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650 lines (479 loc) · 20.8 KB

File metadata and controls

650 lines (479 loc) · 20.8 KB


Upgrade FROM 0.10 to 0.11

  • All view classes now extend the BaseView class.

  • The attributes property of the view classes is renamed to vars.

  • The first argument of ColumnInterface::createCellView now expects a HeaderView instead of DatagridView.

  • The second argument of ResolvedColumnTypeInterface::createCellView now expects a HeaderView instead of DatagridView.

  • The DatagridView no longer initializes the headers and rows within the constructor. You must call DatagridView::init with the actual datagrid instance.

    Note: When you use the (default) Datagrid class, this is already done for you.

Upgrade FROM 0.9 to 0.10

Support for PHP 5.5 is dropped, you need at least PHP 7.0.

  • All classes and interfaces now (whenever possible) declare type-hints and return types.

    As this list quite extensive, not all affected classes are listed here. The simplest way to see if your custom implementation is affected is running your tests and or use your IDE's code analyzer to check for incompatibility's.

    See also:

  • Datagrid and ColumnType extensions now must be defined with a compatible return type.

    Note: ColumnTypeInterface::getParent() has no return type as this value can be null.



    class MyType extends AbstractType
        public function getBlockPrefix()
            return ...;
    class MyExtension extends AbstractDatagridExtension
        protected function loadTypes()
            return [...];
        protected function loadTypesExtensions()
            return [...];
    class MyTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
        public function getExtendedType()


    class MyType extends AbstractType
        public function getBlockPrefix(): string
            return ...;
    class MyExtension extends AbstractDatagridExtension
        protected function loadTypes(): array
            return [...];
        protected function loadTypesExtensions(): array
            return [...];
    class MyTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
        public function getExtendedType(): string
  • The type property of the CellView is removed, this was already no longer populated.

  • The purpose of the DatagridFactoryInterface::createDatagrid method changed to create a new Datagrid using a DatagridConfigurator which is loaded using a registry.

    The default registry's implementation registers Configurators lazily using closures and allows to load configurators using there FQCN (similar to ColumnType's).

View transformers

  • Adding multiple view transformers to a column is removed, a column can now only have one view transformer.

    Use the new Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\ChainTransformer to chain multiple transformers.

  • A column with no transformers will pass the value as-is, scalars are no automatically longer casted to a string.

  • The ColumnInterface::addViewTransformers method is renamed to ColumnInterface::setViewTransformer.

  • The ColumnInterface::getViewTransformers method is renamed to ColumnInterface::getViewTransformer.

  • The ColumnInterface::resetViewTransformers method is removed, use setViewTransformer with null to remove the configured view transformer.

  • The ResolvedColumnType::normToView method is removed.

CompoundColumn handling

The CompoundColumn type has changed to allow for better relationship handling. Creating a CompoundColumn without the Builder is discouraged, the DatagridBuilder provides an powerful and developer friendly way to create and register a CompoundColumn.

  • The the "default" ResolvedColumnType will generate a CompoundColumn when the type is CompoundColumnType or when the type is a child of CompoundColumn.

  • Child Columns of a CompoundColumn must be registered after the CompoundColumn is created. Each child Column must have an 'parent_column' option with the value being the CompoundColumn object.

    Note: For performance reasons the instance value of the option is not validated when setting.

  • The columns option is removed. Use the CompoundColumn::setColumn() and CompoundColumn::getColumns.

Core extensions

  • The currency_field and input_field options are removed from the MoneyType.

  • The MoneyType changed in the way input values are transformed:

    • When the value is a string without currency it's transformed with the currency option.
    • When the value is a string with a currency, eg. EUR 12.00 it's transformed with 'EUR' currency.
    • When the value is an array, the keys currency and amount are expected to be present. Currency can be null, then the value of the currency option is used.
  • The first argument of IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer::__construct() is removed. Precision is not used with integers, and keeping this argument only causes confusion.

  • The class ColumnOrderExtension and CompoundColumnOrderExtension.

  • The data_provider option of the ColumnType no longer supports any callable but requires a Closure or Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath object, or a string with a valid property-path.

  • The ArrayToDateTimeTransformer is removed, DateTimeType now only accepts, a DateTime compatible object, string in a PHP date-supported format, or timestamp.

    And a minor bug with the date_format and time_format options was fixed, both now only accept an integer and no longer fallback to the default.

  • The ColumnType and CompoundColumnType now define the 'preferred' template blocks. Together with a small addition of other data, like attributes and (label) translator domain.

    Whenever using a Template engine to render the Datagrid the template block-names must be honored. They are stored only in the HeaderView.


  • The DatagridBuilder now allows re-usage of the Builder instance. Each call to getDatagrid will produce an new Datagrid instance.

  • The name of the datagrid must now be passed when calling getDatagrid and not as of the Constructor. Duplicate usage of a datagrid name is not validated.

  • The add method no longer accepts a Column object, use the new method set method instead. This was needed to make strict type-hints possible.

  • The setDatagridViewBuilder and getDatagridViewBuilder methods are added to to the DatagridBuilderInterface.

