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Client UI

Spencer McIntyre edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 7 revisions

Keyboard Shortcuts

The King Phisher client offers a number of key board shortcuts for quick and convenient access to useful operations. The latest keyboard shortcuts are listed in the technical documentation.

Text Tables

Tables of text are used throughout the client for displaying a variety of useful information. These tables provide a common set of functionality for the users' convenience.

Copying Table Data

Users can copy information out of the table by selecting the desired row and using right click to open the context menu. Copying information out of rows using Ctrl+C works as well. Additionally many tables, such as those used in the Campaign tab, support multi-row selection. In this case copying information from these tables will result in multiple lines being copied to the clipboard.

Filtering Table Data

Some tables may have their data filtered with user-defined rule expressions. When available, these filters can be accessed from the context menu by selecting "Show Filter". Filter rules utilize the Rule Engine Syntax which is type aware. The variables available in these rules are the column names converted to snake_case, for example "Email Address" would be email_address and "Visitor User Agent" would be visitor_user_agent.

Example Filter Rules

  • In the Messages tab, show C-level executives that did not open the message

    • department =~ 'C..' and not opened

    This rule applies a regular expression (=~ 'C..') to the department field to match CEO, CFO, etc then checks that the opened field is NULL.

  • In the Visits tab, show repeat-visitors

    • visit_count > 1

    This rule leverages the fact that the visit_count field is an integer and applies an arithmetic comparison operation to it, matching when it is greater than one.

Setting An SFTP Client

The client can be configured to launch an external SFTP client which can be helpful for uploading content to the King Phisher server. By default, Filezilla is configured as the SFTP client and will be used if it is available. An arbitrary SFTP program can be configured in the Preferences dialog under the Client section.

NOTICE: Windows users will need to change the setting to include the full path to Filezilla in quotes such as:

"C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe" ...

Alternatively, an SFTP Client Plugin is available in the plugins repository which integrates more closely with King Phisher and provides additional features.

SFTP Client Arguments

Variables are available for use in the command used to launch the SFTP client. When used variables must be surrounded by brackets such as: filezilla sftp://{username}@{server}/. Note the use of single brackets instead of Jinja2-style double brackets.

The following variables are available:

Name Value
server The King Phisher server to connect to.
username The user that is logged into the server.
web_root The web root directory on the server.