Once we have mastered a section, we will check it off and move on to the next.
- Core Concepts - 13%
- API Primitives
- Create and Configure Basic Pods
- Configuration - 18%
- Understand ConfigMaps
- Understand SecurityContexts
- Define App Resource Requirements
- Create and Consume Secrets
- Understand Service Accounts
- Multi-Container Pods - 10%
- Design Patterns: Ambassador, Adapter, Sidecar
- Sidecar Pattern
- Ambassador Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Init Containers
- Design Patterns: Ambassador, Adapter, Sidecar
- Pod Design - 20%
- Using Labels, Selectors, and Annotations
- Understand Deployments and Rolling Updates
- Understand Deployment Rollbacks
- Understand Jobs and CronJobs
- - State Persistence - 8%
- Understand PVCs for Storage
- Observability - 18%
- Liveness and Readiness Probes
- Understand Container Logging
- Understand Monitoring Application in Kubernetes
- Understand Debugging in Kubernetes
- Services and Networking - 13%
- Understand Services
- Basic Network Policies