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JavaFX is a great toolkit for quickly building UIs that look and feel good. But if you have implemente UIs with JSF or JQuery etc, you might be used to a simple way of defining validation rules on UI input elements. fx-validation is an extension to fx-actions that lets you do just that: declaratively define validation rules on UI controls.

Validation Rules

At present, fx-validation supports these validation rules:

  • @FXRequired
  • @FXNumber(min=?, max=?)
  • @FXString(minLength=?, maxLength=?)
  • @FXNotNull
  • @FXValidation // for custom validator classes

How it works

The validation rules are applied to the fields in the controller. A sample controller might look like this one from the aeFXValidationTest demo application:

 * An example controller that illustrates the use of the aeFXValidation
 * framework.
 * @author Robert Rohm <>
public class FXMLDocumentController implements Initializable {

   * This textfield requires any input. It is provided a custom message.
  @FXRequired(required = true, message = "bitte eingeben!")
  private TextField tf1;

   * If you need internationalized messages, provide a resource bundle to the
   * ValidatorService: This annotation uses a key from the resource bundle as
   * message text.
  @FXRequired(message = "validation.messages.required")
  private TextField tf2;

   * This textfield uses string validation with a minimum and a maximum length.
  @FXString(minLength = 2, maxLength = 5)
  private TextField tf3;

   * This textfield is validated against a regular expresion and uses the
   * <code>messagePattern</code> attribute.
  @FXString(pattern = "[a-z]*", messagePattern = "Lowercase only ;-)")
  private TextField tf14;

   * This textfield requires input that can be parsed as a integer or float
   * value. The range of <code>double</code> is supported.
  private TextField tf4;

   * This textfield requires the input to be a number within a given range. You
   * may specify minima and maxima also as double values.
  @FXNumber(min = 5, max = 15)
  private TextField tf6;

   * The visibility of this textfield can be toggled, so it is only validated
   * conditionally when it is visible.
  @FXString(minLength = 2, maxLength = 5)
  private TextField tfVisible2;

  private Label label;

  private CheckBox cbEnableTf5;

  private CheckBox cbToggleVisibilityTf2;

   * Example: Message ID from the resource bundle gets picked up if present.
  @FXRequired(message = "validation.messages.required")
  private TextField tf5;

   * "NotNull" Validation for ChoiceBoxes is supported.
  private ChoiceBox chb1;

   * "NotNull" Validation for ComboBoxes is supported.
  private ComboBox cmb1;

   * "NotNull" Validation for DatePickers is supported.
  private DatePicker dp1;

   * You can also apply custom validators to a control, and implement your own
   * validation logic.
  @FXValidation(validation = CustomValidator.class)
  private TextField tfCustom;

   * This button is the "submit" button of the form - therefore it must be
   * constrained to be enabled only when all validation constraints have been
   * checked successfully.
  private Button button;

   * Alternatively to binding a submit button directly to the validation
   * results, you may bind a boolean property to them, that is used to bind
   * several control's "disable" properties to.
  private BooleanProperty isOK = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);


This example show the loading and initialization of a FXML UI with internationalization. If you need I18N support, you might provide separate property bundles, one for the FXML UI and one for the validation messages.

  public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    // Get the pre-configured controller factory:
    FXActionManager myActionControllerFactory = ValidatorService.createActionManager();

    // Load the FXMl with the controller factory
    FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
    Parent root = (Parent) fxmlLoader.load();
    Scene scene = new Scene(root);

    // Add the validation stylesheet - if you have not done so in the FXML

    // Load and set the resource bundle

    // Register all Label instances with the LabelService

    stage.setTitle("fx-validation I18N Test");


Declarative form validation for JavaFX / FXML forms







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