Sovr integrates the Golem network's compute prowess into the FairOS-DFS and the Swarm network's storage facilities. The whole idea revolves around the concept of compute pods. A compute pod is simply a set of files that define how a Golem task should run, what are the inputs, outputs, and finally where the logs are going to be held. All these files are finally stored in decentralized storage of the DFS and Swarm. The tool that is in charge of persisting, sharing, and running compute pods is the Sovr CLI.
Documentation is available at:
There is an essay about current efforts and future directions of computers here:
usage: [-h] [--init] [--recipe RECIPE] [--persist-self] [--persist | --fork FORK | --run | --import-pod IMPORT_POD | --list-pods | --generate-pod-registry] Sovr command line interface optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --init Walks you through a wizard to initialize a new pod or task. --recipe RECIPE Specify a recipe file --persist-self Persist the CLI itself and make it public. Caution: remove any credentials(password files, ...) before proceeding. --persist Persist pod to dfs --fork FORK Fork a public pod, a reference key is expected --run Run the pod/task --import-pod IMPORT_POD Imports a pod to local filesystem, a pod name is expected --list-pods List all pods --generate-pod-registry Generate a new pod registry by looking into all pods