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How does Rokwire work?

Bradly Alicea edited this page May 25, 2021 · 6 revisions

Rokwire consists of building blocks, connections between building blocks, capabilities, and talents:

Building Blocks are the core component of the Rokwire platform. Connections between building blocks are key to Rokwire's functionality, allowing for a wide range of current and future Rokwire applications. Below is an example of how building blocks work together in the function of a specific app developed on the platform (Safer Illinois).

Capabilities are functional attributes of building blocks that allow building blocks to be specified in the application domain. Capabilities provide Rokwire with the user functionality that smart communities require.

Talents are instances of capabilities as implemented in a specific application. This allows for the customization of capabilities that a diverse community of users require.

Event Categories are events that occur in response to user inputs.

Capabilities are built up from collections of building blocks, so most building blocks have to interoperate with other building blocks. Wherever that is true, it is important that the interfaces to a building block are published and reasonably stable. Additional code and business logic specific to the capability are also included. Capabilities do not have to be open source.

See also: Rokwire Dictionary, Existing and Proposed Building Blocks, What is a Building Block?, What are Capabilities and Talents?, Event Categories

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