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Client Plugins

Spencer McIntyre edited this page Nov 14, 2018 · 7 revisions

King Phisher version 1.3.0 introduced a plugin system to allow users to load additional functionality into the King Phisher client. Plugins are available from the king-phisher-plugins repository. Later, in version 1.9.0 a plugin publishing system was introduced to allow users to browse, install, update and manage plugins through the integrated Plugin Manager.

Installing Plugins

To install a locally plugin, copy the file into the $HOME/.config/king-phisher/plugins folder. The folder needs to be created if it does not already exist. After the plugin has been copied, open the Tools > Plugin Manager window to enable it.

The Plugin Manager Window

Some plugins may have compatibility constraints such as:

  • Minimum version of King Phisher
  • Minimum version of Python
  • System platform (for example, Linux or Windows)
  • Additional Python packages

Plugins which do not have their compatibility requirements met will not be able to be used. The specific requirements which are present and missing can be seen by clicking the "Compatible:" link within the "Plugin Information" section of the manager window.

Dependency Installation

Some plugins require additional Python packages to be installed in order to function. These packages must be installed in the King Phisher environment by running pipenv install $package from within the King Phisher installation directory.

Writing Plugins

To get started with writing a plugin, please see the developer documentation.