  • The get method now always returns an ColumnInterface instance.

  • Calling DatagridBuilder::getDatagrid() will re-use the resolved Column instance for all Datagrid builds.

  • The createCompound(string $name, array $options = [], string $type = null): CompoundColumnBuilderInterface method is added to the DatagridBuilderInterface.

Upgrade FROM 0.8 to 0.9

  • The Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Column\HeaderView and Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\DatagridView no longer implement ArrayAccess interface.

Note: This is the last version of the Rollerworks Datagrid that supports PHP 5.5. All feature releases, will require PHP 7.0 at minimum.

Upgrade FROM 0.7 to 0.8

This version contains some major BC breaking changes and introduces improvements and clean-ups.

  • Data binding support is removed. Instead you need process any data before setting data on the Datagrid.

    All related methods and constants are removed.

  • Support for Symfony 2.3 was dropped, the options-resolver requires at minimum Symfony 2.7 now. Symfony 3 is now allowed to be installed, and will be used unless any of your composer.json packages restricts this version.

  • Data passed to Datagrid::setData() must be an array or Traversable object, pre/post data filtering is no longer supported.

  • The DatagridEvents class is removed as no events are dispatched anymore.

  • Data can only be set once on a datagrid, calling Datagrid::setData() twice will throw an exception.

  • The Datagrid class no longer allows to change the registered columns (all must be provided in the constructor).

    It's advised to use DatagridBuilder if you need to allow changing the columns.


  • The Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Tests\Extension\Core\ColumnType namespace is renamed to Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Tests\Extension\Core\Type.

  • The Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Tests\Extension\Core\ColumnTypeExtension namespace is renamed to Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Tests\Extension\Core\TypeExtension.

  • Class Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Column\AbstractColumnTypeExtension is renamed to Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Column\AbstractTypeExtension.

  • Class Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Column\AbstractColumnType is renamed to Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Column\AbstractType.

  • Methods of the Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\AbstractDatagridExtension class and Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\DatagridExtensionInterface no longer contain the word Column. For example getColumnType becomes to getType, loadColumnTypes becomes loadTypes.

    The reason behind this is redundancy, there are no other types in the datagrid then column types.

  • A Column instance is no longer linked to a Datagrid instance. You can still use the Datagrid information when building the Header and Cell view of a column.

    This was done to remove the circular dependency between the datagrid and it's columns, making it possible to create a Datagrid instance as an immutable object.

  • A Column will no longer dispatch any events. The EventDispatcher requirement is removed.

  • Type names were removed. Instead of referencing types by name, you should reference them by their fully-qualified class name (FQCN) instead. With PHP 5.5 or later, you can use the "class" constant for that:


    $datagridBuilder->add('name', 'name', ['label' => 'Name']);


    use Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
    $datagridBuilder->add('name', TextType::class, ['label' => 'Name']);

    As a further consequence, the method ColumnTypeInterface::getName() was removed. You should remove this method from your types.

    If you want to customize the block prefix of a type in Twig, you should now implement ColumnTypeInterface::getBlockPrefix() instead:


    class UserProfileType extends AbstractColumnType
        public function getName()
            return 'profile';


    class UserProfileType extends AbstractType
        public function getBlockPrefix()
            return 'profile';

    If you don't customize getBlockPrefix(), it defaults to the class name without "Type" suffix in underscore notation (here: "user_profile").

    Type extension should return the fully-qualified class name of the extended type from TypeExtensionInterface::getExtendedType() now.


    class MyTypeExtension extends AbstractColumnTypeExtension
        public function getExtendedType()
            return 'column';


    use Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\Type\CoumnType;
    class MyTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
        public function getExtendedType()
            return CoumnType::class;
  • Returning type instances from ColumnTypeInterface::getParent() is not supported anymore. Return the fully-qualified class name of the parent type class instead.


    class MyType extends AbstractColumnType
        public function getParent()
            return new ParentType();


    class MyType extends AbstractType
        public function getParent()
            return ParentType::class;
  • Passing type instances to DatagridBuilder::add() and the DatagragridFactory::createCoumn() methods is not supported anymore. Pass the fully-qualified class name of the type instead.


    $column = $datagridBuilder->createColumn('name', new MyType());


    $column = $datagridBuilder->createColumn('name', MyType::class);
  • The DataMapper is removed in favor of an easier and faster solution. Instead of setting a DataMapper you set a data-provider callable on the column.


    $registry = ...;
    $dataProvider = ...;
    $datagrid = ...;
    $datagridFactory = new DatagridFactory($registry, $dataProvider);
    $datagridFactory->createColumn('name', TextType::class, $datagrid, ['label' => 'Name', 'field_mapping' => ['name' => 'name']]);


    $registry = ...;
    $datagridFactory = new DatagridFactory($registry);
        ['label' => 'Name', 'data_provider' => function ($data) { $data->getName(); }]

    Note: If your column-type doesn't have the ColumnType as it's parent you need to call setDataProvider() in your custom column-type.


