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Silgy functions and macros

Jurek Muszyński edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 71 revisions

Framework ‒ engine callbacks

Name Description
silgy_app_init Called when application starts
silgy_app_main Called after parsing HTTP request header
Main entry point for a request
silgy_app_session_init Called when new anonymous user session starts
silgy_app_user_login Called after successful authentication
silgy_app_user_logout Called when downgrading logged in user session to anonymous
silgy_app_session_done Called when closing anonymous user session
silgy_app_done Called when application shuts down


Name Description
silgy_add_message Adds error message
silgy_add_to_static_res Adds string to static resources
silgy_read_param_int Reads integer parameter from silgy.conf
silgy_read_param_str Reads string parameter from silgy.conf
silgy_set_auth_level Sets required authorization level for a resource
silgy_set_host_res Assigns separate resource directories to a host


Name Description
HOST Compares request Host with string
ID Last part of URI
QS Retrieves string value from query string
QS_TEXT Retrieves text from query string
QSB Retrieves boolean value from query string
QSD Retrieves double value from query string
QSF Retrieves float value from query string
QSI Retrieves integer value from query string
QSU Retrieves unsigned integer value from query string
REQ Compares the first part of request URI with string
REQ_BOT Answers whether request is from a bot
REQ_DATA Request payload
REQ_DELETE Answers whether request method is DELETE
REQ_DSK Answers whether request is from desktop user agent
REQ_GET Answers whether request method is GET
REQ_LANG User agent primary language
REQ_METHOD Request method
REQ_MOB Answers whether request is from mobile user agent
REQ_POST Answers whether request method is POST
REQ_PUT Answers whether request method is PUT
URI Compares request URI with string


Name Description
OUT Appends string to the output (client) buffer
OUT_BIN Appends binary data to the output (client) buffer
OUT_HTML_HEADER Appends standard HTML header to the output (client) buffer
OUT_HTML_FOOTER Appends standard HTML footer to the output (client) buffer
OUT_MSG_DESCRIPTION Writes error message to the output (client) buffer
OUT_SNIPPET Appends snippet to the output (client) buffer
OUT_SNIPPET_MD Translates to HTML and appends markdown snippet to the output (client) buffer
REDIRECT_TO_LANDING Redirects browser to landing page
RES_CONTENT_DISPOSITION Adds Content-Disposition to response header
RES_CONTENT_TYPE Sets response content type
RES_DONT_CACHE Prevents response from being cached by browser
RES_HEADER Adds HTTP header to response
RES_KEEP_CONTENT Prevents response content from being reset on error
RES_LOCATION Sets response location and changes its status to 303
RES_STATUS Sets response status


Name Description
LOGGED Tells whether current session is logged in or not
US Engine user session structure
AUS Application user session structure


Name Description
ALWAYS Write string to log if logLevel > 0
ERR Write string to log as ERROR if logLevel > 0
WAR Write string to log as WARNING if logLevel > 1
INF Write string to log if logLevel > 2
DBG Write string to log if logLevel > 3

Asynchronous services

Name Description
CALL_ASYNC Calls asynchronous service
CALL_ASYNC_NR Calls asynchronous service without response
CALL_ASYNC_TM Calls asynchronous service with specific timeout
SVC Compares service name with string
ASYNC_ERR_CODE Error code passed from CALL_ASYNC


Name Description
silgy_usr_activate Activates user account
silgy_usr_add_user Adds new user account without using current session
silgy_usr_change_password Changes user password
silgy_usr_create_account Creates user account
silgy_usr_email_registered Checks whether email is already registered
silgy_usr_get_avatar Retrieves user avatar into output buffer
silgy_usr_login Logs user in
silgy_usr_logout Logs user out
silgy_usr_password_quality Assesses password quality
silgy_usr_reset_password Resets user password using the emailed key
silgy_usr_save_account Updates user details
silgy_usr_save_avatar Saves user avatar
silgy_usr_send_message Saves message from user
silgy_usr_send_passwd_reset_email Sends password reset link
silgy_usr_verify_passwd_reset_key Verifies password reset key
GET_USER_INT Gets user setting (integer)
GET_USER_STR Gets user setting (string)
SET_USER_INT Sets user setting (integer)
SET_USER_STR Sets user setting (string)


