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Build Status

Port of markdownlint to Rust.

It uses the 2018 Edition (currently in preview) so in order to make it work you will need to use the nightly toolchain.

Run the project

Before running anything, make sure you have installed clippy and fmt:

rustup component add clippy-preview --toolchain=nightly

rustup component add rustfmt-preview --toolchain nightly

Just run:

cargo run -p mdlint-cli
# 2018 now accepts also running cargo run directly in a workspace project
cargo run # should work in 2018



Running clippy

cargo clippy --all -- -D clippy::pedantic

Rules covered

See original rules.

Rule ID Completed Tested Description
1 [x] [x] Header levels should only increment by one level at a time
2 [x] [x] First header should be a top level header
3 [x] [x] Header style
4 [x] [x] Unordered list style
5 [ ] [ ] Inconsistent indentation for list items at the same level
6 [ ] [ ] Consider starting bulleted lists at the beginning of the line
7 [ ] [ ] Unordered list indentation
9 [x] [x] Trailing spaces Hard tabs
10 [x] [x] Hard tabs
11 [x] [x] Reversed link syntax
12 [x] [x] Multiple consecutive blank lines
13 [ ] [ ] Line length
14 [x] [x] Dollar signs used before commands without showing output
18 [x] [x] No space after hash on atx style header
19 [ ] [ ] Multiple spaces after hash on atx style header
20 [ ] [ ] No space inside hashes on closed atx style header
21 [ ] [ ] Multiple spaces inside hashes on closed atx style header
22 [ ] [ ] Headers should be surrounded by blank lines
23 [ ] [ ] Headers must start at the beginning of the line
24 [ ] [ ] Multiple headers with the same content
25 [x] [x] Multiple top level headers in the same document
26 [ ] [ ] Trailing punctuation in header
27 [ ] [ ] Multiple spaces after blockquote symbol
28 [ ] [ ] Blank line inside blockquote
29 [ ] [ ] Ordered list item prefix
30 [ ] [ ] Spaces after list markers
31 [ ] [ ] Fenced code blocks should be surrounded by blank lines
32 [ ] [ ] Lists should be surrounded by blank lines
33 [ ] [ ] Inline HTML
34 [ ] [ ] Bare URL used
35 [ ] [ ] Horizontal rule style
36 [ ] [ ] Emphasis used instead of a header
37 [ ] [ ] Spaces inside emphasis markers
38 [ ] [ ] Spaces inside code span elements
39 [ ] [ ] Spaces inside link text
40 [ ] [ ] Fenced code blocks should have a language specified
41 [x] [x] First line in file should be a top level header
46 [ ] [ ] Code block style

completed: 9 / 38