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rjray committed Jan 16, 2012
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284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions lib/Test/
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# This file copyright (c) 2011 by Randy J. Ray, all rights reserved.
# See LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT in the documentation for redistribution terms.
# Description: This is an umbrella of sorts, that allows users to make
# use of multiple Test::AgainstSchema::* implementation
# classes at once, while also still getting all the benefits
# of being a subclass of Test::Builder::Module.
# Functions: import
# Libraries: Test::Builder::Module
# Global Consts: $VERSION

package Test::AgainstSchema;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use subs qw(import);
use base 'Test::Builder::Module';

use Carp 'croak';

$VERSION = '0.100';
$VERSION = eval $VERSION; ## no critic(ProhibitStringyEval)

# Sub Name: import
# Description: Facilitate the loading of any specialization classes into
# the namespace of our caller.
# $class in scalar Class we're called from
# @rest in array Rest of the args-list
# Returns: threads through to SUPER::import()
sub import
my ($class, @rest) = @_;

# Yes, this means we will be force-exporting other modules' export lists
# into the namespace of whoever called us.
my $caller = caller 0;

# This is tricky. Anything that might be an import argument to
# Test::Builder::Module has to stay. Things that look like they are
# specializations of Test::AgainstSchema need to be handled here. For now,
# at least until the first bugs appear on RT, assume any string that leads
# with an upper-case letter is meant for us.
my @pass = ();
for my $opt (@rest)
# I explicitly want the [A-Z] range here, not [[:upper:]]. This is
# referring to a class that will be eventually loaded, so it isn't
# covered by the full Unicode range.
## no critic(ProhibitEnumeratedClasses)
if (ref($opt) || ($opt !~ /^[A-Z]/))
# Assume that this option is intended for the superclass
push @pass, $opt;

# If the name doesn't begin with "Test::", then it is assumed to be
# relative to this class. Prepend $class to it in that case. This
# lets format-testing modules that aren't directly under
# Test::AgainstSchema::* be covered by our umbrella.
if ($opt !~ /^Test::/)
$opt = "${class}::$opt";

# Attempt to load it, importing what it offers into the namespace that
# called us.
## no critic(ProhibitStringyEval)
my $ret = eval "package $caller; use $opt; 1;";
if (! $ret)
croak "$class: Error loading format-tester $opt: $@";

return $class->SUPER::import(@pass);


