⚠️ Update 2020-08-01: The car vendor has disabled the API endpoints. This integration does not work currently.
MercedesME platform as a Custom Component for Home Assistant.
- Please login once in the MercedesME IOS or Android app before you install this component.
- For US/CA the app name is "MercedesME Connect" (only newer cars are supported in this region)
Optional configuration values
pin: XXXX # required to open the lock or to start the engine, please use the Mercedes web or app to set-up the pin
country_code: DE # two digts country code
accept_lang: en_DE # four digits country code
save_car_details: true # save a json to the HA config directory with the features and states, please use this for debug only
cars: # Optional block to overwrite car specific options
- vin: FINXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 # required finorvin
tire_warning: tirewarninglamp # optional attributname for tire_warning binary sensor. some cars use tireWarningRollup or tirewarninglamp
name: Some Car # Optional name of the car to overwrite the default naming. Use "" to remove the name
tire_warning: tireWarningRollup
Available components:
Remote Start Switch
Aux Heat Switch
Binary Sensors:
* warningwashwater
* warningcoolantlevellow
* warninglowbattery
* warningbrakefluid
* liquidRangeCritical
* warningenginelight
attributes: warningbrakefluid, warningwashwater, warningcoolantlevellow, warninglowbattery
* parkbrakestatus
attributes: preWarningBrakeLiningWear
* windowsClosed
attributes: windowstatusrearleft, windowstatusrearright, windowstatusfrontright, windowstatusfrontleft
* tirewarninglamp
attributes: tirepressureRearLeft, tirepressureRearRight, tirepressureFrontRight, tirepressureFrontLeft, tirewarningsrdk, tirewarningsprwtireMarkerFrontRight, tireMarkerFrontLeft, tireMarkerRearLeft, tireMarkerRearRight, tireWarningRollup, lastTirepressureTimestamp
- Sensors:
* lock
attributes: doorStateFrontLeft, doorStateFrontRight, doorStateRearLeft, doorStateRearRight, frontLeftDoorLocked, frontRightDoorLocked, rearLeftDoorLocked, rearRightDoorLocked, frontLeftDoorClosed, frontRightDoorClosed, rearLeftDoorClosed, rearRightDoorClosed, rearRightDoorClosed, doorsClosed, trunkStateRollup, sunroofstatus, fuelLidClosed, engineHoodClosed
* rangeElectricKm
attributes: rangeelectric, rangeElectricKm, criticalStateOfSoc, maxrange, stateOfChargeElectricPercent, endofchargetime, criticalStateOfDeparturetimesoc, warninglowbattery, electricconsumptionreset, maxStateOfChargeElectricPercent, supplybatteryvoltage, electricChargingStatus, chargingstatus, soc, showChargingErrorAndDemand, electricconsumptionstart
* auxheatstatus
attributes: auxheatActive, auxheatwarnings, auxheatruntime, auxheatwarningsPush, auxheattimeselection, auxheattime1, auxheattime2, auxheattime3
* tanklevelpercent
attributes: tankLevelAdBlue
* odometer
attributes: distanceReset, distanceStart, averageSpeedReset, averageSpeedStart, distanceZEReset, drivenTimeZEReset, drivenTimeReset, drivenTimeStart, ecoscoretotal, ecoscorefreewhl, ecoscorebonusrange, ecoscoreconst, ecoscoreaccel, gasconsumptionstart, gasconsumptionreset, gasTankRange, gasTankLevel, liquidconsumptionstart, liquidconsumptionreset, liquidRangeSkipIndication, rangeliquid, serviceintervaldays, tanklevelpercent, tankReserveLamp, batteryState, tankLevelAdBlue
* car alarm
attributes: lastTheftWarning, towSensor, theftSystemArmed, parkEventType, parkEventLevel, carAlarmLastTime, towProtectionSensorStatus, theftAlarmActive, lastTheftWarningReason, lastParkEvent, collisionAlarmTimestamp, interiorSensor, carAlarmReason
Logging: Set the logging to debug with the following settings in case of problems.
default: warn
custom_components.mercedesmeapi: debug
custom_components.mercedesmeapi.sensor: info
custom_components.mercedesmeapi.apicontroller: debug
custom_components.mercedesmeapi.OAuth: debug
- Tested countries: CA, DE, DK, ES, FI, NL, PL, UK, US
- For Canada please use Country Code US currently
- Cars out of North America and Europe can't be used at the same time