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Infernet Monorepo

This monorepo includes all of the libraries & frameworks used for building & running containers in Infernet Nodes.


Currently, the structure is as follows:

├── Makefile
├── scripts
├── tools
├── infernet_services # contains out-of-the-box usable infernet services
├── projects
│ ├── infernet_ml # code for infernet-ml library
│ ├── infernet_client # code for infernet-client library & CLI tool
│ └── ritual_arweave # code for ritual-arweave library & CLI tool
│ └── infernet_pyarweave # code for ritual-pyarweave library
├── pyproject.toml
├── requirements-dev.lock
└── requirements.lock
  • libraries/: This directory contains all of the python projects.
    • infernet_ml/: Contains the code for the infernet-ml library.
    • infernet_client/: Contains the code for the infernet-client library & CLI tool.
    • ritual_arweave/: Contains the code for the ritual-arweave library & CLI tool.
    • infernet_pyarweave/: Contains the code for the infernet-pyarweave library.
  • scripts/: Contains various makefile scripts used for
    • To use gcloud artifact repository for pypi packages.
    • To generate documentation for the python projects.
    • To build & publish python packages.
  • tools/: Contains miscellaneous scripts used across the monorepo. Currently it contains a script that generates files from the python projects.
  • infernet_services/: Contains the code for various useful-reusable Infernet services as well as end-to-end tests for them. It also contains test_services that are used to test the infernet-node in isolation.
  • pyproject.toml: This is the top-level pyproject.toml that is primarily used by rye to handle various tasks regarding monorepo management. This is akin to the top-level package.json file in JS monorepos.

Python Libraries

The libraries/ portion of this repository was scaffolded using rye. Rye comes with built-in support for packaging & installing python packages. It also has support for workspaces, which allows us to follow a monorepo structure where we have multiple python libraries in the same repository.

Usage: For documentation on the libraries as well as how to install them, please refer to the following links:

  1. infernet-ml
  2. `ritual-arweave
  3. `infernet-client

The following sections detail how to work with the python libraries in this repository. That is how to build, test, and develop on them.


  • Python 3.11
  • Install uv.

Overview of the commands

All of the commands follow the format

make <command> library=<library-name>

Where <command> is the name the command & <library-name> is the name of the directory of the library.

For example, to run all the tests for the infernet-ml library, you would run:

make test-library library=infernet_ml

since the infernet-ml library is located in the libraries/infernet_ml directory.

Set up development environment

If developing on a library or running tests, you can set up the development environment by running:

make setup-library-env library=<library-name>

This will create a new uv environment under the .venv directory. Activate it by running:

source .venv/bin/activate

Running Tests for a Library

You can run tests for a library by running:

make test-library library=<library-name>

Building a Library

Following in the same theme, you can build a library by running:

make build-library library=<library-name>

This will create a dist folder and a .tar.gz file for the library.

Build System: Rye by default uses hatchling for packaging & creation of the libraries.

Publishing a Library

To publish a library, you can run:

make publish-library library=<library-name>

Note that you would need a pypi account and the necessary permissions to be able to publish a library.


All of the services are located in the infernet_services directory. These services are out-of-the-box reusable services that cover many of the common use-cases for ML workflows.

For documentation on the services & how to use them, please refer to the Infernet Services Documentation.

For doing development on the services, you can follow the following sections.


  1. Docker

Overview of the commands

All of the commands follow the format

make <command> service=<service-name>

Where <command> is the name the command & <service-name> is the name of the directory of the library.

For example, to run all the tests for the css_inference_service service, you would run:

make test-service service=css_inference_service

Testing Services

You can run tests for a service by running:

make test-service service=<service-name>

Building a Service

To build a service, you can run:

make build-service service=<service-name>

Running Services

To run a service you would have to configure it & deploy it via an Infernet node. To do so:

  1. Create a config.json file under the infernet_services/deploy directory. To learn about the possible config params, refer to the configuration documentation.
  2. Run the following command:
make deploy-node service=<service-name>

This will deploy the service along with the Infernet node..