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Schemable provides basic struct mapping against a database, using the squirrel package.

NOTE: Only works on go 1.18, since it uses generics.

DB tests

How to Use

Schemable works with annotated structs, and schemers that bind those structs to tables.

type ComicTitle struct {
	ID     int64  `db:"id, PRIMARY KEY, AUTO INCREMENT"`
	Name   string `db:"name"`
	Volume int    `db:"volume"`

var ComicTitles = schemable.Bind[ComicTitle]("comic_titles")

Initialize the client and store in a context. This lets queries take advantage of context cancellation and timeouts.

// calls sql.Open(...)
client := schemable.New("sqlite3", "connection")
client.SetLogger(...) // optional, for logging queries
ctx := schemable.WithClient(context.Background(), client)

Schemers can list and delete multiple records:

import sq ""

recorders, err := ComicTitles.ListWhere(ctx, func(q sq.SelectBuilder) sq.SelectBuilder {
  return q.Limit(10)

// Target is the actual *ComicTitle instance

sqlResult, err := ComicTitles.DeleteWhere(ctx, func(q sq.DeleteBuilder) sq.DeleteBuilder {
  return q.Where(sq.Eq{"id": 1})

Records are managed in Recorders that can Load, Insert, Update, and Delete. Updating only updates fields that have changed.

// initialize an empty instance
newRec := ComicTitles.Record(nil)
newRec.Target.Name = "The X-Men"
newRec.Target.Volume = 1

err := newRec.Insert(ctx)

// load record by primary key
rec := ComicTitles.Record(&ComicTitle{ID: 1})
ok, err := rec.Exists(ctx)
err = rec.Load(ctx)

// only updates name column
rec.Target.Name = "The Uncanny X-Men"
err = rec.Update(ctx)

// deletes record
err = rec.Delete(ctx)

Schemable works with db transactions too:

// TxOptions is optional and can be nil
txclient, err := client.Begin(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{...})

tctx := schemable.WithClient(ctx, txclient)

// alternatively, begin the transaction directly from the context:
// (*sql.TxOptions is still optional)
tctx, txclient, err := schemable.WithTransaction(ctx, nil)

txRec := ComicTitles.Record(nil)
txRec.Target.Title = "The Immortal X-Men"
err = txRec.Insert(tctx)

err = txclient.Commit() // or txclient.Rollback()

Both *DBClient and *TxnClient offer custom query support through squirrel:

q, args, err := client.Builder().Select("id").From("comic_titles").ToSql()

q, args, err := txclient.Builder().Delete("comic_titles").ToSql()
txclient.Exec(ctx, qu, args...)
txclient.Rollback() // whew!

Where are the tests?

In an effort to keep go.mod tidy, the tests are implemented in the schemabletest package, designed to run in packages like sqlitetest:

# both schemable and schemable_sqlitetest need to be in the same dir for
# bin/test.
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd schemable_sqlitetest

# add -v to see the raw sql queries
$ bin/test
ok	0.419s


  • verify sqlite3 support
  • verify mysql support
  • verify postgres support
  • GitHub Actions for supported databases


Heavily inspired by the structable package, and this Facilitator pattern for Go generics.