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Ronik Design on GitHub Pages

Ronik is a digital creative agency. We believe in smart design and progressive technologies in all media.

This boilerplate was generated with slush-gh-pages.

To develop

If you're starting fresh with this project, here's what you need to do.

git clone
git checkout -b master
echo [YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN] > .githubtoken
npm install
npm start

NOTE: If you don't know about GitHub tokens see: Creating an access token for command-line use. You will need the public_repos and gist permissions for all plugins to work properly.

NOTE: GitHub provides several options for the location of your GitHub Pages source. gh-pages has been around the longest. See: User, Organization, and Project Pages

NOTE: If you attempt to run Jekyll with the configured modules, and no git repo in your current directory you will encounter some anomalies or errors after running npm start.

To release

git commit -am "message here"
npm run deploy

npm run deploy is simply a convenience alias for npm version minor. You can invoke npm version [patch|minor|major] yourself to add notes or increment a version other than minor.

npm requires that you have a clean repo (no modified local files) before running npm run deploy or npm version

Travis CI and testing

Some very basic tests are included in the __tests__ directory along with a .travis.yml file. If you choose to set up Travis CI remember to set the JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable in the settings for your repository.

Files and directories

  • _assets/javascripts/main.js - write your JS app using ES6, Babel (with transform-runtime handling polyfills), Uglify, Rollup.js and any selected framework libraries. Configure your build in the generated rollup.config.js.
  • _assets/stylesheets/main.scss - write your stylesheets using SCSS, PostCSS and any selected frameworks. Configure your PostCSS build in the generated postcss.config.js.
  • _assets/images - any images here will be automatically optimized via imagemin.
  • _assets/images/icons - any svg files placed here will automatically be compiled into a svg-sprite.
  • _assets/fonts - if you chose Bootstrap v3 Glyphicons will be copied here during install, otherwise use as you see fit.
  • .githubtoken - this is your API token. It is ignored by default. Don't commit it, unless you really know what you're doing!
  • _site/sitemap.xml - this is generated for you via the jekyll-sitemap plugin
  • _site/feed.xml - this is generated for you via the jekyll-feed


Several plugins are available (and active by default in this config) on GitHub Pages.