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DotVVM 2.0.0-beta01

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@exyi exyi released this 23 Jan 11:52

Binding Properties

see Binding System Refactoring #341

  • Better Javascript translator
  • In the ViewModelSerializationMap it's possible to rename properties for client-side and JavascriptTranslator will translate it correctly, use Bind(Name = "MyName") attribute
  • Null checks in binding were previously done by try ... catch, which also caught exception inside called functions. Now it is done by real checks, so inner exceptions are propagated correctly
  • Binding can be transferred from one control to another in different data context and they will still evaluate and translate to JS correctly
    • This means that you can use inherited properties to transfer dependencies into your markup control even though they are deeply nested
    • You can even use MarkupControls recursively, just make sure they are server-rendered
  • Super cool extensibility
    • Extension parameters like _collection, _index and _api are just a tip of the icebergs ;)
  • Bindings have ResultType property accessible at runtime
  • Controls have DataContextType property accessible at runtime
  • Command Binding IDs are "more" unique and less readable

Function Arguments in Bindings

All bindings now have an implicit conversion to a delegate - essentialy, when the expected type is a delegate, the binding is wrapped in lambda. In Javascript it's represented as a function. And when the delegate contains any parameters, these get registered as additional symbols to the parser. For example to set (a) => a + 1 into a property of type Func<int, int> you can use {value: arg + 1}

To use the parameters with staticCommand you can set the commandArgs symbolic parameter (the same way you'd do with command binding)


DotVVM allows interacting with REST APIs directly from the DOTHTML views. You can fill GridView, Repeater and other controls with data from the REST API, and use Button or other controls to call REST API methods as a response to user action. It is also possible to refresh data that have already been loaded (in the GridView for example) based on a change of a particular viewmodel property, or explicitly.

Model state helpers

You can just viewModel.AddModelError(v => v.MyObject.PartOfTheForm.Property3, "It's invalid") instead of creating JS evaluatable string path

Controls improvements

  • ComboBox.ItemValueBinding and ItemTextBinding - use them instead of ValueMember and DisplayMember
  • TextBox.ValueType is obsolete, it's infered from result type of Text property

string.Format in value bindings

string.Format method is correctly translated to Javascript. You can also use [primitive type].ToString("Format") method - this one is also two-way, so it's possible to use it instead of FormatString property on TextBox.

Route Groups

see #363

you can register routes in groups with specified path and id prefixed to prevent repetitive literals and help with visual code orientation:

routes.AddGroup(name: "Admin", prefix: "admin", virtualPath: "Views/Administration", content: adminRoutes =>
    // adminRoutes is of type RouteTable
    adminRoutes.Add("Users", "users", "Users.dothtml"); // name = Admin_Users, path = "admin/users", virtualPath = "Views/Administration/Users.dothtml"
    adminRoutes.Add("Articles", "articles", "Articles.dothtml");

Dependency Injection into controls

It works in two modes:

  • Simple/intuitive/automatic/hipster mode - when the control does not have a parameterless constructor, it is initialized from the default IServiceProvider. It is used mainly for infrastructure controls that need to get some dotvvm service, for non-control DotvvmBindableObjects that need or on Asp.NET Core projects that use the default DependencyInjection properly.
  • Explicit/enterprise mode - when the control is marked by [RequireDependencyInjection] it is created using resolver registered in the default IServiceProvider. You can use it if you want services from your separate container or need some weird injection features, like property injection

Dependency Injection into dothtml views

You can require a service using @service directive. It is mainly useful for Asp.Net Core ILocalizer interface and for calling static commands. The service usage can't be translated to Javascript, so usage in value binding will throw an exception.

@service myService = IMyService<string>

{{resource: myService.SomeProperty}}

{{command: myService.DoSomething()}}

Markup controls packed into dlls

Markup file loaded supports embedded://...assembly name/ of the resource syntax for referencing embedded resources from view or markup control registration. It should allow you to pack dotcontrol files into the dll and distrube them in a library. The files are referenced as the original source code and have to be compiled in the target project, so you can apply compile-time styles to them.

IncludeInPage property

Just a wrapper for knockout if binding handler.

FormControls.Enabled property

proposed in #296, PR #433

Added a FormControls.Enabled attached property which disables controls inside that are not explicitly enabled.
Controls affected

  • in DotVVM - Button (ButtonBase), CheckBox (CheckableControlBase), ComboBox (SelectorBase), DataPager, LinkButton (ButtonBase), ListBox (SelectorBase), RadioButton (CheckableControlBase), TextBox
  • in Bootstrap - Button, CheckBox, DataPager, RadioButton, TextBoxGroup
  • in Business pack - Button, Calendar, CheckBox, CheckBoxList, ColorPicker, ComboBox, DataPager, DateTimePicker, DateTimeRangerPicker, DropDownList, MultiSelect, NumericUpDown, RadioButton, RadioButtonList, RangeCalendar, RangeSlider, Rating, Slider, TextBox


<div FormControls.Enabled="{value: false}">
    <dot:Button Text="I am disabled" />
    <dot:Button Text="I am enabled" Enabled="{value: true}" />

dot:BodyResourceLinks and dot:HeadResourceLinks

When you use one of these controls in page, the resources will be render in location that is defined by the control. Only the first control on the page is activated to prevent accidential multiple times included scripts.


It's a utility for easy localization based on query string or route parameters. It just sets the Threads
current culture.

// based on query string parameter lang, `myPage?lang=cs-CZ` will be in czech culture
config.RouteTable.Add("myRoute", "myPage", "myPage.dothtml", presenterFactory: LocalizablePresenter.BasedOnQuery("lang"));

// based on parameter lang, `cs-CZ/myPage` will be in czech culture
config.RouteTable.Add("myRoute", "{lang}/myPage", "myPage.dothtml", presenterFactory: LocalizablePresenter.BasedOnParameter("lang"));

By default, it redirects to a default culture when a invalid code is specified, you can disable that using redirectWhenNotFound parameter.

see #513

Custom constuctor for serializer

On a IViewModelSerializationMapper, you can set your own method to create a new instance of the viewmodel.

mapper.Map(m => {
	// create from Asp.Net DI
	// custom constructor
	m.SetConstructor(serviceProvider => SomehowCreateViewModel(serviceProvider))l

Ben.Demystify for the error page

By default, the error page uses Ben.Demystify library to show nicer stack traces.

Implemented CSS style bindable

Added Style-* property group that generates the style knockout binding. I'm not sure what type should I use for the property group, currently there is object.

Usage example:

<div Style-color="{value: Color}" Style-display="{value: Condition ? 'none' : 'inline-block'}"/>
<div style="background-color: green;" Style-width="{value: Width + 'px'}"/>

see #572