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Ideas to be implemented

Aaron Warner edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 53 revisions

Quick notes

  • mass extract upgrade limit with high income
  • scale power better with high income - validate
  • fix sera t4 air aa - validate
  • be smarter about fabricators, do we need them if we already have lots of extractors? Its a waste of power/mass.- validate
  • read scenario file for civilian units that are marked for death and use that to determine some high value mass positions.


  • Stop ACU from walking to target positions. *DONE
  • Get ACU to try and maintain range on units. *DONE
  • Get ACU to change unit range if gun upgrade is present. *DONE
  • ~~Improve ACU return to base functionality. ACU should not walk in a straight line back. *Partially done. Use chps idea of getting the positions within an arc at points along the line towards the base to help him dodge fire while returning. ~~ *DONE
  • Create ACU support platoons when the ACU is a certain radius from the base *DONE
  • Add support for more ACU modes. e.g tactical, defense, aggressive.
  • Get ACU to move to tactical locations instead of looking for units to kill if tactical mode is set
  • Platoon support locations to keep the ACU close to the front line when it has high health. May require platoon merging to get a platoon size large enough for this.
  • Improve ACU overcharge, attempt to get multiple units for OC instead of single targets. *DONE


  • Modify mass raid platoon to support submarine units. *DONE
  • Add Naval threat points to tactical monitor.


  • Add Air threat points to tactical monitor. *DONE
  • Respond to fast enemy air upgrade
  • Calculate Air threat vs Enemy and leverage to create offensive and defensive factory builders. *DONE
  • Better threat checks when looking for targets *DONE
  • Add pathing for air to stop suicide movement *DONE
  • Add scouts to fighter platoons to improve intel during dogfights.
  • Put limits on fighters waiting due to threat.


  • Complete engineer reclaim logic *DONE
  • Add more scout patrol locations
  • Add mass markers as a scout destination to improve mass raid intel. *DONE
  • Add mercy snipe plan *DONE
  • Add TML snipe plan *DONE
  • Improve mass raid plan. Add mass marker locations if no threat derived.*DONE
  • Add detection of underwater mass markers *DONE
  • Get engineers to check for other units while moving towards build location, reclaim if possible. *DONE
  • Improve general land plans. Check threats while moving towards destination and pull back if PD's detected. Squad support for artillery to deal with PDs?
  • Improve Air plans. *DONE
  • Support amphib squads maybe? or a separate plan completely.
  • Add merge limit to attackforceai to avoid the platoons getting excessively big. *DONE
  • Create platoons for mass extractors *DONE
  • Add distresscall for mass extractors *DONE
  • Dedicated SACU plans
  • Rocketbot/Sniperbot shift to artillery squad, use different target logic levarging lerp to maintain range on targets. *DONE Not via squads but micro functions
  • ArtilleryAI


  • T4 Structure builders *DONE
  • Add T3 Air *DONE
  • Add support factories *DONE
  • Add late game stuff *DONE
  • Builder for bombers to hit radars *DONE
  • Differentiate between start locations and large expansion markers *DONE
  • Add a mass extractor loop builder to try and make extractor building more efficient. *DONE


  • Create 20km+ base template and associated builders *DONE
  • Defence marker expansions...I could get the AI to place defence markers where enemies consistently walk through? Would then allow places for PD's to be built.
  • Generate factory rally points base on reverse pathing from the enemy start pos. Use amphib for navy. Requires changes to amphib marker values to amphib units.


  • Detect island maps, mex locations that are only reachable by transports.
  • Increase minimum limits on engineer builders to stop it generating paths to positions within 25 units (or maybe 30 depending on testing.) *DONE
  • Extractor upgrade functions to support extractor platoons *DONE
  • Tactical Mass location table build for locations to either place expansion markers or defensive markers.
  • Manual structure build function. Used for build once structures at specific positions outside of base locations.

Brain Management

  • Track enemy economy, structures, we could get scouts to do this? Uveso performs this check for this upgrade builders but it looks like it relies on having Omni available.If so scouts could perform this check though they are already performing ACU detection so this will increase cpu resources consumed. *DONE with mex counting and mex bp threats.

  • Find tactical locations..what are these? We want to use these for the ACU and unit movement. e.g taking out positions where the enemy may be setting up a forward position.

  • Add one time scout locations, we could leverage the callforhelp ai to decide on these? Generally the ability to act on something thats spotted but still unknown. Chp did this with a transport drop, the AI didn't see it and even after enemy units were spotted did nothing about it. If we triggered a hipri scout then it could have known there were factory structures coming up. *DONE TacticalMonitor is the framework for this.

  • Support adding temp hi pri scout locations to support scouting suspect troop movement. Sprouto sets a permanent flag on his scout locations with a timeout value so he can purge them later.

  • Strategy Management. Using metrics to make decisions. Keep track of total claimed mexes, total claimed mexes for allies, and total claimed mexes for enemies for use in a “mex control” variable where we can determine how aggressive we need to be with upgrades and eco *DONE

  • Keep track of enemy static defense counts for use as a trigger for “defense breaker” platoons *DONE defense structure threat is counted

  • Keep track of enemy air and mobile AA in its proportion to other mobile units- trigger heavy anti-land or snipe air builds if enemy is missing AA *DONE but we do not modify the build platoons yet. We should.

  • Keep track of factory counts, allied factory counts, and enemy factory counts- use as triggers/variables in priority functions In essence collect data as a framework, then use that data as we figure out how

  • RNG personality system- once we figure out the strategy manager, set up the randomized names to match to specific personalities. I.e. an AI named Hector has a base EcoAggression of 1.3, AirAggression of 1.1, ArmyAggression of 0.8, TechAggression of 1.1, RaidRatio of 0.7, yielding an AI that is naturally more passive with its army, but builds and attacks with more bombers and other offensive air than usual while building more eco. These base variables would only be the base, and the strategy manager would still affect them, but it would provide a certain slant on gameplay for an AI of a certain name. could make this a toggle in the options. Would theoretically yield some interesting and unique playstyles, adding some “RNG” into decisionmaking

  • Dual economic personalities, mex ownership with decide how upgrade strategy to use, upgrade strategy impacts numbers of mexes that can upgrade at once, economic requirements for upgrades and economic requirements for unit building. *DONE

  • FatBoy improvement. Maintain Range and build supporting AA units *DONE

  • Monkeylord improvement. Retreat on low health to recover or deny mass if too far from the target to finish?

  • Active Expansions. Set a single expansion as active and unlock more defensive builders to provide an economic way to defend expansions without building everywhere.

  • Base Alerts need to stop triggering from antisurface due to threat creep.