Name Description
CALL_REST Makes RESTful call using JSON objects
CALL_REST_RAW Makes RESTful call using plain strings
CALL_REST_CONTENT_TYPE Returns last CALL_REST HTTP response status
CALL_REST_STATUS Returns last CALL_REST response Content-Type
REST_HEADER_PASS Passes request header onto CALL_REST headers
REST_HEADER_SET Adds or overwrites REST header
REST_HEADERS_RESET Removes all previously set REST headers


Name Description
JSON_ADD_STR Adds string to JSON object
JSON_ADD_STR_A Adds string to JSON array
JSON_ADD_INT Adds integer to JSON object
JSON_ADD_INT_A Adds integer to JSON array
JSON_ADD_FLOAT Adds float to JSON object
JSON_ADD_FLOAT_A Adds float to JSON array
JSON_ADD_BOOL Adds bool to JSON object
JSON_ADD_BOOL_A Adds bool to JSON array
JSON_ADD_RECORD Adds JSON record to JSON object
JSON_ADD_RECORD_A Adds JSON record to JSON array
JSON_ADD_ARRAY Adds JSON array to JSON object
JSON_ADD_ARRAY_A Adds JSON array to JSON array
JSON_COUNT Returns number of elements in JSON object
JSON_FROM_STRING Converts string to JSON object
JSON_GET_STR Gets string from JSON object
JSON_GET_STR_A Gets string from JSON array
JSON_GET_INT Gets integer from JSON object
JSON_GET_INT_A Gets integer from JSON array
JSON_GET_FLOAT Gets float from JSON object
JSON_GET_FLOAT_A Gets float from JSON array
JSON_GET_BOOL Gets bool from JSON object
JSON_GET_BOOL_A Gets bool from JSON array
JSON_GET_RECORD Gets JSON record from JSON object
JSON_GET_RECORD_A Gets JSON record from JSON array
JSON_GET_ARRAY Gets JSON array from JSON object
JSON_GET_ARRAY_A Gets JSON array from JSON array
JSON_LOG_DBG Logs JSON object content on DBG level
JSON_LOG_INF Logs JSON object content on INF level
JSON_PRESENT Checks field presence in JSON object
JSON_RESET Removes all elements from JSON object
JSON_TO_STRING Converts JSON object to string
JSON_TO_STRING_PRETTY Converts JSON object to pretty string


Name Description
AMT Formats amount considering session's or user agent's language
COPY Safely copies NULL-terminated string with UTF-8 awareness
CSRFT_OK Verifies CSRF token
CSRFT_OUT_INPUT Adds hidden input with CSRF token to the form
CSRFT_REFRESH Refreshes CSRF token
MSG Returns error message considering session's or user agent's language
MSG_CAT_GREEN Tells whether error code belongs to messages category
MSG_CAT_ORANGE Tells whether error code belongs to warnings category
MSG_CAT_RED Tells whether error code belongs to errors category
md5 Generates string's MD5 hash
silgy_admin_info Renders admin info page
silgy_convert Converts string from one CP to another
silgy_email Sends an email
silgy_email_attach Sends email with attachement
silgy_filter_strict Converts string to be suitable for a file name
silgy_html_esc HTML-escapes string
silgy_html_unesc HTML-unescapes string
silgy_message Returns an error message
silgy_minify Minifies CSS or JS
silgy_random Generates random string
silgy_render_md Converts markdown text into HTML
silgy_sql_esc SQL-escapes string
STR Returns string version depending on session or user agent's language
urlencode URI-encodes string
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