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RsTx supports Stealth Addresses for Ethereum


  • Create a new master key-pair
  • Transfer funds to a master public key
  • Receive funds sent to a master public key
  • Scan the blockchain for new transactions (and receive them)


The RsTx architecture consists of the following repositories:

RsTx implements stealth addresses based on the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol. The implementation follows the mechanism described here.

Both sender and recipient must have an already generated key-pair. The recipient's key-pair will act as a base (master) key, used to calculate the new one-time keys.

After a successful transfer, the sender must communicate the Nonce point (which is logged after a transfer) to the recipient. The recipient later uses this point to generate the key for the received funds. Without the nonce point, it is not possible to generate the new key.

Once a transfer has been made, the nonce_point is broadcasted to the RsTx Smart Contract along with a bytes encoded encrypted form of the recipient's address. The encrypted_recipient is used by the recipients in their client to catch or ignore the new RsTx transactions.

Senders can simply run the scan command, with an additional block number filter to query RsTx transactions. The GraphQL schema is generated using The Graph Protocol, and the subgraphs can be found here in the RsTx Subgraph repository.

Getting started


  • Clone this repository
git clone
  • Install dependencies
cargo build
npm install -g ganache-cli
ganache-cli -a=20
  • Help related to the CLI
./target/debug/rs_tx_client --help
  • Create a new key-pair
./target/debug/rs_tx_client create -s ~/path/to/keys/directory
  • Transfer funds
./target/debug/rs_tx_client transfer -s ~/path/to/keys/directory -f <eth-address-to-send-from> -t <recipient-master-public-key> -v <eth-value-in-gwei>
  • Receive funds
./target/debug/rs_tx_client receive -s ~/path/to/keys/directory -a <eth-address-of-master-key> -n <nonce-point-as-provided-by-sender>
  • Scan Ethereum for new transactions
./target/debug/rs_tx_client scan -s ~/path/to/keys/directory -a <eth-address-of-master-key> -b <block-number-to-start-scan-from>


  • Recipient generates key-pair
mkdir .keys
./target/debug/rs_tx_client create -s .keys/
  • Recipient makes public their master public key (compressed form)
Secret Key: xxx
Public Key (Uncompressed): xxx
Public Key (Compressed): 03109b604bbe55ec2eefdb00828ba806dabedc0096d7f6857078e9365535b52812
Address: 0x20a291cdd831b721a7eef53f8b5a15817a2fced1
  • Sender generates key-pair
./target/debug/rs_tx_client create -s .keys/

------------ generated ------------
Secret Key: xxx
Public Key (Uncompressed): xxx
Public Key (Compressed): xxx
Address: 0x123456cdd831b721a7eef53f8b5a15817a123456
  • Sender transfers funds
./target/debug/rs_tx_client transfer -s .keys/ -f 0x123456cdd831b721a7eef53f8b5a15817a123456 -t 03109b604bbe55ec2eefdb00828ba806dabedc0096d7f6857078e9365535b52812 -v 1000000000000000000

-------------- log ---------------
Successfully transferred
Tx hash: xxx
Share this nonce point with recipient: 027dcf1ff03797edd8dbc46be97045e8f4fbf6629de08d73854058b8ebe669f3f9
nonce point (x) = xxx
nonce point (y) = xxx
  • Recipient generates new key-pair for the received funds
./target/debug/rs_tx_client receive -s .keys/ -a 0x20a291cdd831b721a7eef53f8b5a15817a2fced1 -n 027dcf1ff03797edd8dbc46be97045e8f4fbf6629de08d73854058b8ebe669f3f9

-------------- log ---------------
Successfully claimed receipt
Recipient address: 0xffa291cdd831b721a7eef53f8b5a15817a2fceff
Recipient balance: 1000000000000000000
  • Recipient can also simply scan the new transactions by running the scan sub-command (this runs as a daemon) The -b flag specifies which Ethereum block to scan from. If not provided, the client scans from the current block
./target/debug/rs_tx_client scan -s .keys/ -a 0x20a291cdd831b721a7eef53f8b5a15817a2fced1 -b 100


In detail here


Rust client to support Stealth Addresses for Ethereum








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