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Silgy switches and constants

Jurek Muszyński edited this page Oct 9, 2019 · 66 revisions

Silgy engine and library use a number of switches and constants, defined as macros in the header files. You can use silgy_app.h to turn some of them on, or redefine them:


#define DBMYSQL
#define USERS
#define HTTPS

If not present in silgy_app.h, they will have their default values defined in silgy.h, silgy_lib.h and silgy_usr.h.

Macro Description Default
ALLOW_BEARER_AUTH If ls cookie is not present in request, use Authorization Bearer value
APP_ADMIN_EMAIL Admin email used by USERS module
APP_ASYNC_ID Unique integer needed when there's more than one Silgy application using ASYNC on the same machine
APP_CONTACT_EMAIL Contact email used by USERS module
APP_DESCRIPTION If defined, it will be used by OUT_HTML_HEADER macro, in html header
APP_DOMAIN Domain name, used in redirections with DOMAINONLY and by the visits counter
APP_EMAIL_FROM_USER Send an email using silgy_email() as a specific user noreply
APP_ERROR_PAGE Render your own error page. You also need to define void silgy_app_error_page(int ci, int code) in silgy_app.cpp.
APP_IP Application host IP used by IP-blocking by BLACKLISTAUTOUPDATE
APP_JSON_BUFSIZE Maximum length of JSON string 65568
APP_JSON_MAX_ELEMS Maximum number of elements in JSON objects 10
APP_JSON_MAX_LEVELS Maximum number of levels in JSON objects 4
APP_KEYWORDS If defined, it will be used by OUT_HTML_HEADER macro, in html header
APP_LOGIN_URI Used for redirection when access to protected resource has been requested, see silgy_set_auth_level() login
APP_MAX_STATICS Maximum number of static resources 1000
APP_MIN_USERNAME_LEN Minimum user name length for USERS module 2
APP_MIN_PASSWORD_LEN Minimum password length for USERS module 5
APP_SESID_LEN Session id length used in cookies 15
APP_VERSION Displayed at the beginning of the log 1.0
APP_WEBSITE Website name, for example used in OUT_HTML_HEADER macro Silgy Web Application
ASYNC_EXCLUDE_AUSES Don't share application part of the user session (auses) between silgy_app and silgy_svc
ASYNC_MQ_MAXMSG Max messages in message queue 10
ASYNC_REQ_MSG_SIZE Request message size in bytes 8192
ASYNC_RES_MSG_SIZE Response message size in bytes 8192
ASYNC_USE_APP_CONTINUE For backward compatibility. 1. Make CALL_ASYNC macros to take an extra argument – data; 2. Make the engine call silgy_app_continue() after CALL_ASYNC has returned. This was default before v4.3
BLACKLISTAUTOUPDATE Automatically add malicious IPs to the file defined in blockedIPList
COMPRESS_TRESHOLD Minimum response content size to compress (bytes) 500
COMPRESS_LEVEL Deflate parameter (see zlib) Z_BEST_SPEED
CONN_TIMEOUT HTTP connection timeout (seconds) 180
DBMYSQL Open MySQL connection at the start and close it during clean up. Use dbHost, dbPort, dbName, dbUser and dbPassword
DBMYSQLRECONNECT Open MySQL connection with auto-reconnect option. I recommend not to use this option at the beginning, until you're familiar with MySQL settings, for reconnect happens quietly and without you knowing, this may be impacting your app's performance. See wait_timeout.
DEF_RES_AUTH_LEVEL Default resource authorization level, see silgy_set_auth_level() AUTH_LEVEL_NONE
DEF_USER_AUTH_LEVEL Default user authorization level, see silgy_set_auth_level() AUTH_LEVEL_USER
DOMAINONLY Always redirect to APP_DOMAIN
DONT_LOOK_FOR_INDEX By default, when there's a plain GET / request, and res/index.html is present, Silgy serves it. Use this flag to disable this.
DONT_NOTIFY_NEW_USER Disable notifying new user about the new account created with silgy_usr_add_user()
DONT_PASS_QS_ON_LOGIN_REDIRECTION When logged in session is required for the resource and there's no logged in session, request will be redirected to APP_LOGIN_URI. By default the query string is passed as well. Use this switch to disable this.
DONT_RESCAN_RES By default, Silgy engine rescans res and resmin directories every 60 seconds, rereading the files when changed. Use this flag to disable this.
DUMP Highest level debug output. Use with care, as this may produce quite a huge log files.
EXPIRES_STATICS Used to calculate response header value for static resources (days from today, updated every midnight). If 0, Expires header for statics will not be sent. 90
