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Frontend JavaScript web framework based on JSX syntax and concurrent renderer with Fiber Architecture.


npm i fley
npm i -D @babel/core @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx
// e.g. in webpack.config.js
    test: /\.jsx?$/,
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    use: {
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        options: {
            plugins: [[
                { runtime: 'automatic', importSource: 'fley' }


fley('Hello, World!') // By default, uses document.body as the root element.
import fley, { useState } from 'fley'

function App() {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
    return <>
        <div>You clicked {count} times</div>
        <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+</button>

fley(<App />, document.getElementById("app"))

Inline HTML

import fley, { Inline } from 'fley'
import iconUser from './icon-user.svg' // e.g. using Webpack

// The resulting DOM node is reused if the 'html' string
// remains the same.
    <Inline html={iconUser} width="16px"/>
    <Inline html="<ul> <li>One</li> <li>Two</li> </ul>" style="color: green;"/>
    <Inline html="Must start with an outer element. <p>This is omitted</p>"/>
    <Inline html="Plain text"/>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="16px">
    <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50"></circle>
<ul style="color: green;">
Must start with an outer element.
Plain text


The memo prop tells if the props and contents have remained the same since the last render. In other words, when it evaluates to true, the Element/Component is skipped in the reconciler.

function Item({ name }) {
    console.log('Item update')
    return <div>{ name }</div>

function List() {
    console.log('List update')
    const [items, setItems] = useState(['a', 'b', 'c'])

    useEffect(() => {
        setItems([123, 'b', 'c']) // change an item
    }, [])

    // (!) Always use the `key` prop if the memoized Element/Component
    // can change its order among its siblings.
    return <>
        <div memo> {/* same as memo={true} */}
            This div is always reused. Also it never changes its position,
            therefore, in this case, the "key" prop is not needed.
        {, i) =>
                memo={(prev, next) => ===}


// Without "memo":
// (1) List update
// (3) Item update <-- every Item is updated

// With "memo":
// (1) List update
// (1) Item update <-- only the changed Item is updated

Synchronous rendering

The Sync component disables concurrency when rendering its subtree. This way it allows everything it wraps to be rendered synchronously.

import fley, { Sync } from 'fley'
import App from './App'

fley(<Sync><App /></Sync>)



const [state, setState] = useState(initialState, actions)
function Component() {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
    const inc = () => setCount(count + 1)
    const dec = () => setCount(c => c - 1)
    return <>
        <p>Count: {count}</p>
        <button onClick={inc}> + </button>
        <button onClick={dec}> - </button>

Example using actions

function Component() {
    const [count, counter] = useState(0, {
        inc: (c, amount) => c + amount,
        dec: (c) => --c
    return <>
        <p>Count: {count}</p>
        <button onClick={}> + </button>
        <button onClick={counter.dec()}> - </button>
        <button onClick={counter(0)}> Res </button>

useEffect (async), useLayoutEffect (sync)

useEffect(fn, [deps])
useEffect(() => {
    // side effect
    return () => {
        // cleanup


const ref = useRef(initialValue)

The current value can be received by ref() and set by ref(newValue).

function Component() {
    const input = useRef()
    const onButtonClick = () => input()?.focus()
    return <>
        <input ref={input} type="text" />
        <button onClick={onButtonClick}>Focus the input</button>

Callback ref

function Component() {
    let input = null
    const onButtonClick = () => input?.focus()
    return <>
        <input ref={(el) => input = el} type="text" />
        <button onClick={onButtonClick}>Focus the input</button>


const memoizedResult = useMemo(fn, [deps])


const memoizedCallback = useCallback(fn, [deps])


Managing the metadata in the <head> section. Hooks used in a deeper and farther Component overwrite the value.


Sets the document title.

useTitle("Home page")
<title>Home page</title>


Adds meta tags (removes all previously added tags before adding new ones).

    { name: "description", content: "Book description." },
    { property: "og:title", content: "Book Title" },
<meta name="description" content="Book description.">
<meta property="og:title" content="Book Title">


Updates the structured data.

    "@context": "",
    "@type": "Book",
    "name": "Book Title",
    "description": "Book description.",
<script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "",
        "@type": "Book",
        "name": "Book Title",
        "description": "Book description."

