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ExplainPolySVM is a python package to provide interpretation and explainability to Support Vector Machine models trained with polynomial kernels. The package can be used with any SVM model as long as the components of the model can be extracted.


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Welcome to ExplainPolySVM, a python package for feature importance analysis and feature selection for SVM models trained using the polynomial kernel


on binary classification problems. Here x and y are column vectors and r, g, and D are the independent term, scale coefficient and the degree of the polynomial kernel, respectively. The greek letter gamma is often used for g.

To express feature importance, the trained SVM model is transformed into a compressed linear version of the polynomial transformation used in the polynomial kernel.

Where to get

The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:

To install, clone the repository and install via pip while standing in the folder containing the explainpolysvm folder, using the command

pip install ./explainpolysvm

To contribute to the development, it is recommended to install the module in edit mode including the "dev" extras to get the correct version of pytest.

pip install -e "./explainpolysvm[dev]"

Binary installers to be added later.


The ExPSVM module

The main functionality is provided by the ExPSVM module. It interacts closely with Scikit-learn's SVC support vector machine but can also be instantiated manually. Using a pretrained Scikit-learn SVC model svc_model as starting-point, a transformed SVM model using ExPSVM can be achieved by

import expsvm
sv = svc_model.support_vectors_
dual_coef = svc_model.dual_coef_
intercept = svc_model.intercept_
d =
r = svc_model.coef0
gamma = svc_model.gamma_

es = expsvm.ExPSVM(sv=sv, dual_coef=dual_coef, intercept=intercept, kernel_d=d, kernel_r=r, kernel_gamma=gamma)

Or, simply

import expsvm
es = expsvm.ExPSVM(svc_model=svc_model, transform=True)

Feature importance is retrieved by

feat_importance, feat_names, sort_order = es.feature_importance()

where feat_importance, feat_names, and sort_order are all Numpy ndarrays. feat_importance contains the importance of each feature. feat_names contains names of the features, details about which interaction the feature correspond to. sort_order provides the ordering of the interactions to reorder the interactions returned by es.get_interactions() to the same order as returned by es.feature_importance(). Feature names are returned as strings of the form i,j,k,l,..., where i, j, k, l are integers in the range [1,p] where p is the number of features in the original space. For example, the interaction '0,1,0,2,2' correspond to the interaction x_0^2*x_1*x_2^2. Alternatively, setting the flag format_names=True returns the feature names as formatted strings that are suitable for plotting. For example, the interaction '0,1,0,2,2' is returned as '$x_{0}^{2}$$x_{1}$$x_{2}^{2}$', or as a list of feature names if the feature_names argument is passed to the ExPSVM constructor.

To return formatted feature names, use

feat_importance, formatted_feat_names, sort_order = es.feature_importance(format_names=True)

Or, to format an existing feature name list

formatted_feat_names = es.format_interaction_names(unformatted_feat_names)

Feature selection can be applied based on the contributions to the decision function. Three selection rules are currently implemented.

# Select the 10 most important features
feature_selection = es.feature_selection(n_interactions = 10)

# Select 60% of the features based on importance
feature_selection = es.feature_selection(frac_interactions = 0.6)

# Select features that sum to 99% of the sum of all feature importances
feature_selection = es.feature_selection(frac_importance = 0.99)

A word of caution

Under the hood, ExPSVM calculates a compressed version of the full polynomial transformation of the polynomial kernel. Without compression, the number of interactions in this transformation is of order O(p^d), where p is the number of features in the original space, and d the polynomial degree of the kernel. The compression reduces the number of interactions by keeping only one copy of each unique interaction, with a compression ratio of d!:1. Even so, it is not recommended to use too large p or d, both because of potential memory issues but also due to the decreasing explainability in models with very large kernel spaces.

Example usage

Feature importance

In this toy example, a three-dimensional, binary classification problem is generated by randomly sample data from two axis-symmetric distributions. The positive class is a solid tube of radius 1.05 and the negative class is a hollow tube of inner radius 0.95 and outer radius 1.41. The third, axis-symmetric, dimension is sampled uniformly in [-2, 2] for both classes.

The classes are designed to have a small overlap in the radial direction in the first two dimensions, and the third dimension should be non-informative. Below the dataset is shown


The training set constitutes 200 samples from each of the two classes while the testset contains 300 from each class.