=head1 NAME
Test::AgainstSchema - Umbrella for test classes that target schema-based data
use Test::AgainstSchema XML => tests => 5;
our $schema = "structure.xsd";
for (qw(file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml reference.xml minimal.xml))
is_valid_against_xmlschema($schema, $_, "$_ validation");
The B<Test::AgainstSchema> module provides unit tests of the B<Test::More>
variety, that work with any TAP-driven test-harness system. The tests are
oriented towards testing textual data that follows defined formats, such as XML
or YAML. Rather than using regular expressions or string-equality comparisons,
the classes provided with this distribution use existing validators. For
example, the XML tests (see
L<Test::AgainstSchema::XML|Test::AgainstSchema::XML>) use the B<XML::LibXML>
module from CPAN which provides validation for XML Schema, RelaxNG and DTDs
(SGML or XML style DTDs).
The tests accessible through B<Test::AgainstSchema> are broken into groups
called I<specializations>, each represented by a class that inherits from the
B<Test::Builder::Module> class. Each of these can operate as a stand-alone test
module, as their inheritance from B<Test::Builder::Module> also provides access
to the basic testing functionality (C<plan>, C<skip>, etc.). This module,
B<Test::AgainstSchema>, acts as an umbrella that makes it easier to load
several of these groups at once.
This class does not actually provide any functionality of its own, except for
an C<import> method that removes arguments that identify specializations, loads
them into the namespace of the caller, and passes the remaining arguments on to
B<Test::Builder::Module> which registers them with the current test-session
being set up.
=head2 Defining Specialization Classes
A specialization class can stand alone, and does not need to be loaded through
the B<Test::AgainstSchema> container. It should be a subclass of
B<Test::Builder::Module>, or if it isn't it should provide the full
functionality of Test::Builder through its own means.
If a specialization class is loaded through the B<Test::AgainstSchema>
umbrella, it will not receive any arguments in the C<use> command that loads
it. Any test-suite control arguments are passed on to the
superclass. Therefore, the specialization class should not override the
C<import> method it inherits from Test::Builder::Module unless the local
version ends with a call to C<SUPER::import(@_)> (passing C<@_> ensures that
the class does work when loaded directly, by passing any arguments it received
to the parent class). The specialization class should instead rely only on the
C<@EXPORT> list to define the functions it provides.
See L<Test::AgainstSchema::XML|Test::AgainstSchema::XML> for an example of a
specialization class.
=head2 Loading Specializations from Test::AgainstSchema
One or more specialization classes can be loaded through a single call to
B<Test::AgainstSchema> by passing their names in the import-list to the load of
this class. As an example:
use Test::AgainstSchema XML => tests => 5;
This invocation loads the B<Test::AgainstSchema::XML> specialization class,
then passes the arguments C<tests> and C<5> on to the construction of the test
Such classes do not need to be named B<Test::AgainstSchema::I<Something>>. The
B<Test::AgainstSchema> C<import> method scans the list of arguments for any
value that is not a reference and whose first character is an upper-case
letter. Anything else is presumed to be intended for B<Test::Builder>. If the
argument string does not start with C<Test::>, then the value of C<__PACKAGE__>
is prepended to it. Thus, B<Test::AgainstSchema> can itself be used as a base
class in which the derived class' name is used in creating the full class
name. If the argument's first six characters I<are> C<Test::>, then it is used
without modification. The final name, modified or not, is then used in an
C<eval> block that tries to load the module via C<use>, in the namespace that
initally loaded B<Test::AgainstSchema> (or the class derived from it).
To illustrate the modification of arguments to class names, consider this
Main class name Argument text Name of class that gets loaded
=============== ============= ==============================
Test::AgainstSchema XML Test::AgainstSchema::XML
Test::AgainstSchema XML::Simple Test::AgainstSchema::XML::Simple
Test::AgainstSchema Test::Hooks Test::Hooks
My::Test::AgainstSchema MyFormat My::Test::AgainstSchema::MyFormat
Note that in the third case, no change is made to the argument. And in the
fourth case (assuming that C<My::Test::AgainstSchema> is a subclass of
B<Test::AgainstSchema>) the modified argument has the derived class prepended
to it, not C<Test::AgainstSchema>.
B<Test::AgainstSchema> does not export any subroutines of its own. It only
facilitates the loading of specialization classes and the export of their
functionality into the namespace of the package that uses
B<Test::AgainstSchema>. However, since it is a sub-class of
B<Test::Builder::Module>, it is fully usable as a test framework (provided at
least one specialization is loaded) and provides all the functionality
described in B<Test::More> (in addition to any functions provided by
specialization classes). See L<Test::More|Test::More> for documentation on
those functions provided.
See L<Test::More|Test::More> for a description of the diagnostics produced by
the functions provided by it. See the specialization classes for details of
their diagnostics.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-test-againstschema at>, or through the web interface at
L<>. I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * MetaCPAN
=item * Search CPAN
=item * Source code on GitHub
The original idea for this stemmed from a blog post on L<>
by Curtis "Ovid" Poe (C<< <ovid at> >>. He proferred some sample code
based on recent work he'd done, that validated against a RelaxNG schema. I
generalized it for all the validation types that B<XML::LibXML> offers, and
expanded the idea to cover more general cases of structured, formatted text.
Copyright (c) 2011 Randy J. Ray, all rights reserved.
This module and the code within are released under the terms of the Artistic
License 2.0
(L<>). This code
may be redistributed under either the Artistic License or the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Test::AgainstSchema::XML|Test::AgainstSchema::XML>, L<Test::XML|Test::XML>
=head1 AUTHOR
Randy J. Ray, C<< <rjray at> >>

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