Global state


Creates a stored value (reference).

const value = createValue(initial, actions, placeholder)
const value = createValue(initial, placeholder) // shortens createValue(initial, null, placeholder)
import fley, { createValue } from 'fley'

const actionsDescriptor = {
    inc: c => ++c,
    dec: c => --c
const count = createValue(0, actionsDescriptor)

function App() {
    return <>
        <div>You clicked {count} times</div>
        <button onClick={() =>}>+</button>
        <button onClick={() => count.dec()}>-</button>
        <button onClick={() => count(0)}>Res</button>

fley(<App />)

count is a Component

The count is a Component that wraps the stored value and only re-renders when the stored value changes.

function App() {
    return <>
        Count: {count}
        <p>This won't re-render when the stored value changes.</p>

// Under the hood (not an actual implementation)
const count = function() {
    const [value, setValue] = useState(0)
    return value

count is also a dynamic attribute

function App() {
    return <p title={count}>Only the attribute updates on count() change.</p>

count() is a getter

The count() is a function that returns the stored value and, at the same time, makes the outer Component reactive to the stored value changes.

function App() {
    return <>
        Count: {count()}
        <p>This will re-render each time the stored value changes.</p>

count(newValue) is a setter

The count(newValue) is a function that changes the stored value.

function App() {
    return <>
        Count: {count()}
        <button onClick={() => count(c => c+2)}>+2</button>
        <button onClick={() => count(0)}>Res</button>

placeholder parameter

The placeholder is a user-defined string (more like a template tag) that's used for Server-to-Client data binding in Pre-rendering. It tells the server where to insert the data before sending HTML to the client.

function Article() {
    const title = createValue('', '%title%')
    const content = createValue('', /* actions, */ '%content%')

    // Metadata
    useMeta([ {name: 'description', content: title} ])

    return <div>
        <h1 title={title}>{title}</h1>

Generated static HTML:

Empty <!----> comments mark corresponding value()'s data that should be parsed.

<meta name="description" content="%title%">
    <h1 title="%title%"><!---->%title%<!----></h1>

Processed HTML on the server and sent to the client:

<title>Lorem Ipsum</title>
<meta name="description" content="Lorem Ipsum">
    <h1 title="Lorem Ipsum"><!---->Lorem Ipsum<!----></h1>
    <p><!---->Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.<!----></p>

Resulting HTML after hydration process:

<title>Lorem Ipsum</title>
<meta name="description" content="Lorem Ipsum">
    <h1 title="Lorem Ipsum">Lorem Ipsum</h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>

Parsed values:

title() === 'Lorem Ipsum'
content() === 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'


A store is an instance of the Store class, it contains the state (properties created in the constructor) and the actions (non-static methods of the class, including inherited).

const store = createStore(StoreClass, ...constructorArgs)

By accessing any property of the store inside a Component, that Component automatically becomes reactive to the actions.

import fley, { createStore } from 'fley'
import api from 'fley/api'

class Theme {
    static styles = ['light', 'dark']

    constructor() { = 'dark'

    toggleStyle() {
        // 1) Inner calls to other actions do not cause additional rendering.
        // 2) Returning "null" from the initially called action prevents rendering.
        return === 'light'
            ? this.setStyle('dark')
            : this.setStyle('light')

    setStyle(style) {
        if (!Theme.styles.includes(style)) {
            return null
        } = style

const theme = createStore(Theme)

function App() {
    return <>
        <div>The current theme style is {}</div>
        <button onClick={() => theme.toggleStyle()}>Change theme style</button>


Asynchronous actions

The reserved method this.action([callback]) performs manual dispatch.

class Users {
    constructor() {
        this.users = []
    fetchUsers() {
        api.get('/users').success((res) => {
            this.users = res.list
            // Or just wrap the changes in a callback:
            // this.action(() => {
            //    this.users = res.list
            // })
        return null // prevent rendering at this moment


withCondition((props, key) => /* ... */)

This is a special hook that can be used inside actions. It sets a condition that will be applied to each (subscribed) Component to determine if it should re-render.

import fley, { createStore, createValue, withCondition } from 'fley'

// or createStore...
const selector = createValue(null, {
    select: (prev, next) => {
        withCondition((props) => === prev || === next)
        return next

function Row({ id }) {
    return <div class={selector() === id ? "selected" : ""}>
        <span onClick={() =>}>Id: {id}</span>

    <Row id={1} />
    <Row id={2} />
    <Row id={3} />


  • - The name of the route that matches the current path.
  • router.path - The current path.
  • router.params - Dynamic params (regex named capturing groups).
  • router.query - Query parameters from the current URL (after ?).
  • router.hash - The fragment from the current URL (including #).
  • router.from - The name of the previous route.
  • router.define()
  • router.go()
import fley from 'fley'
import router from 'fley/router'

	home: /^\/$/i,
	about: /^\/about$/i,

function App() {
    const page = === 'home'
        ? 'Home Page'
        : ( === 'about'
            ? 'About Us'
            : 'Page Not Found')

    return <>
        <a href="/">Home</a> | <a href="/about">About</a>


router.define(routes, options)