EXPIRES_GENERATED Used to calculate response header value for rendered content (days from today, updated every midnight). If 0, Expires header for generated content will not be sent. 30
FD_MON_POLL Monitor connected sockets using poll() Default on Linux
FD_MON_SELECT Monitor connected sockets using select() Default on Windows
HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS Add includeSubDomains to Strict-Transport-Security response header
HSTS_MAX_AGE HSTS max-age parameter 31536000
HTTPS Enable HTTPS. Both ports (httpPort & httpsPort) will be open and listened to. OpenSSL, certificate and the key pair are required (see How-to)
ICONV Enable silgy_convert(). On Windows, you also need to add iconv library to m.bat.
JSON_KEY_LEN Maximum JSON field name length 31
JSON_VAL_LEN Maximum JSON string value length 255
JSON_NO_AUTO_AMPERSANDS Don't add ampersands to CALL_REST() and JSON_xxx macros
LUSES_TIMEOUT Logged in session caching timeout (seconds) 1800
MAX_BLACKLIST Blocked IP list size 10000
MAX_MESSAGES Maximum number of messages 1000
MAX_STRINGS Maximum number of strings 1000
MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE Maximum incoming payload size in bytes 16777216 (16 MB)
MAX_ULA_BEFORE_FIRST_SLOW Maximum unsuccessful login attempts before first slowing down (1 attempt per minute will be allowed) 10
MAX_ULA_BEFORE_SECOND_SLOW Maximum unsuccessful login attempts before second slowing down (1 attempt per hour will be allowed) 25
MAX_ULA_BEFORE_THIRD_SLOW Maximum unsuccessful login attempts before third slowing down (1 attempt per 23 hours will be allowed) 100
MAX_ULA_BEFORE_LOCK Maximum unsuccessful login attempts before locking user out 1000
MAX_WHITELIST Whitelist size 10000
MEM_TINY Sets the memory model
MEM_SMALL Sets the memory model (default)
MEM_MEDIUM Sets the memory model
MEM_LARGE Sets the memory model
MEM_XLARGE Sets the memory model
MEM_XXLARGE Sets the memory model
MEM_XXXLARGE Sets the memory model
MEM_XXXXLARGE Sets the memory model
NO_IDENTITY By default Silgy introduces itself in HTTP headers, with Server: Silgy and User-Agent: Silgy in
NO_NOSNIFF By default, there's a X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header added to a response with content. Use this flag to turn it off.
NO_SAMEORIGIN By default, there's a X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN header added to a response with content. Use this flag to turn it off.
CALL_REST(). Use this flag to disable this.
OUTCHECKREALLOC Sets the OUT() and OUT_BIN() mode. Every write checks available space, resizes if necessary. (default)
OUTCHECK Sets the OUT() and OUT_BIN() mode. Every write checks available space, stop writing when exhausted.
OUTFAST Sets the OUT() and OUT_BIN() mode. No check, fast and dangerous.
QS_DEF_HTML_ESCAPE Sets the QS mode. HTML-escapes value, i.e. ' will become '. (default)
QS_DEF_SQL_ESCAPE Sets the QS mode. SQL-escapes value, i.e. ' will become \'.
QS_DEF_DONT_ESCAPE Sets the QS mode. Don't escape value.
REST_CALL_DONT_CACHE_ADDRINFO By default CALL_REST() caches last 100 addresses to avoid unnecessary DNS querying. Use this flag to disable this.
STR_001 Users' passwords pepper, part 1. Use random, 4−15 characters long string. abcde
STR_002 Users' passwords pepper, part 2. Use random, 4−15 characters long string. fghij
STR_003 Users' passwords pepper, part 3. Use random, 4−15 characters long string. klmno
STR_004 Users' passwords pepper, part 4. Use random, 4−15 characters long string. pqrst
STR_005 Users' passwords pepper, part 5. Use random, 4−15 characters long string. uvwxy
STRINGS_SEP Strings' separator in strings.LL-CC files |
TMP_BUFSIZE Temporary buffer (used by OUT()) size in bytes OUT_BUFSIZE
USER_ACTIVATION_HOURS How many hours user has to activate account 24
USER_KEEP_LOGGED_DAYS ls cookie validity period 30
USES_TIMEOUT Anonymous session timeout (seconds) 300
USERS Use users module. It provides an API for handling all registered users logic, including common things like i.e. password reset. You need to have DBMYSQL defined as well.
USERSBYEMAIL Use email to authenticate users. Mutually exclusive with USERSBYLOGIN.
USERSBYLOGIN Use login or email to authenticate users. Mutually exclusive with USERSBYEMAIL (default)
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