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Silgy configuration parameters

Jurek Muszyński edited this page Jun 16, 2019 · 20 revisions

At startup, Silgy engine looks for silgy.conf in $SILGYDIR/bin directory. If not found, it tries current directory. If still not found, it sets the default values.

Example silgy.conf:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# between 0...4 (most detailed)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ports

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# database connection details
#dbHost=                # not required if local
#dbPort=                # not required if local

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IP blacklist

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# setting this to 1 will add _t to the log file name
# slightly different behaviour with https redirections

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom params

Parameters are case sensitive.

Apart from predefined parameters, you can add your own and read them in silgy_app_init() with silgy_read_param_str() and silgy_read_param_int().

Parameter Description Default
ASYNCDefTimeout Default timeout for CALL_ASYNC 30
ASYNCId Unique id (integer) to distinguish instances of the same application on the same computer, as they need the separate queue sets
blockedIPList Blocked IP file name
certChainFile Certificate chain file when HTTPS is enabled
certFile Certificate file when HTTPS is enabled
dbHost MySQL host name or address when DBMYSQL is enabled
dbName MySQL database name when DBMYSQL is enabled
dbPassword MySQL database password when DBMYSQL is enabled
dbPort MySQL port number when DBMYSQL is enabled 0
dbUser MySQL databse user name when DBMYSQL is enabled
httpPort HTTP port to listen to. Ovewrittable by a command line argument. 80
httpsPort HTTPS port to listen to 443
keyFile Private key file when HTTPS is enabled
logCombined 0 = Common Log Format, 1 = Combined Log Format 0
logLevel Log level corresponding to logging macros: 0 = no log file, 1 = errors only, 2 = up to warnings, 3 = up to info, 4 = up to debug 3
logToStdout Log to stdout instead of a file 0
RESTTimeout CALL_REST timeout (ms) 1000
test When set to 1, there's a different behaviour when DOMAINONLY is set, blocked IP list is ignored, as well as Upgrade-Insecure-Requests, and there's _t attached to a log file name 0
usersRequireAccountActivation Require user account activation via link emailed to user 0
watcherLogLevel Log level for silgy_watcher 0
watcherLogToStdout Log to stdout for silgy_watcher 0
watcherLogRestart Log level for silgy_watcher if restart is performed 3
watcherStartCmd Start command for silgy_watcher sudo $SILGYDIR/bin/silgystart
watcherStopCmd Stop command for silgy_watcher sudo $SILGYDIR/bin/silgystop
watcherWait Wait between stop and start (in seconds) for silgy_watcher 10
whiteList Whitelist file name. If present, only addresses from the list will be allowed to connect.
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