Defines named routes using regular expressions, especially named groups for dynamic params.

	home: /^\/$/i,
	user: /^\/user\/(?<username>.*)$/i, // router.params.username

router.define({}, {
    // Callback that will be called on navigation
    // (popstate or relative link click)
    // Default: null
    goCallback: () =>, 0) 

router.go(path, goCallback)

Navigates programmatically.

router.go('/about', () => window.scrollTo(0, 0)) // custom goCallback


import fley from 'fley'
import i18n, { t } from 'fley/i18n'

const en = { message: { hello: 'Hello!' } }
const ro = { message: { hello: 'Bună!' } }

    'en-US': en,
    'ro-RO': ro

function App() {
    return <>
        <div>{ t('message.hello') }</div>
        <button onClick={() => i18n.setLocale('en-US')}>EN</button>
        <button onClick={() => i18n.setLocale('ro-RO')}>RO</button>



Defines language codes and corresponding locale objects. The first defined will be the fallback locale.

    en: { // Fallback locale
        _: 'Not yet translated', // Fallback key
        greeting: 'Good morning!',
        common: ':-)'
    ro: {
        // _: '' // Fallback key that prevents the use of the fallback locale
        greeting: 'Bună dimineaţa!'

t('greeting')   // Bună dimineaţa!
t('common')     // :-)
t('abc')     // Not yet translated


Sets the locale by the defined language code. Also updates the lang attribute of the <html> tag.


Locales list

import i18n, { getLocales } from 'fley/i18n'

    'en-US': { $: { name: "English" } },
    'ro-RO': {}

    [ "en-US", "English" ],
    [ "ro-RO", "" ] 


The config object must be assigned to the reserved property $ of the locale object.

The required plural rule can be found in the List of plural rules. Learn more about Language Plural Rules.

const ro = {

    // Config
    $: {
        // Locale display name.
        // Default: ''
        name: 'Română',
        // Pluralization rule (function).
        // Default: n => n == 1 ? 0 : 1
        plural: n => n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100>0 && n%100<20) ? 1 : 2),

        // Defined formatting options for Intl API constructors.
        formats: {

            // Defined options for date and time formatting.
            // Will be used as the second argument for Intl.DateTimeFormat()
            dateTime: {

                "comment": {
                    year: 'numeric',
                    month: 'short',
                    day: 'numeric'
                "post": {
                    year: 'numeric',
                    month: 'long',
                    day: 'numeric',
                    weekday: 'long',
                    hour: 'numeric',
                    minute: 'numeric'


            // Defined options for number formatting.
            // Will be used as the second argument for Intl.NumberFormat()
            number: {

                "price": {
                    style: 'currency',
                    currency: 'EUR',
                    currencyDisplay: 'symbol'


    // Translations
    // ...


Reference @{ [keyA.keyB] }, @{ [.key] }

const en = {   
    message: { hello: 'Hello' },
    main: { 
        greeting: '@{message.hello}, World!', // absolute
        title: '@{.greeting} How are you today?', // relative to the parent
t('main.title') // Hello, World! How are you today?

String {s}

const en = { message: 'Hello, {s}!' }
t('message', 'World') // Hello, World!

Boolean {b: [==true] || [==false] }

const en = { message: 'My answer is {b: yes || no}' }
t('message', true) // My answer is yes
t('message', false) // My answer is no

Number {n}, {n: [format] }, ( [plural==0] | [plural==1] | ... )

See Number formatting options.

const en = {
    // Config
    $: {
        formats: {
            number: {
                "price": {
                    style: 'currency',
                    currency: 'USD',
                    currencyDisplay: 'symbol'
    // Translations
    buy: 'Buy now for {n:price}!', // using the defined formatting options "price"
    add: 'Add (a book | {n} books) to your shopping cart.',
    cart: 'You have {n} (book | books) in your shopping cart.',
    category: 'We have (one book | many books) in this category.',
i18n.define({ 'en-US': en })
t('buy', 4.99)      // Buy now for $4.99!
t('add', 2)         // Add 2 books to your shopping cart.
t('cart', 3)        // You have 3 books in your shopping cart.
t('category', 1)    // We have one book in this category.

