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Rob Sanchez edited this page Dec 7, 2014 · 4 revisions

Method #1: Composer Global Installation

The preferred installation method is to install globally with Composer. Refer the official composer documentation for more information on installing Composer globally. Run this at the command line:

$ composer global require eecli/eecli

Make sure your global Composer installation's bin folder is added to your PATH in your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) so that you may run the binary eecli from the command line:

export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH

To update when you have used this installation method:

$ composer global update eecli/eecli

Method #2: Homebrew Installation

If you are on a Mac and have Homebrew installed, you can install using the following commands:

$ brew tap rsanchez/eecli
$ brew install eecli

To update when you have used this installation method:

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade eecli

Method #3 Composer Local Installation

You can also install eecli locally. You may want to do this on a remote server, for instance. Run this at the command line:

$ composer require eecli/eecli

Then the command would be found in your vendor/bin folder, so you'd run this at your command line:

vendor/bin/eecli <command>

To update when you have used this installation method:

$ composer update eecli/eecli

Method #4 Phar Installation

You can download the phar executable yourself:

$ php eecli.phar <command>

To update, simply download the latest version of the phar.

Using MAMP?

If you are using MAMP, and Mac OS X's built-in command line PHP, odds are that your PHP is not configured to connect to your MySQL database. You will need to add MAMP's MySQL socket to your php.ini.

Use this command to find your php.ini location:

$ php --ini

If "(none)" is reported for "Loaded Configuration File", you'll need to create one. Mac OS X does not come with a php.ini by default. You can create one using this command:

$ cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini

Now you can edit /etc/php.ini. Find mysql.default_socket and/or mysqli.default_socket and set their values to /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock:


After saving, you should now see the MAMP's MySQL socket path in your configuration:

$ php -i | grep default_socket

The Drush documentation contains alternative methods for getting CLI PHP working with MAMP.

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