda
  • Move from multiprocessing to multithreading
  • Update MED scripts to work with python 3.8
  • Switch off basal lineage forced separation
  • Improve tests
  • Include distance outputs for standalone seq output
  • Fixes to minor formatting issues
  • Shift nomenclature from Symbiodinium --> Symbiodiniaceae
  • Further auto-curation of user datasheets
  • Add Study and User classes to
  • Removal of phylip binaries


24 Feb 09:26
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Speed up for creation of DataSetSampleSequencePM objects
Output of both BrayCurtis and UniFrac distances as default as well as both sqrt and non-sqrt transformed versions
Changes to the javascript outputs for the upgraded version of the DataExplorer


29 Jan 07:22
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Allow the use of full paths in datasheets for data loading
Do checks on input seq files for minimum file sizes
Enable data loading with no pre med seq objects created or output
Loading and analysis completed time stamps
Ensure name provided for analyses
Fix bug in html output for profile color
Fix bug in html output pcoa file mapping


20 Jan 13:32
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Improved error checking of QC processing
Improved seq direction deduction in data loading without datasheet
Bug fixes when loading without datasheet
Improved stability of UniFrac tree creation
Improved javascript output
Functionality to use datasheet to modify meta information of samples
Checks for correct version of Mothur being used
Enable negating square root transformation in distance calculations
Updated refSeqDB.fa and symClade.fa
Update Django from 2.2.4 to 3.0.2 (security update)