DateTime {dt}, {dt: [format] }

See DateTime formatting options.

const en = { message: 'Published on {dt:comment}' }
t('message', new Date('Dec 31, 2000')) // Published on 12/31/2000

Array elements { [index] }

const en = { message: 'Comparison of {0} and {1} at a price of {2:price}' }
t('message', ['A', 'B', 9.99]) // Comparison of A and B at a price of $9.99

Object properties { [name] }, { [nameA.nameB] }

For each property, its type is automatically determined, so the formatting rules described above can be applied.

const en = { message: 'We bought {a} and {b} (book | books) at the price of {c.x.y:price}' }
t('message', { a: 'a pencil', b: 10, c: { x: { y: 49.99 } } })
// We bought a pencil and 10 books at the price of $49.99

API client

import api from 'fley/api'

api.init({ baseURL: ''})

    .success((data) => {
    .fail((response) => {
        console.log("Couldn't find the book.")
    .error((response) => {
        console.log("An error occured. Please try again later.")

// api.get('')
// api.get('//')


Updates the current settings of request.

    // Endpoint prefix
    // Default: ''
    baseURL: '',

    // Response data type.
    // Default: 'json'
    responseType: 'json',

    // Name of the cookie containing the CSRF token.
    // The cookie value will be set in the "X-CSRF-Token" request header for all
    // the POST requests.
    // Default: ''
    CSRFCookie: 'csrftoken',

    // Custom request headers.
    // Default: {}
    headers: { "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" },

    // Request timeout in milliseconds.
    // Default: 5000
    timeout: 5000


api.get('/books', { id: 1 })'/books', {
    title: "Book title",
    description: "Description",
    author: "Author",
    cover: fileInputElement.files[0]


const method = 'PUT'
const endpoint = '/books'
const body = JSON.stringify({ title: "The title" })

api.request(method, endpoint, body)


import { Api } from 'fley/api'

const api = new Api({
    responseType: 'document'
    // ...


api.get('/endpoint') // returns a modified Promise
    .progress((event) => {
        // XMLHttpRequest progress event
    .success((data) => { // note the "data" argument for this handler
        // XMLHttpRequest load event
        // status 2xx
    .fail((response) => {
        // XMLHttpRequest load event
        // status 4xx
    .error((response) => {
        // XMLHttpRequest error/timeout/load event
        // status != 2xx && status != 4xx
        // (+) When .fail() isn't set, .error() handles failed requests
    .always((response) => {
        // XMLHttpRequest loadend event
        // Fires after .abort() call
        // (+) When .fail/error() isn't set, .awlays() prevents Promise rejection

// Event handler argument types:
// a) response = {data: ..., status: ...}
// b) data ===

// Event handlers execution precedence:
// 1) .fail()
// 2) .error()
// 3) .success()
// 4) .always()
// 5) Promise.reject() - unhandled errors and .always() not set
// 6) Promise.resolve() - no errors, or errors handled with .always()

Multiple requests (concurrently and/or sequentially)

const handler = api


    // Run request #1
    // Set progress event handler for request #1
    .progress(event => console.log('Progress Todo: ', event))

    // Run request #2
    // Set progress event handler for request #2
    .progress(event => console.log('Progress Post: ', event))

    // Set event handlers for previously chained requests
    // (these handlers will execute only after all requests finished)
    .success((todo, post) => {
        todo && console.log('Success Todo: ', todo.title)
        post && console.log('Success Post: ', post.title)
        // When a value is returned from .success(),
        // it is passed to the next .then()
        return [todo?.title, post?.title]
    .fail((res1, res2) => {
        res1 && console.log('Invalid Todo: ',, res1.status)
        res2 && console.log('Invalid Post: ',, res2.status)
    .error((res1, res2) => {
        res1 && console.log('Error loading Todo: ',, res1.status)
        res2 && console.log('Error loading Post: ',, res2.status)
    .always((res1, res2) => {
        if (!res1 && !res2) return console.log('All requests aborted!')
        console.log('Whether success or not...')
        // When a value is returned from .always(),
        // it is passed to the next .then() ONLY IF
        // .success() did NOT already return a value
        return [res1?.data.title, res2?.data.title] // ignored

    // SEQUENTIAL REQUESTS (in relation to previous ones):

    // Here the argument represents the returned
    // value from .success(). (!) Note that the default
    // argument value is an Array of responses [res1, res2, ...]
    .then(([todoT, postT]) => {
        if (!todoT && !postT) return
        return api
            .post('/todos/1', {title: todoT + ' [seen]'})
            .post('/posts/123', {title: postT + ' [seen]'})
    .catch((responses) => {
        console.log('At least one unhandled error in', responses)

// handler.abort() // Abort all requests if needed


const handler = api.get('/books?id=1')

// Something happened ...

