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Snipe Logic

Aaron Warner edited this page Oct 10, 2022 · 1 revision


if enemyACUHealth < 7000 and cdr.Health - enemyACUHealth > 3250 and not RUtils.PositionInWater(targetPos) then snipe attempt ACU end

Loop self.Brain.EnemyIntel.ACU

if minThreatRisk >= 50 and VDist3Sq(v.Position, self.Brain.BrainIntel.StartPos) < (self.Brain.EnemyIntel.ClosestEnemyBase /2) then AirSnipe end

if VDist3Sq(v.Position, self.Brain.BrainIntel.StartPos) < (self.Brain.EnemyIntel.ClosestEnemyBase / 3) then landsnipe end

Check ACUSnipe missions available.


Gunship if ((v.HP / platoonDPS) < 15 or v.HP < 2000) and v.LastSpotted + 120 > GetGameTimeSeconds() then ACU Target end

Bomber if (self.CDRUnit.Caution and self.CDRUnit.EnemyCDRPresent and VDist3Sq(v.Position, self.BrainIntel.StartPos) < (self.EnemyIntel.ClosestEnemyBase /2)) or self.CDRUnit.SuicideMode then ACU Target end

if strikeDamage > v.HP * 0.80 then ACU Target end

Director Performs threat checks etc

Platoons - How do I coordinate these so its not just a congo line of units running at an acu? CheckACUSnipe Check ACU Snipe missions available. Current platoons

  • BomberStrikeAIRNG
  • GunshipStrikeAIRNG TODO
  • Zone Raid
  • Zone Control

Additional Checks Distance to AI vs enemy base Do we have gun vs enemy acu Do we have a health advantage. Is the enemy really low on health anyway? What can we muster?

  • Bombers total strike damage?
  • do we have air control?
  • Are we economically ahead?
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