Unofficial Halite Engine / Environment / "Clone"
It's mostly for testing purposes. It allows you to load an HLT file at any turn (including turn 0) and have your bots play on from there. Sample usage:
reload.exe some_file.hlt 100 "ruby mybot.rb" "python" "foobot.exe"
This loads the HLT file at turn 100 and plays on from there, using the specified bots to generate the moves.
It is written in Go using only the standard library, and so should compile everywhere. It saves the new game as a new HLT file. The engine has been extensively tested for correctness. The source code for the combat/move resolution system is here.
Yes, this is basically a complete engine, except that without worldgen code, it cannot start a new game from scratch, but must load from an HLT file (possibly at turn 0).