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First add. Obviously, CodeMirror and GtkSourceView handle texts in a …
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…different ways. So having the same output will be very difficult, but that's a good start.
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romu70 committed Dec 16, 2014
1 parent 65d4081 commit 9bc3acc
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions brackets.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
GEdit theme heavily inspired by the Adobe Brackets WebDE. Best with the
Brackets Source-Code-Pro font, which can be downloaded there:
On Gnome Tweak Tool, set Hinting to "Slight" and Antialiasing to "Grayscale"

<style-scheme id="brackets" _name="Brackets" version="1.0">
<author>R. Tisserand</author>
<_description>An Adobe Brackets theme clone for GEdit</_description>

<!-- Colors -->

<!-- Done -->
<color name="background" value="#F8F8F8"/>
<color name="foreground" value="#535353"/>
<color name="caret" value="#000000"/>
<color name="string" value="#EB9B2F"/>
<color name="number" value="#6D8600"/>
<color name="keyword" value="#4F77C0"/>
<!-- <color name="current-line" value="#F2E5BF"/> -->
<color name="comment" value="#909090"/>
<color name="highlight" value="#ABDFFA"/>
<color name="class" value="#577EC4"/>
<color name="selection" value="#ABDFFA"/>

<color name="function" value="#990000"/>
<color name="variable" value="#008080"/>
<color name="constant" value="#4F77C0"/>
<color name="constant2" value="#535353"/>
<color name="symbol" value="#956AB6"/>
<color name="identifier" value="#956AB6"/>
<color name="white" value="#FFFFFF"/>

<!-- Global Settings -->

<!-- Done -->
<style name="line-numbers" foreground="#BBBBBB" background="background"/>
<!-- <style name="current-line" background="current-line"/> -->

<style name="text" foreground="foreground" background="background"/>
<style name="cursor" foreground="foreground"/>
<style name="selection" background="selection"/>

<!-- Bracket Matching -->
<style name="bracket-match" background="highlight"/>
<style name="bracket-mismatch" background="highlight" bold="true"/>
<style name="search-match" foreground="foreground" background="caret"/>

<!-- Comments -->
<!-- Done -->
<style name="def:comment" foreground="comment" italic="false"/>
<style name="def:shebang" foreground="comment" italic="false"/>

<style name="def:doc-comment-element" foreground="comment" bold="true"/>

<!-- Constants and Variables-->
<style name="def:constant" foreground="constant"/>
<style name="def:string" foreground="string"/>
<style name="def:special-char" foreground="string"/>
<style name="def:special-constant" foreground="constant" bold="true"/>
<style name="def:boolean" foreground="constant"/>
<style name="def:number" foreground="number"/>
<style name="def:floating-point" foreground="number"/>
<style name="def:keyword" foreground="keyword" bold="true"/>
<style name="def:builtin" foreground="foreground" bold="true"/>
<style name="def:variable" foreground="variable"/>

<!-- Identifiers -->
<style name="def:identifier" foreground="identifier"/>

<!-- Statements -->
<style name="def:statement" foreground="constant"/>

<!-- Types -->
<style name="def:type" foreground="class" bold="false"/>

<!-- Others -->
<style name="def:error" foreground="highlight" bold="true"/>
<style name="def:note" foreground="highlight" bold="true"/>
<style name="def:net-address-in-comment" foreground="variable" italic="false" underline="true"/>
<style name="def:preprocessor" foreground="highlight"/>

<!-- Unknown? -->
<style name="def:specials" background="identifier"/>

<!-- C Styles -->
<style name="c:preprocessor" map-to="def:special-char"/>

<!-- Diff Styles -->
<style name="diff:ignore" foreground="highlight"/>

<!-- Ruby Styles -->
<style name="ruby:module-handler" foreground="identifier"/>
<style name="ruby:symbol" foreground="symbol"/>
<style name="ruby:regex" foreground="number"/>
<style name="ruby:function" foreground="function"/>

<!-- SH Styles -->
<style name="sh:others" map-to="text"/>

<!-- XML Styles -->
<style name="xml:attribute-name" foreground="keyword"/>
<style name="xml:element-name" foreground="keyword"/>


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