An SVM with a polynomial kernel is trained using Scikit-learn with parameters C=0.9, d=3, gamma=scale, r=sqrt(2). With 3 features and a third-order polynomial kernel, the number of interactions is 19, not counting the intercept.

The test performance on the 600-sample, balanced, test set is around 0.92.

To train the SVM and extract interaction importance the following code can be used

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.svm import SVC

from explainpolysvm import expsvm

# Fit SVM
C = 0.9
degree = 2
gamma = 'scale'
r = np.sqrt(2)

# Fit SVM

kernel = 'poly'
model = SVC(C=C, kernel=kernel, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=r), y_train)

sv = model.support_vectors_
dual_coef = np.squeeze(model.dual_coef_)
intercept = model.intercept_[0]
kernel_gamma = model._gamma

# Extract feature importance
es = expsvm.ExPSVM(sv=sv, dual_coef=dual_coef, intercept=intercept,
                kernel_d=degree, kernel_r=r, kernel_gamma=kernel_gamma)

# Plot
es.plot_model_bar(n_features=19, magnitude=True, figsize=(8,4))

This produce the graph below.


The resulting weight for the coefficient in the decision function is greatly dominated by the sqaure of the two first features, as we expect given the generating distributions of the data.

For local explanations, ExPSVM can produce waterfall graphs of the contribution to the decision function for each interaction. Looking at a single observation, we can create such a graph using

x = X_test[0,:]
es.plot_sample_waterfall(x, n_features=19, show_values=True, show_sum=True)

In the example run the observation is of class -1 and has features [0.356, -1.352, 0.592]. With a radial distance to the x_2-axis of 1.398 it is well within the class -1 region. The decision score for this observation is -4.6, correctly classifying it as belonging to class -1. The contributions to the decision of this observation is presented in the figure below.


The absolute strongest contribution is from x_1^2, a reasonable result given the strong weight on the interaction x_1^2 as well on this observation's relatively large value in this feature.

We may also be interested in the importance of the degree of the interactions. To produce a waterfall chart the sums up all contributions from each degree of interaction we can use

es.plot_sample_waterfall_degree(x, n_degree=3, show_values=True, show_sum=True)

For the chosen observation, the contribution from interaction degrees are


As expected, The second-order interactions heavily dominate the decision.

Feature selection

In the feature selection example, we use the artificial 3d-tube case from above and step by step drop the interactions with lowest importance. In total, there are 19 interactions in the compressed linear model for a problem with three features and a polynomial degree of three.

The results are presented as a boxplot of 100 test sets, each containing 500 observations per class, while the number of interactions is reduced in order of least importance. We find a small by gradual increase in median classification accuracy, as well as a slight reduction in the standard deviation of the accuracy from 8.3e-3 to 7.1e-3. We also find that when dropping the 18th feature, i.e. the second most important, performance drops to slightly above chance. This is due to dropping of the two most important interactions, x_1^2.


Further reading

A manuscript with the details has been submitted for review.

A note on package maintenance

So far, ExplainPolySVM is developed by a single person. No promises will be made on maintenance nor expansions of this package. Please let me know if you are interested in continuing its development and feel free to fork or PR!

Future development

Below is a non-exhaustive list of useful and interesting features to add to the module.

  • Add support for general polynomial kernels. In the current state, only the standard polynomial kernel is implemented; but any arbitrary polynomial kernel is expressible in the same way as the standard kernel. The only requirement this module have is that we can express any coefficients that are multiplied to the sum of the transformed support vectors and to keep track of the number of duplicates of the interactions.
  • Add support for multi-class problems.
  • Add support for the RBF Kernel by truncating the corresponding power series.
  • Investigate if least-square SVM, support vector regression, one-class SVM, etc. can be expressed in similar terms as done in this project for the standard SVM.


If you use ExplainPolySVM in your work we would appreciate a citation. A manuscript, authored together with J. Lundström and S. Byttner at Halmstad University, has been submitted for review. In the meantime please cite according to the CITATION.cff.


This work has been supported by Volvo Group.


ExplainPolySVM is a python package to provide interpretation and explainability to Support Vector Machine models trained with polynomial kernels. The package can be used with any SVM model as long as the components of the model can be extracted.