    If you don't provide a value for 'data_provider', the ColumnType will try to create a data-provider. This only works when the the property-path name equals to the column-name. So when your column is named "name", eg. a public property "name", method named getName() or magic __get() method must exist on the row's data-source for this work.

    $registry = ...;
    $datagridFactory = new DatagridFactory($registry);
    $datagridFactory->createColumn('name', TextType::class, ['label' => 'Name']);
  • Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\ColumnType\ModelType is removed. Instead you can use the Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\Type\TextTypeType with multiple fields returned by the "data_provider" and the "value_format" option set to a callback. And no "glue" set, the "value_format" as callback will receive all the fields allowing to fully customize the returned format.

    Or create a custom type to handle the value returned by your data_provider.

  • The following transformer where removed as they are no longer needed:

    • Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\TrimTransformer
    • Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\SingleMappingTransformer
    • Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\NestedListTransformer
    • Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\ModelToArrayTransformer
  • The empty value handling of the TextTransformer has moved to its own Transformer Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\EmptyValueTransformer.

  • The 'label' option is now optional, you should "humanize" the column name when no label is provided.

    You can use the following snippet to humanize a column name:

    $text = 'columnName';
    $label = ucfirst(trim(strtolower(preg_replace(array('/([A-Z])/', '/[_\s]+/'), array('_$1', ' '), $text))));


  • All the view interfaces are removed, and only classes are provided. All view classes have public properties and can be extended when needed.

  • Rows are now initialized when the DatagridView is created, and not when the row gets iterated.

  • Views are no longer aware of the object that created them, meaning it's no longer possible to directly get the Datagrid or Column object from a view.

    Instead any information should be set on the view's vars property instead.

  • When a DatagridView is created it's no longer possible to change the column order or it's cells. Existing rows can be removed but not added or replaced.

  • Updating the DatagridView class is changed to use a callable instead of looping through event listeners.

Upgrade FROM 0.5 to 0.6

  • The of methods signature of buildColumn(), buildHeaderView() and buildCellView() on the Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Column\ColumnTypeExtensionInterface was changed to be consistent with the Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\Column\ColumnTypeInterface.


     * @param ColumnInterface $column
    public function buildColumn(ColumnInterface $column);
     * @param ColumnInterface $column
     * @param HeaderView      $view
    public function buildHeaderView(ColumnInterface $column, HeaderView $view);
    * @param ColumnInterface $column
    * @param CellView        $view
    public function buildCellView(ColumnInterface $column, CellView $view);


     * @param ColumnInterface $column
     * @param array           $options
    public function buildColumn(ColumnInterface $column, array $options);
     * @param HeaderView      $view
     * @param ColumnInterface $column
     * @param array           $options
    public function buildHeaderView(HeaderView $view, ColumnInterface $column, array $options);
     * @param CellView        $view
     * @param ColumnInterface $column
     * @param array           $options
    public function buildCellView(CellView $view, ColumnInterface $column, array $options);

Upgrade FROM 0.4 to 0.5

Field mapping configuration

  • The "field_mapping" option now only accepts an associative array, where the key is used to identify a mapping-field, the value holds the mapping-path.

    Before: ['field_mapping' => ['']] After: ['field_mapping' => ['user_id' => '', 'id' => 'id']]

  • Column types with multiple fields will receive the data like:

    // Keys are as configured (shown above)
    $values = [
        'id' => 50,
        'user_id' => 10,


The "action" type has been completely rewritten to be more extensible.

  • Option "content" was added as an alternative to the "label" option, you can use eg. the "label" option or "content".

  • Option "url" was added and allows to configure a complete uri (instead of a pattern).

  • Option "uri_scheme" now uses strtr() instead of the sprintf() pattern for formatting an uri.

    The replacement values are provided as {id} for the id mapping key (see above for details).

  • Instead of configuring multiple actions, you must now use the "compound_column" type to combine multiple actions in a cell.


                'label' => 'actions',
                'field_mapping' => ['id'],
                'actions' => [
                    'modify' => [
                        'label' => 'Modify',
                        'uri_scheme' => 'entity/%d/modify',
                    'delete' => [
                        'label' => 'Delete',
                        'uri_scheme' => 'entity/%d/delete',


                'label' => 'Actions',
                'columns' => [
                    'modify' => $this->factory->createColumn(
                            'label' => 'Modify',
                            'field_mapping' => ['id' => 'id'],
                            'uri_scheme' => 'entity/{id}/modify',
                    'delete' => $this->factory->createColumn(
                            'label' => 'Delete',
                            'field_mapping' => ['id' => 'id'],
                            'uri_scheme' => 'entity/{id}/delete',

Upgrade FROM 0.3 to 0.4

  • No changes required.

Upgrade FROM 0.2 to 0.3

  • The methods setVar(), getVar() and getVars() were added to Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\DatagridViewInterface. If you implemented this interface in your own code, you should add these three methods.

Upgrade FROM 0.1 to 0.2

  • The methods createDatagridBuilder() as added to Rollerworks\Component\Datagrid\DatagridFactoryInterface. If you implemented this interface in your own code, you should add this method.