Last updated on May 21, 2019. Thanks for visiting, I hope you have an amazing day! 😊
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💡 GitLab
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Expected Graduation: Spring 2021
- C
- C++
- SystemVerilog
- Python
- JavaScript
- x86 Assembly
- Java
- pandas
- D3.js
- Bootstrap
- Jupyter Notebook
- Quartus Prime
- ModelSim
- Visual Studio Code
- Eclipse
- Git
- Arduino
- JUnit
- Linux
- React.js
- Data Structures
- Linear Algebra
- FPGA Programming
- Traditional Art
- Organizational Leadership
- Project Management
All public projects can be viewed at my GitHub.
- Drafted and designed a map visualization to explore U.S. plant-based dining options with a focus on affordability and cuisines.
- Utilized pandas and Python to clean the original dataset and to parse the restaurant website list to obtain usable links.
- Generated an SVG path to draw an equirectangular projection of GeoJSON data for the U.S. with the help of D3.js.
- Created custom interactive tooltips to display useful restaurant information and to redirect viewers to further resources.
- Successfully redesigned and recreated a 2D car racing game on the FPGA for use with a VGA monitor and a USB keyboard.
- Designed all in-game sprites and wrote a Python script to map 24-bit colors to a palette for efficient use of On-Chip Memory.
- Created a finite state machine to control transitions between the start screen, game world, winner screen and end credits.
- Additionally, implemented multiplayer support for up to two players, world scrolling, collision handling, random obstacle generation, dynamic on-screen scores, smooth visual transitions between game states, and increasing game difficulty.
- Collaborated with a three-student team to design and implement an operating system using x86 Assembly and C.
- Developed interrupt handling with assembly linkage for exceptions and hardware interrupts (keyboard, RTC, PIT).
- Implemented full read-only file system functionality and supported execution of user-level programs.
- Designed a comprehensive set of unit tests to quickly find bugs and ensure proper functionality for all components.
- Automated a small-scale motion activated, efficient lighting system using Arduino.
- Successfully designed, implemented, & tested the full Arduino code.
- Significantly reduced energy consumption of the LED by taking advantage of Arduino’s millis().
- Used this same method to save 10$ on replacing our inconsistent motion detector.
- Creating a supportive office hours environment to help students master course material (x86 ISA, interrupt support, synchronization, file systems, VGA, scheduling) and overcome bugs and conceptual challenges when writing code.
- Using classification and regression trees to categorize ECE 391 Queue data and display insights on an interactive visualization.
- Managed an electronics lab of 40 students and helped them analyze and overcome technical challenges.
- Aided students with their final project designs involving sensors (including phototransistors and ultrasonic sensors) and provided insight and useful resources for students developing code for Arduino.
- Tutored high school students in Algebra/Algebra 2/Precalculus with a 100% course advancement test pass rate.
- Provided them with a fundamentally conceptual and visual understanding of any formulas and topics in the course and in applications of the course.
- Organizing technical workshops and company visits for WECE3 members to pick up new skills and interact with local startups.
This scholarship is given to a WECE3 member of high academic standing in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The Dean's List consists of the Top 20% of the UIUC College of Engineering.
James Scholar is UIUC's honors program.