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Rob McMullen edited this page Feb 22, 2012 · 2 revisions

LaunchPad has a very nice translations service that publishes and shares translations among projects. I'm using a BZR branch in launchpad to support automatic synchronization between the translation services and the branch, which hopefully will save me some manual effort.

Peppy specific pages:

Table of Contents


Check out the launchpad bzr branch into the main svn:

bzr branch lp:peppy i18n.launchpad


All these commands are performed in the i18n.launchpad directory:

cd [PEPPY-SVN-ROOT]/i18n.launchpad

Update translation template file to launchpad

  1. update template file
make update-pot
  1. verify translation template if desired
  2. commit
bzr commit
bzr push lp:peppy

Manual update of translations from LaunchPad

  1. request download at
  2. wait for email
  3. download and merge:
  1. verify translations if desired...
  2. commit:
bzr commit
bzr push lp:peppy

Updating message catalogs in peppy

  1. transform message catalogs into python dict
make update-peppy
  1. verify message catalogs in peppy if desired
git diff ../peppy/i18n
  1. commit

Conversion: removing trailing period from tooltip sentence

Changed peppy to output tooltips without a trailing single "." because previously it was inconsistent. The problem is that I don't want to lose existing translations that may only differ by a trailing dot...

Added new script to perform this conversion. But, because I changed the template file, there may be some translations that are missing from r17 or r18, so I'm going to try to merge from r14 to see if I missed any.