Pre-rendering (SSR)

General idea

  1. Compile at build time a JSON file with static HTML's for each defined route.
  2. On the server:
    1. match the requested URL path against each route's RegEx and get corresponding static HTML.
    2. replace placeholders with data
    3. send response to the client.
  3. Hydrate on the client side.


1. Replace fley() with hydrate() in index.jsx

import hydrate, { isBrowser } from 'fley/hydrate'
import router from 'fley/router'
import App from './App/App'

	home: /^\/$/i,
	about: /^\/about$/i,
	product: /^\/(?<product>[\w\d]+)$/i,

hydrate(<App/>, isBrowser && document.getElementById("app"))

2. Build the script

npm run build

3. Run the script to get the routes object

Example of running the script with node.js:

const path = require('path')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')

const distPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './dist')
const result = execSync(`node ${distPath}/main.js`).toString()
const routes = JSON.parse(result)

Example of the resulting routes object:

    // Defined routes
    home: {
        regex: { source: '^\/$', flags: 'i' },
        dom: {
            title: 'Home page',
            meta: '<meta name="description" content="App home page.">',
            schema: '<script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":""}</script>',
            content: '<h1>Welcome to the Home page.</h1><p>%content%</p><b>%author%</b>',
            placeholders: ['%content%', '%author%']
    about: {
        regex: { source: '^\/about$', flags: 'i' },
        dom: { /* ... */ }
    product: {
        regex: { source: '^\/(?<product>[\w\d]+)$', flags: 'i' },
        dom: { /* ... */ }

    // Additional empty key for mismatch case (when === '')
    "": { 
        regex: { source: '(?:)', flags: '' },
        dom: {
            title: 'Not found',
            meta: '',
            schema: '',
            content: '<b>Error 404<b/> Page not found.'

// If i18n was used
    home: {
        regex: /* ... */,
        dom: {
            'en': { title: 'Home page', /* ... */ },
            'ro': { title: 'Pagina principală', /* ... */ },
    /* ... */

4. Save the content of the routes object on the server

const fs = require('fs')

fs.writeFileSync(`${serverPath}/routes.json`, JSON.stringify(routes))

5. Set up the server to serve the HTML of the corresponding route.

Final example

index.html – The main HTML template.

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <base href="/">
    <script defer src="/{{bundle}}"></script>
    <div id="app">{{content}}</div>

webpack.config.js – Webpack config with a custom plugin, that automatically runs the script after emit, compiles static HTML page for each route using the same template and saves the result on the server in a single routes.json file.

const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')

const outputPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './dist')
const outputFile = 'js/main.js'
const serverPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../server')
const templateFile = path.resolve(__dirname, './index.html')
const template = fs.readFileSync(templateFile).toString()
const render = require("handlebars").compile(template, { noEscape: true })

const compilePlugin = {
    apply: compiler => compiler.hooks.afterEmit.tap('MyRenderPlugin', (compilation) => {
        const bundle = compilation.getAssets().find(a =>
        const result = execSync(`node ${outputPath}/${outputFile}`).toString()
        const routes = JSON.parse(result)

        // Render static HTML page for each route (and locale) using
        // "Handlebars" package and the "index.html" template
        for (const name in routes) {
            const route = routes[name]
            const dom = route.dom

            if ('content' in dom) {
                // For convenience, assign the compiled static HTML
                // to the "dom" property of the `route` object
                route.dom = render({ bundle, ...dom })

            // If i18n was used
            for (const locale in dom) {
                route.dom[locale] = render({ bundle, ...dom[locale] })

        // Store the `routes` object on the server
        fs.writeFileSync(`${serverPath}/routes.json`, JSON.stringify(routes))

module.exports = {
    /* ... */,
    plugins: [ compilePlugin, ]

index.php – The server matches the current request URL path against the regex of each route until finds and returns the corresponding static HTML page. The hydration will happen on the client side.

$path = strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?'); // get path part from URI
$routes = json_decode(file_get_contents("./routes.json"), true);

foreach ($routes as $name => $route) {
    $regex = $route['regex'];
    $pattern = "/{$regex['source']}/{$regex['flags']}";
    if (preg_match($pattern, $path)) {
        echo $route['dom'];