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richardszalay edited this page May 20, 2011 · 9 revisions

Creates an observable sequence that loads and parses XML

static function xml(request:URLRequest, 
    loaderContext:LoaderContext = null) : IObservable.<XML>


The returned sequence emits the XML and completes after it loads successfully.

The returned sequence returns an error if there is a SecurityError or IOError loading the content, or if there is an error parsing the XML.

Return Value



namespace atom = "";

var raixWikiFeedURL : URLRequest = 
    new URLRequest("");

var latestRaixWiki : IObservable = Observable.xml(raixWikiFeedURL)
    .map(String, function(feed : XML) : String
        use namespace atom;

        return feed.entry[0].title.toString();

latestRaixWiki.subscribe(function(entryTitle : String) : void
        trace("The latest raix wiki page updated was: " + entryTitle);

    // Trace output is:
    // The latest raix wiki page updated was: xml
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