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Organising Events

Sina Rüeger edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 7 revisions

Launch Event

Different ideas:

  • Kickoff/Meet & Greet: Present your vision/idea for the meetup, invite others to help organise.
  • Lightning talks: Short talks of 5 minutes on a range of topics. This format usually also has a low barrier to participate.
  • Survey: Some chapters have set up an online questionnaire before their first meeting to find out what people were looking for in the meetup. Here are examples from Paris, Madrid, Tbilisi, Oslo, Los Angeles.
  • Making your group/event known: you can reach out to some other meetups in the area which might have overlapping audiences (e.g., data science meetup and R user groups) and universities (e.g., statistics departments).
  • Finding co-organisers: Some chapters have found their organising team at the launch event, others have included a question on who would be interested in organising in the initial survey.

(Further) Events

  • Deciding on desired/feasible frequency of events (once a month, once every few months?)
  • Appropriate event formats depending on profile of the local community. More academic, more industry? Talks, tutorials, lightning talks, drop-in sessions, socials? Working through online courses together?
  • How to find venues to host meetups (for free!)
  • How to find speakers
  • Hot to find material: online courses, material developed by other R-Ladies (should in future go on the GitHub organisation)
  • How to find sponsors for refreshments
  • Event registration, management and data collection
    • How to use Eventbrite to manage meetup attendance & data collection (or any equivalent local available platforms) - meetup is quite limited for managing events
    • Set up Google Analytics on your meetup to collect data
    • How to create R-Ladies Database
  • Advertising, Publicity and Event Discovery: Twitter, LinkedIn, Eventbrite etc. (i.e., popular marketing channels and platforms in your area); Database (once developed!)
  • Livestreaming or recording of an event (instructions)