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Ansible Role: Mukurtu

Installs Mukurtu, open source platform built with indigenous communities to manage and share digital cultural heritage.

Currently the role is only guaranteed to work on a LAMP stack on RHEL/CentOS, though only minimal changes will need to be made to make the role with other platforms (notably Debian/Ubuntu), and with other webservers besides Apache (thus enabling Drupal on a LEMP stack fairly easily).



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

# The core version you want to use (e.g. 6.x, 7.x, 8.0.x).
# drupal_core_version: "7.x"

The version of Drupal you would like to use (can be any git branch, tag, or commit ref). Examples: "6.x", "7.x", "8.0.x", "5a3ef30".

drupal_core_path: "/var/www/mukurtu"

The path where Drupal will be downloaded and installed (needs to be readable by the webserver).

drupal_domain: "mukurtu"

The domain/DNS name of the drupal site. If using for local testing/development, you can use whatever you want (or keep the default), and add an entry to your /etc/hosts file like

drupal_hosts_file_path: "/etc/hosts"

The location of the hosts file to manage (see drupal_domain). If set to '', your hosts file will not be touched.

drupal_site_name: "Mukurtu Ansible"

The site name (will be used as the home page title and anywhere else the site name is displayed).

drupal_admin_name: admin
drupal_admin_password: admin

The username and password for the admin account (user 1).

drupal_webserver_daemon: httpd

The daemon name for the webserver you're running (could be apache2, httpd, nginx, etc.). Used to restart the appropriate service after Drupal is configured and installed.

drupal_mysql_user: root
drupal_mysql_password: password
drupal_mysql_database: mukurtu

MySQL database username, password, and database name for Drupal to use.

drupal_repo_url: ""

The public url of the git repository you want to clone. Use drupal_core_version to clone a particular branch. (Note: Usually you shouldn't change this from the default, unless you need to use a private fork of Drupal.).

drupal_keep_updated: no

Whether to update the repo above to the latest commit in the branch identified by drupal_core_version (the git tag or branch) whenever this playbook runs. (*Warning: Setting this to yes can cause your Drupal codebase to change over time, requiring other deployment steps and update scripts to be run. Use with caution!).

drupal_install_profile: standard

The install profile to use. If you're installing Drupal 6.x, you should update this from 'standard' to 'default'.


  • geerlingguy.git
  • geerlingguy.apache
  • geerlingguy.mysql
  • geerlingguy.php
  • geerlingguy.php-mysql
  • geerlingguy.composer
  • geerlingguy.drush

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: yes
    - vars/main.yml
    - rickgrimm.mukurtu

Inside vars/main.yml:

drupal_core_version: "7.x"
drupal_domain: ""
... etc ...



Author Information

This role was originally created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.

Forked by [rickgrimm] to install Mukurtu CMS built on Drupal